
yuè quán shí
  • total lunar eclipse
月全食 [yuè quán shí]
  • [total lunar eclipse] 月球完全进入地球影子的本影中的月食

月全食[yuè quán shí]
  1. 报道说的是,2010年之前的最后一次月全食于周三晚上出现。

    The last total lunar eclipse until 2010 occurs Wednesday night .

  2. 这被称为月全食。

    This is called a total lunar eclipse .

  3. 据NPR新闻的亚当·科尔报道,这次月全食名为“血月”。

    NPR 's Adam Cole reports it 's called " a blood moon . "

  4. 天文课上,我们研究上次出现的月全食。

    In astronomy class , were examining the last full eclipse of the sun .

  5. 如果天气条件允许,北美及南美地区均可观测到本次月全食。

    Weather permitting , the total eclipse can be seen from North and South America .

  6. 他们研究星空中的一切现象,他们也观察到了日全食和月全食以及日偏食和月偏食。

    They studied everything in the sky and they also noticed both total and partial eclipses .

  7. 亚洲和美洲的大部分地区能够在未来数小时内观测到月全食。

    A total lunar eclipse will be visible across much of the Americas and Asia in the coming hours .

  8. 下次月全食的时间是2008年2月21日,届时美洲、欧洲和亚洲都能看到。

    The next total lunar eclipse occurs Feb.21,2008 , and will be visible from the Americas , Europe and Asia .

  9. 科学家介绍说这次奇观发生在星期四,月全食表面通常呈现出铜色。

    Scientists said the specific phenomenon happening on Thursday known as a deep lunar eclipse often exudes a coppery color .

  10. 图片中心的明亮辐射源据信是超新星爆发过程中产生的中子星。这时如果地球和月亮的中心大致在同一条直线上,月亮就会进入地球的本影,而产生月全食。

    The bright source at the center of the image is presumed to be a neutron star created during the supernova .

  11. 为了纪念今天的月全食,谷歌推出了一个特别的“涂鸦”,用实时视频流展示了这一自然景观的全过程。

    Google has marked today 's lunar eclipse with a special'doodle'and live video stream to show the progress of the natural phenomenon .

  12. 周三晚上的这次月食是2010年12月20号之前最后一次月全食。而去年一年就发生了两次。

    Wednesday 's event will be the last total lunar eclipse until Dec. 20 , 2010 . Last year there were two .

  13. 那么上一次人类在冬至时节看到月全食是什么时候呢?

    Then when was the last time that we had a total lunar eclipse occur on the same date as the winter solstice ?

  14. 在北美洲和南美洲,特别是在西方人们将看到今年出现的第二次月全食。

    The total lunar eclipse , the second this year , will be visible in North and South America , especially in the West .

  15. 如果能在月亮上看月全食,场景会更令人惊奇。

    He says if you could stand on the Moon and watch the total lunar eclipse , the view would be even more dramatic .

  16. 今晚,北美民众将有机会欣赏到三年来的首次月全食。

    Tonight for the first time in 3 years , people in North America will have a chance to see a total lunar eclipse .

  17. 这次的月全食总共只有4分43秒,美国宇航局称这是本世纪最短的一次。

    The total eclipse will only last four minutes and 43 seconds , and NASA says that makes it the shortest one of the century .

  18. 当然,下一次在这张表格中添加一张月全食照片的机会,将在2010年末。

    Of course , the next chance to add a total lunar eclipse to this grid will come at the very end of the decade .

  19. 在月全食阶段,月亮不会完全黑下来,因为穿过地球边缘的一些光仍能到达月球。

    During the full eclipse , the moon won 't be completely dark because some light still reaches it around the edges of the Earth .

  20. 而太阳、地球和月亮又几乎处于一条线上,月全食出现,导致满月比往常晦暗许多。

    A total lunar eclipse also occurs when the sun , Earth and moon are almost exactly in line , leaving the full moon appear much dimmer than usual .

  21. 洛杉矶-周三晚上将出现2010年以前最后一次月全食,届时土星和轩辕十四将伴其左右。

    LOS ANGELES - The last total lunar eclipse until 2010 occurs Wednesday night , with ? by Saturn and the bright star Regulus on either side of the veiled full moon .

  22. 北京时间明日凌晨2时24分,我们可以观测到近11年来时间最长的月全食,届时月亮会变成血红色。

    Stargazers and astronomers will be looking to the sky in the early hours of tomorrow morning as the Moon becomes blood red in the longest total lunar eclipse in more than a decade .

  23. 今年月亮首次月全食持续时间这么长,全球大部分地区的人都可以看到这种罕见的天体景象,除了美国和加拿大。

    The year 's first total eclipse of the moon lasts an unusually long time , a rare celestial treat for a majority of the globe , except if you 're in the United States and Canada .

  24. 如果地球没有大气层,月全食时我们会根本看不到月亮,但正因为有大气层的作用,我们才能看到这种红色月亮的奇观。

    If the Earth didn 't have an atmosphere , the Moon would be invisible during a total eclipse of the Moon because there would be nothing illuminating it , but because we have an atmosphere you get this quite eerie red glow , which is quite spectacular .