
  • 网络Phillip Futures;Futures Company
  1. 嘉陵期货公司经营管理体系研究

    Study on the Management System of the Jialing Futures Company

  2. 试析我国期货公司的风险管理

    Analysis on the Risk Management of the Futures Company in Our Country

  3. 基于J2EE的期货公司风险监管系统研究与实现

    Research and Implement of Futures Firms Risk-Supervision System Based on J2EE

  4. 我国期货公司经营效率的DEA评价

    Evaluation of the Operation Efficiency of Chinese Futures Companies by DEA

  5. 基于人工免疫FCM聚类算法的期货公司分类监管研究

    Research on Futures Companies Classification Based on Artificial Immune FCM Clustering Algorithm

  6. 券商控股的期货公司IB业务营销策略分析

    The Analysis of Marketing Strategies of Future Companies Held by Security Companies

  7. 正式制度和非正式制度综合作用,构成了对期货公司的监管制度体系。

    Form and informal institutions play cooperative effects on futures companies .

  8. 因为发展现状体现了我国对期货公司的监管政策导向。

    The regulation measures of futures companies reflect their growth prospects .

  9. 国内最大的期货公司市场全案服务供应方;

    Home biggest stock company market entire document service supplier ;

  10. 中国期货公司监管制度研究

    A Study of Chinese Futures Brokerage Firms ' Regulatory System

  11. TanaratPasawongse是华生恒黄金期货公司的管理主任。

    Tanarat Pasawongse is managing director of Hua Seng Heng Gold Futures .

  12. 试论期货公司核心竞争力评价体系

    Discussion on the evaluation system of the core competence in the futures company

  13. 而作为名义上的交易者和风险承担者&期货公司,面临的风险必然会越来越大。

    As the nominal trader and the risk takers , the futures companies face growing risk .

  14. 首席风险官向期货公司董事会负责。

    The chief risk officer is responsible to the board of directors of the futures company .

  15. 全面结算会员期货公司不得向非结算会员收取结算担保金。

    A general settlement member futures company shall not collect the deposits for settlement from non-settlement members .

  16. 并倡导期货公司要借助产品服务设计组合化、特色化、深入化、实用化来扩大经纪业务的差异性和提升竞争力。

    This paper advocates futures companies to use product service design to expand brokerage business difference and enhance competitiveness .

  17. 大量取消合约暗示购买存在,赵凯提到,深圳金锐期货公司分析员。

    " The jump in cancelled warrants implies buying occurred ," Zhao Kai , an analyst at Jinrui Futures Co.

  18. 因此银行理财产品的创新也受限于国内期货公司或者信托公司的设计水平能力。

    So the innovation of bank financial products is limited to design ability of domestic Futures Company or trust company .

  19. 在暂行规定实施之后,中国将只有期货公司仍然不能参与公募基金管理市场。

    With the recent announcement , only futures companies in China are still excluded from participating in the retail market .

  20. 全面结算会员期货公司应当确保交易结算报告真实、准确和完整。

    A general settlement member futures company shall guarantee the authenticity , accuracy and completeness of the transaction settlement report .

  21. 本文的研究成果将对我国期货公司操作风险控制机制的完善提供理论和实践依据。

    This paper will provide theoretical and practical basis for improvement in our futures companies ' operation risk control mechanisms .

  22. 未取得规定资格的期货公司及其从业人员不得从事期货投资咨询业务活动。

    Without obtaining the prescribed qualifications , a futures company and its employees shall not engage in the futures investment consulting business .

  23. 该专业的毕业生可在银行、证券公司、期货公司、保险公司和上市公司工作。

    The vocational graduates of this major may work in banks , securities companies , futures companies , insurance companies and listed companies .

  24. 本论文所设计出的薪酬方案,对期货公司进行经营理念、管理模式和薪酬制度上的改进有重要的借鉴意义和实践价值。

    In this thesis , the salary designs are an important reference to the futures company philosophy , management and pay system improvements .

  25. 如何加强风险管理、提高服务质量则是期货公司发展的重点。

    It is important that how to strengthen the risk management and improve the quality of service in the development of companies in futures .

  26. 期货公司为客户申请、注销各期货交易所交易编码,应当统一通过监控中心办理。

    Application for and cancellation of trading codes at various futures exchanges by futures companies shall be conducted through the CFMMC on unified basis .

  27. 全面结算会员期货公司可以根据非结算会员的资信及市场情况调整保证金标准。

    A general settlement member futures company may , according to the credit and market conditions of non-settlement members , adjust the deposit standard .

  28. 期货公司从事期货投资咨询业务的人员应当取得期货投资咨询业务从业资格。

    A futures company 's employees engaging in the futures investment consulting business shall obtain a professional qualification for the futures investment consulting business .

  29. 期货公司市场营销活动能否持续、稳定、健康地发展,一定程度上取决于对公司市场营销方案的设计与执行。

    The health and sustainability of future marketing activities , to some extent , depends on the design and implementation of the marketing program .

  30. 此前的套利,仅仅局限于学术的探讨,鲜见从期货公司创新业务、产业链企业转换经营模式等角度进行探讨的文章。

    Finally , the arbitrage , confined to academic discussion , is rarely seen from the perspective of futures company and industry chain enterprises .