
  • 网络service competition
  1. 基于竞赛模型的外包服务竞争均衡分析

    An Equilibrium Analysis of Outsourcing Service Competition Based on Contest Theory

  2. 企业生存环境的变化,是服务竞争战略产生和提出的背景。

    The service competition strategy occurs in special environment and for special causes .

  3. 服务竞争时代的机场(续)(现代CI与民航之五)

    The Airport in the Service Competitive Time CI Today and Civil Aviation ( 5 )

  4. 这意味着所有WTO成员国均有权参与教育服务竞争,意味着国际教育贸易市场的形成。

    This means that all of the members of WTO can participate in the competition of the educational service , that the international trade in education market is taken in shape .

  5. 医疗服务竞争:市场结构、竞争强度及其作用分析

    Competition in Medical Care : Market Structure , Competitiveness and Effects

  6. 图书馆在未来信息服务竞争中的优势与策略

    The Libraries ′ Advantages and Strategies in the Future Competition in Information Service Industry

  7. 信息技术优势在航空气象服务竞争中的作用

    IT Advantage in Air Weather Service Competition

  8. 服务竞争与服务企业构建

    Service Competition and Service Company Construct

  9. 新医改环境下公立医院服务竞争战略研究

    Strategic Study on Service Competition of the Public Hospitals in the Environment of New Healthcare Reform

  10. 建筑施工企业的服务竞争

    Service Competition of Building Operation Enterprises

  11. 链与链基于价格和服务竞争的纵向结构与合同选择

    Choice of Vertical Strucutre and Contract under Chain to Chain Competition Based on Price and Service

  12. 在树立了服务竞争战略观之后,构建一个服务企业就成为企业的必然选择。

    Under the new strategy , it is the necessary choice to construct a service corporate .

  13. 我国电信业的这场深刻历史变革使电信业的竞争无可例外地进入了服务竞争阶段。

    The great history innovation made the national telecom industry go into the stage of service competition .

  14. 企业服务竞争浅析

    Service Competition among Enterprises

  15. 竞争的方式和手段包括制度供给竞争、资金供给竞争、人员服务竞争等。

    Institutional supply , financial support and personal service are some of the usual means used in competition .

  16. 对此,美国和欧盟官方曾经怀疑它怎样努力才能做一个榜样,怎样与国外的此种服务竞争。

    S.and EU officials have questioned how it can act as both regulator and competitor of foreign services .

  17. 现在国内移动通信领域的竞争重点已从原来的网络覆盖范围转向了业务竞争和服务竞争上来。

    The focus of the competition in mobile communication domain has shifted from network-cover scope to operations and services .

  18. 医疗市场竞争激烈,服务竞争已成为市场竞争的主要策略。

    Competition is fierce in the medical market , service competition has become the main strategy of market competition .

  19. 电信市场竞争的今天,已经从产品竞争、品牌竞争走向了服务竞争,服务质量直接影响着企业的利润、市场占有率乃至竞争优势。

    At present , competition of telecom market has been transferred from its product and brand to its service .

  20. 证券发行与承销方式的改革深化了证券业内的服务竞争;

    The deepened reforms in the fields of IPO and underwriting improves the service competitions in the securities industry ;

  21. 因此,继激烈的存款竞争和客户竞争之后,国际贸易结算业务领域成为新一轮银行服务竞争的焦点。

    So it has become a new competitive area for business banks now , after deposit competition and client competition .

  22. 铁路运输参与的不仅仅是速度的竞争,更是便捷的服务竞争。

    Not only in speed , but also in overall service of passenger the competition will be participated in the railway transport .

  23. 医疗市场的变化促使医疗服务竞争加大,对医院各级管理者提出了更高的要求。

    The changing of medical market intensifies medical service competition , and this demands more from the various levels of hospital administrators .

  24. 随着经济的不断发展与全球化,未来市场的竞争将更趋于向服务竞争聚焦。

    With the constant development of economy and globalization , the future market competition will be more tend to focus on service competition .

  25. 市场竞争经历了价格竞争、质量竞争和服务竞争,已过渡到品牌竞争阶段。

    Market competition through price competition , quality competition and the service competition , has made the transition to a stage of brand competition .

  26. 进入新世纪,随着市场竞争格局的变化,企业之间的竞争逐渐转向全面的服务竞争。

    Entering the new century , with the pattern shift in the market , the competition among companies gradually converted to comprehensive service competition .

  27. 首先,论文对研究所涉及的服务竞争战略理论和价值链理论作了详细的综述,为研究提供了必要的理论基础和依据。

    First , the paper introduced the value chain theory and the theory of competition strategy in detail to provide the necessary theoretical research base .

  28. 在这个过程中,市场竞争的主导方式也沿着价格竞争产品竞争服务竞争关系竞争的轨迹在转变。

    During this process , the predominant way of market competition is also changing on the path of " price competition product competition service competition relation competition " .

  29. 在此基础上,分析存在成本差异时的外包服务竞争均衡,对不同成本结构下的成本差异对竞争均衡的影响进行探讨。

    Then it analyzes the equilibrium of outsourcing service competition with asymmetric cost structure of suppliers , and studies the impact of cost asymmetry on equilibrium in each case .

  30. 回顾我国医疗市场近十年的竞争态势,大体经历了几个阶段:从设备竞争发展到技术竞争,从技术竞争发展到服务竞争,目前正从服务竞争发展到战略竞争。

    Based on-the competition situation in China medical market in recent 10 years , several steps have been gone through : from equipments to technology , from technology to service ;