
  • 网络Preferred Stock;preference share
  1. 优先股股票使其持有者比普通股股东享有某些优先权利。

    Preferred stock gives its owners certain advantages over com-mon stockholders .

  2. 如果像太阳风公司那样没有优先股股票并且普通股票也没有发生变化,每股收益的计算是简单的。

    If the corporation has no preferred stocks and no changes of common shares , as Solarwind corporation , the computation is simple .

  3. 据信,花旗集团正考虑一项计划,将超过150亿美元的信托优先股债务和股票的混合体转换成普通股。

    Citi is believed to be considering a plan to convert more than $ 15bn in trust preferred shares a hybrid of debt and equity into common stock .

  4. 根据双方正在商讨的新条款,这90亿美元将全部用于购买可转换优先股,这些股票最终将以预计为20美元至25美元的价格转换为普通股。

    Under the new terms being discussed , the entire $ 9bn would be in the form of convertible preferred stock , that would eventually convert into common stock at a price that is expected to be between $ 20 and $ 25 .

  5. 本周早些时候,监管部门宣布,企业将获准发行优先股来筹资。优先股是介乎股票和债券之间的一种混合资本工具。

    Earlier this week , regulators announced that companies would be allowed to issue preferred shares a hybrid between equity and debt to raise capital .