
yuè zhōng
  • Mid month;the middle of a month
月中 [yuè zhōng]
  • [middle of a month] 每月的中间几天

月中[yuè zhōng]
  1. 在过去的六个月中,病人的病情已经有所缓解。

    The patient has been in remission for the past six months .

  2. 在以后的几个月中这个就要出问题。

    This will create problems in the months ahead .

  3. 在过去的几个月中你的乐观态度已经大为动摇。

    Your optimism has been badly shaken over the past months .

  4. 过去7个月中废旧货市场一直起伏不定。

    The junk market has been unsettled for the past seven months .

  5. 更低的费率意味着各公司更有可能在未来的几个月中大幅获利。

    Lower rates mean that firms are more likely to rack up profits in the coming months

  6. 在接下来的6到12个月中,出口也许是经济中的唯一亮点。

    Exports may be the only strong point in the economy over the next six to 12 months

  7. 在以后的三个月中,我们歼灭了大约二十五个旅。

    We destroyed about 25 brigades in the next three months .

  8. 由于我已缴了应纳的税和孩子们的学杂费,在以后的6个月中我将债台高筑。

    Now that I 've paid the tax demand and the children 's school fees , I 'll be head over heels in debt for the next six months .

  9. 在过去12个月中,尼日利亚饱受经济萎缩、货币贬值及燃料持续短缺之苦。

    In the past 12 months , Nigeria has suffered from a shrinking economy , a sliding currency , and a prolonged fuel shortage .

  10. 过去三个月中有180万人失业,人们迫切希望尽快提振经济。

    With 1 . 8 million jobs lost in the last three months , there is urgent desire to boost the economy as quickly as possible .

  11. 预计8月中下旬,黄河、海河、长江部分河段可能发生超警洪水,台风降雨可能引发区域性暴雨洪水。近期我国西南、长江中下游等地局部暴雨洪水频发。

    Water levels are likely to exceed the warning levels in some sections of the Yellow River , Yangtze River and Haihe River in mid-to-late August , with typhoons triggering regional downpours and floods .

  12. 在过去的三个月中,中央欧洲(centraleurope)的政治态势已变得吵闹不堪。

    In the past three months , the politics of central Europe have turned turbulent .

  13. 近几个月中,出现了一些功能全面的项目,用于为Web应用程序开发用户界面工具箱。

    In recent months , several full-featured projects for developing user interface toolkits for Web applications have emerged .

  14. 在这个Web站点开始使用的第一个月中,接听到的服务电话明显减少了。

    In the first month that the Web site is live , the number of service calls actually goes down .

  15. 美国图书馆协会(AmericanLibraryAssociation)数字内容工作小组(DigitalContentWorkingGroup)联席主席罗伯特・沃尔温(RobertWolven)称,过去18个月中读者的需求急剧增长。

    Robert Wolven , co-chair of the American Library Association 's Digital Content Working Group , says demand has increased significantly in the past 18 months .

  16. 在这个月中,cameron将讲解解决这个问题的技术性办法。

    This month , Cameron explains technical fixes that address the problem .

  17. 新样式的白金级、金级及银级WRAP证书将从2010年8月中开始发放。

    WRAP will start issuing the new look Platinum , Gold and Silver certificates from mid-August , 2010 .

  18. 美国的VikingGlobalEquities基金至8月20日的一个月中下跌了0.85%。

    In the US , the Viking Global Equities fund was down 0.85 per cent for the month as of August 20 .

  19. 这也迫使印度储备银行(ReserveBankofIndia)在过去的18个月中连续11次上调基准利率。

    Inflation rates of 9.22 % , among the highest levels in Asia , have prompted the Reserve Bank of India to raise rates 11 times in the last 18 months .

  20. 小布什(GeorgeW.Bush)上任后的42个月中,失业率从4.2%升至5.5%,涨了1.3个百分点;

    During George W. Bush 's first 42 months in office , it rose 1.3 percentage points , from 4.2 % to 5.5 % ;

  21. 史密斯建议,跟踪你过去一个月中的消费习惯,努力找出其中可存入401(k)账户的2%的花销。

    Track your spending habits over one month and try to find 2 % of your expenses that you can use for 401 ( k ) contributions , says Mr. Smith .

  22. 在佩里乐队制作Pioneer的8个月中,金伯利和她的两个弟弟里德和尼尔面对着很多挑战。

    During the 18 months The Band Perry spent working on Pioneer , Kimberly and her younger brothers Reid and Neil faced some challenges .

  23. 伦敦古董酒公司(AntiqueWine)首席执行官史蒂芬•威廉姆斯(StephenWilliams)称,在过去6个月中,美国已经成了一个主要的供应市场。

    Stephen Williams , chief executive of Antique Wine , said the US had become " a major source market " over the past six months .

  24. 结果:在15个月中,16例食营静脉曲张破裂出血病人作了EVL。

    RESULTS During a 15-month period , 16 patients with bleeding varices had EVL .

  25. 本月初刚发布的WebSphereApplicationServerV6.1就是一个“.0”(6.1.0)软件版本,将在今后的几个月中进行维护。

    Let 's use WebSphere Application Server V6.1 , which was just released earlier this month ; it is a " dot zero "( 6.1.0 ) software release and will be for a few months .

  26. 所以在接下来的几周和几个月中,我告诉了Emma三个每个二十几岁的人,不论男女,都应该听到东西。

    So over the next weeks and months , I told Emma three things that every twentysomething , male or female , deserves to hear .

  27. NP组在术后1~4个月中鼻道黏膜iNOS表达机率逐渐减少,大多数可见弱阳性表达。

    In the NP group , the rate of the iNOS expression decreased gradually in 1 ~ 4 months after the operation with most expression feeble positive .

  28. 这九个月中,IBM回购这批股票的平均价格约为167美元&根据巴菲特刚刚宣布的数据,他在3月份至11月之间建仓的平均成本与此恰好一样。

    IBM 's cost-per-share for the stock it repurchased in those nine months was about $ 167 & just what Berkshire 's cost is on the facts that Buffett has announced for the March-into-November period .

  29. 在接下来的几个月中,Xproc将会进入第二次LastCall,这意味着您会在2008年末看到一个W3C建议。

    XProc is expected to go into a second Last Call sometime in the coming months , which seems to indicate that you might see a W3C recommendation before the end of2008 .

  30. 穆迪(Moody's)企业研究主管肯尼斯•埃默里(KennethEmery)表示:在未来数月中,违约率肯定将会上升。

    Kenneth Emery , director of corporate research at Moody 's , said : Default rates will definitely rise in the coming months .