
  1. 因此,对月球资源的探测与开发极其重要。

    Therefore , the exploration and development of lunar resources are very important .

  2. 超低温热沉资源及月球资源。本文简要介绍这几种空间资源的利用和开发现状。

    This article summarizes the utilization and development status of these space resources .

  3. 月球资源探测信息的管理与可视化探讨

    Information management and visualization of the lunar resources exploration

  4. 浅谈多角度偏振遥感技术及其在探测月球资源中的应用

    The study of exploring major minerals on the lunar surface with multi-angle polarization technology

  5. 以开采月球资源,证明它们可以成为在轨道上可盈利的商业活动的基础。

    to mine the moon for resources , and demonstrate they can form the basis for a profitable business on orbit .

  6. 开发月球资源?呃?他们怎么干?一次弄一吨石头让飞船带回家?

    To take advantage of resources ? Huh ? What are they gonna do ? ship rocks down one ton at a time ?

  7. 开发月球资源,建立月球基地已成为世界航天活动的必然趋势和竞争热点。

    Thus , exploring the moon and establishing the moon base has become the inevitable trend of the world space activities and hot competition .

  8. 为了开发和利用月球资源,美国、俄罗斯等国家兴起新一轮世界性的重返月球热潮。

    In order to develop and use lunar resources , the United States , Russia and other countries rise a new round of " return to the moon " boom .

  9. 对月球资源和环境进行科学研究和探索,是迈向太空、了解其他星球的陌生环境、进行生活和工作的重要步骤。

    The most important of incinerate space detection is lunar detection . Scientific research and exploration of lunar exchequer and environment is important step to live and work at the strange environment of other planet .

  10. 月球某些资源的开发利用前景

    Prospect of Exploration and Utilization of Some Lunar Resources

  11. 书名:《月球:资源,未来发展,以及移民》第二版。

    The Moon : Resources , Future Development , and Settlement , 2nd Edition .

  12. 探测月球的资源、能源和特殊环境的开发利用及对人类社会长期可持续发展的支撑。

    Exploration and utilization of the lunar resources and its unique environments , and their signification for sustainable development of human being society .

  13. 月球表面水资源十分稀少。

    There 's a tiny bit of water on the surface of the moon .

  14. 这个开拓地——有可能在2030年前可供使用——将利用来自月球表面的自然资源进行建设,为科学、商业甚至是旅游业提供永久性的基地。

    This settlement - which could be available by 2030 - would be built using natural resources from the lunar surface to create a permanent base for the purpose of science , business , and even tourism .

  15. 此外,还有其他东西值得。研究,比如月球上有水冰资源吗?

    Besides , there are other things worth investigating , like is there water ice on the moon ?

  16. 月壤厚度的研究对未来月球探测、登月与月球资源开发均具有十分重要的意义。

    Research on lunar soil thickness is very important in lunar exploration , human lunar landing and lunar resource exploitation in the future .

  17. 两国将协同实施中国的“嫦娥七号”月球极地探测任务和俄罗斯“月球—资源-1”轨道器任务合作。

    The two nations will work together to carry out China 's Chang'e 7 lunar landing mission and Russia 's Luna-Resurs-Orbiter mission .

  18. 月球是离地球最近的天体,所以对月球资源及蕴藏量进行研究和探索,是迈向地球以外,了解其他星球的重要一步。

    The investigation and exploration of the source and reserves on the Moon is the key step to research other planets out of the Earth since it is the nearest objects from the Earth .

  19. 21世纪月球探测的主要趋势是建立月球基地,开发利用月球的矿产资源、能源和特殊环境,为人类社会的可持续发展发挥长期而有效的支撑作用。

    The establishment of the lunar base is the main trend of the lunar exploration and detection in the 21st century , because the exploration and utilization of the lunar mineral resources , energy and specific environment will effectively support the sustainable development of human society .

  20. 精确的月球重力场也是研究月球内部构造、月球演化历史,以及开发月球资源的基础信息。

    In addition , the accurate lunar gravitational field is the essential information of studying the lunar internal structure , the evolution history and the exploitation of moon 's resource as well .