
  • 网络Effective incentives;effective motivation
  1. 是什么原因使得GA公司的业绩增长出现缓慢态势呢?本文认为,缺乏对项目经理的有效激励是主要原因。

    What makes the trend of slow growth of GA ? The author thinks that the main cause is the lack of an effective motivation system for the project managers .

  2. 论企业管理中有效激励的方法

    Discussion on the Methods of Effective Motivation in Enterprise Management

  3. 从本质上讲,降低代理成本、有效激励人们的积极性、充分发挥企业家才能为MBO的存在提供了最基本的理论依据。

    In essence , reduction of agent cost , effective encouragement of the managements ' enthusiasm , and brings the capability of the entrepreneurs into fully play form the most fundamental ground of theory .

  4. 但如何为清洁能源的发展提供有效激励这个更大的问题,很可能成为solyndra丑闻的牺牲品。

    But the bigger question how to frame an effective incentive for the growth of clean energy may well be a casualty of the solyndra scandal .

  5. ISO9000注重中观的质量目标控制、工作程序和持续改进,OEC则注重微观的质量目标分解、结果控制和有效激励,如果将二者嫁接运用于学校管理,职业学校将大有作为。

    ISO9000 lays stress on quality goal control , working procedure and continuous improvement , while OEC pays attention to quality goal resolution , result control and effective encouragement . If we apply these two to school administration , vocational school will develop immensely .

  6. 有效激励机制的建立是保证民营企业保值、增值,实现健康发展的必要条件。

    Effective stimulation systems are necessary for the development of civil enterprises .

  7. 企业如何实现对员工的有效激励

    The effective way of exciting the staff in the enterprises

  8. 基于组织承诺理论的有效激励途径分析

    Analysis on the Effective Incentive Methods Based on Organizational Commitment

  9. 有盖中弱风化岩体的弹性波有效激励与信号检测

    Effective elastic wave stimulation and signal detection of Medium-To-Weak covered weathered rock

  10. 我国知识企业有效激励员工的问题研究

    Study on Knowledge Workers ' Motivation in Chinese Knowledge Corporations

  11. 有效激励对企业人力资源管理的重要作用

    The Important Role of the Effective Motivation in Enterprise 's Human Resource Management

  12. 让企业改善组织管理,学习如何有效激励部属。

    Assist enterprise to optimize organization management and learn how to motivate staff .

  13. 有效激励教师,加强水电学院的教育教学工作

    Effectively inspire teachers , strengthen education and teaching work of hydraulic and electric polytechnic

  14. 而人才的有效激励始终是企业管理者要面对的一个突出的重要课题。

    The talent incentive is a prominent topic facing enterprise managers all the time .

  15. 根据知识工作者的行为倾向,对其进行有效激励是改进知识工作的必要保证。

    To effectively inspire intellectual workers behavior is the guarantee of improving intellectual work .

  16. 实施有效激励提高管理成效

    Carry Out Effective Encouragement Improve Management Efficiency

  17. 对经营管理者有效激励机制的探讨

    Probing into Effective Stimulating Mechanism for Management

  18. 一个重要的原因,就是缺乏对企业高层经理人员即国有企业的有效激励和约束。

    An important reason is lack of an incentive and restraint mechanism for the executives .

  19. 实现员工有效激励是人力资源管理的关键问题之一。

    To encourage employees effectively is one of the key issues of human resources management .

  20. 其四,针对员工的有效激励因素进行人力资源开发利用机制的创新;

    Make good use of the effective factors of promotion to innovate the developing mechanism of HRM .

  21. 股权激励是经济发达国家在经济高速发展阶段普遍运用的有效激励手段。

    Equity incentive is an effective incentive way for the developed countries in their rapid economic developing period .

  22. 三是贷款人通过有效激励,鼓励守信的借款人。赫维茨的伟大观点被称为激励相容。

    Third the lender encourage the borrowers to repay the credit . His big idea was incentive compatibility .

  23. 有效激励的关键在公平,而公平激励的基础是准确的绩效评分。

    The key to effective incentive lies in fair , but the basis of fair is right performance evaluation .

  24. 对这一群体的有效激励是提升公务员队伍工作绩效的必要的、有效的途径。

    Effectively motivating these civil servants will become an essential and effective way to upgrade performance as a whole .

  25. 本文分析了医院在知识型员工激励过程中存在的问题,提出了应采取的有效激励措施。

    The author analyzes the problems in encouraging the personnel of learning type and suggests some effective encouraging measures .

  26. 运用委托&代理模型进行薪酬决策,达到对员工实施有效激励的目的。

    This paper uses delegate-agent model of salary decisions to achieve the purpose of effectively motivate employees . 6 .

  27. 作者认为,有效激励的标准维度是激励的效度和区分度;

    The author of the paper insists that the standard level of effective encouragement is that of validity and differentiation .

  28. 如何通过科研管理政策有效激励科研人员的科研热情、提高科研成果质量,是一个极具现实意义的研究课题。

    How to encourage the scientists who make great progress in scientific research is a good issue of realistic significance .

  29. 因此在这一模式下如何有效激励企业代建人,使其按照委托人的期望选择努力水平成为关键。

    So it is critical that how to spur him to select the effort level which is expected by the client .

  30. 如何有效激励银行代理人为委托人利益努力工作,是理论层面和操作层面均急需解决的重要而紧迫的问题。

    It is urgent and crucial to establish effective incentive mechanism to promote bank agents working hardly for principal 's benefits .