
yuè xiàng
  • phase of the moon;moon;phase
月相 [yuè xiàng]
  • [phase of the moon] 月亮明亮部分的不同形状。主要的月相有四个,即朔、上弦、望、下弦

月相[yuè xiàng]
  1. 月相与冷空气活动预报

    The phase of the moon and forecast of cold air activities

  2. 在潮差逐日变化的半个朔望月的周期里,有朔望大潮,它与月相有关。

    In the tidal difference daily variations , there is a period of half lunar month of syzygy spring tides related to the phase of the moon .

  3. 台湾及邻区Mb≥4.0地震受月相调制的时空统计研究

    Lunar Modulation for M_b ≥ 4.0 Earthquakes in the Taiwan Area and Its Vicinity : Phenomena and Statistics in Temporal-Spatial Domain

  4. 磁静日Z变幅的月相效应

    Lunar phase - effect on amplitude variation of Z component on magnetically quiet days

  5. 采用误差反传前向网络(简称BP网络)方法,以日、月相概率作为输入因子,建立长期天气预报模型。

    A forecast model for long-term weather forecast is established in terms of a BP neural network using solar-lunar positions as input factors .

  6. 月相是一个免费的J2ME应用程序,显示您的手机目前的月相。

    Moon Phases is a free J2ME application that displays the current moon phase on your mobile phone .

  7. 分析了应用磁暴月相二倍法计算的发震时间与1991年12月&1994年11月间全球发生的MS≥7.5大震的对应情况。

    Analyses corresponding relation between origin time calculated by the two time method of magnetic storm related to lunar phase and M S ≥ 7.5 earthquakes from Dec.1991 to Nov.1994 in the whole world .

  8. 1α羟维生素D3两组与单纯钙剂组间治疗6个月和12个月相比较差异均有显著性(分别为P<005和P<001)。

    The lumbar BMD in two alfacalcidol treated groups were significantly higher than that of calcium alone group at 6 month ( P < 0 05 ) and 12 month ( P < 0.01 ) respectively .

  9. 燕山带地震频度的月相效应

    Lunar phase effect on earthquake frequency in the Yanshan seismic zone

  10. 你能说一下月相时表怎么工作吗?

    Can you explain how a moon phase watch works ?

  11. 中国北方强沙尘暴受月相调制现象初探

    A study on lunar modulation for typical strong sandstorm in North China

  12. 风暴潮灾与月相

    The disaster of storm surges and the phase of moon

  13. 最受保藏家欢迎的功能则是双标准时区、月相和计时器。

    The most popular functions among collectors are dual time-zones , moon-phases andchronographs .

  14. 对史前猎人们而言,月相的更迭就如同心脏跳动一般准确无误。

    To prehistoric hunters the moon overhead was as unerring as a heartbeat .

  15. 华北地震区强震与月相的关系

    The Relationship Between Strong Quakes in North China and the phase of Moon

  16. 台湾海峡7.3级地震余震活动的月相效应

    The effect of lunar phase on aftershock activity of Taiwan Strait earthquake with m_s7.3

  17. 我们把这些看到不同的样子称为月相。

    We call these varying views -- phases .

  18. 拖到相应的日期上,然后右击形状可设置月相。

    Drag onto the appropriate date , then right-click to set the moon phase .

  19. 华北地区及其地震带的强震活动与月相密切相关。

    Strong earthquakes correlate closely with lunar phases in North China and its seismic belts .

  20. 结果表明,月相盈亏对田径运动员创造优异成绩有一定的影响;

    The result shows that moon appearance full and eclipse has certain influence on performance .

  21. 月相变化与海城和唐山地震的孕育发生

    Some relations between the moon 's phase and the Haicheng earthquake and the Tangshan earthquake

  22. 地震活动的月相效应华南台风与月相

    The effect of lunar phase on seismicity relationship between South China typhoon and lunar aspects

  23. 地震活动的月相效应

    The effect of lunar phase on seismicity

  24. 因此,月相可以作为江南(华南)预测春季(前汛期)降水的一个重要的预报参考判据。

    Therefore , the relationships can be applied to operational predictions as an important reference .

  25. 华北地区地震活动的月相效应及其预测意义

    The effect of lunar phase of seismicity in North China and its significance to earthquake prediction

  26. 两种稻螟灯下蛾峰日与月相的关系

    Correlation of lunar phase to the peak dates of light catches of two rice borer species

  27. 月相是影响光诱鱿钓作业效率的重要因素之一。

    The month phase is an important factor affecting the fishing efficiency in the squid jigging fisheries .

  28. 在研究完成很久之后实验收集的数据才会和月相进行对比。

    The collected data was only compared to the moon phases long after the study was complete .

  29. 月相影响人类睡�

    Moon Cycles Affect Human Sleep

  30. 犹太古历的七月犹太历中一年中的第七个月,与尼撒月相对应

    " The seventh month of the year in the Hebrew calendar , corresponding to Nisan . "