
  • 网络Effective listening;Active listening
  1. 有效倾听和同情是健康的沟通方式等关键要素。

    Effective listening and empathy are other key elements to healthy communication styles .

  2. 有效倾听不仅要依靠耳朵,还需要嘴巴的配合。

    Effective listening relies on the ears , in partnership with the mouth .

  3. 学习有效倾听的关键。

    Learn the key points of effective listening .

  4. 有效倾听的一部分就是要尝试站在和你讲话的人的角度。

    Part of effective listening is the effort to empathize with the person you 're speaking with .

  5. 有效倾听的部分不只是用上你的耳朵,还有提出合适的后续问题以提取更多信息。

    Part of active listening isn 't just lending your ear , but asking appropriate follow-up questions to draw out more information .

  6. 有效倾听不仅要依靠耳朵,还需要嘴巴的配合。提问之于倾听,就如同阴阳的相伴相生。

    Effective listening relies on the ears , in partnership with the mouth . Asking is to listening as yin is to yang .

  7. 想想两个人或两个团体由于不能做到彼此有效倾听,曾经导致过多少失败、误会、拧巴、碰撞、争论还有分歧。

    Think about the number of failures , misunderstandings , screw-ups , flare-ups , arguments and disputes which occur because two people or groups didn 't listen to each other effectively .

  8. 被评估者有效地倾听,并理解他人。

    The assessed listens effectively to understand others .

  9. 行动计画:每天早晨我将认定一个当天有可能发生的关键性谈话,承诺做出一个有效的倾听。

    Action Plan : Every morning I will identify one critical conversation likely to happen that day and make a personal commitment to listening effectively .

  10. 当我们意识到有效的倾听是多么重要时,我们才知道自己在很多方面都有所损失,这真是太糟糕了。

    And we are losing out in ways both large and small , which is too bad when we realize that good listening can be very valuable indeed .

  11. 组织应当策划并建立有效和高效地倾听顾客的声音的过程。

    The organization should plan and establish processes to listen effectively and efficiently to the " voice of the customer " .