
  1. 她还没学会开车,却老央求他让她试试。

    She hadn 't learned to drive , but she had kept going on at him to let her try .

  2. 麦迪却老得很快,很可能不久就会退役。

    TMac is a aging fast and could very well retire soon .

  3. 但却老望着后视镜。

    But he keeps looking into the rearview mirror .

  4. 至于其余的人,他们却老待在那种终年不亮的沉沉黑夜里。

    As for the rest of mankind , stagnating night rests upon them .

  5. 而我却老得太快,你知道吗?

    But I 'm getting older , you know ?

  6. 《跨越大陆》虽然发表了他的《钟声激越》,却老不寄支票来。

    Though the TRANSCONTINENTAL had published " The Ring of Bells ," no check was forthcoming .

  7. 却老壮骨片对家犬的长期毒性试验研究

    An Experimental Study on Long-Term Toxicity of Que Lao Zhuang Gu Pian ( QLZGP ) in Dog

  8. 但却老开这破车,可把我害苦了。

    And every year , you turn up with this and I have to work my ass off .

  9. 这老家伙视力非常差。但却老望着后视镜。

    The old guy is as Blind as a Bat . But he keeps looking into the rearview mirror .

  10. 我印象中他是个年轻人,但事实上他却老得多。

    I had the impression that he was a young man , but he turned out to be much older .

  11. 我却老放他鸽子现在你居然要我去吃兔子我快疯了好不好

    But I 've been blowing him off.And now you want me to eat bunnies.And I 'm kinda freaking out , ok ? !

  12. 去体育馆的路上,迈克唠叨个没完,我却老走神,没听进去多少,而且体育课也没强到哪里去,我同样也是老分心。

    I couldn 't concentrate on Mike 's chatter as we walked to Gym , and PE . didn 't do much to hold my attention , either .

  13. 他是个聪明的选手,但却缺乏老对手的体力。

    He 's an intelligent player but lacks the muscle of older competitors .

  14. 四小姐却明白老太爷要的是什么。

    Only Huei-fang understood what it was her father wanted .

  15. 你长大了,父母却在老去。

    You grow up , parents are old .

  16. 苏格兰有巫婆三重唱,巴黎却有老妈妈四重唱。

    Scotland has trios of witches , Paris has quartettes of old gossiping hags ;

  17. 虽然他很年轻,但是他看起来却很老,而且他非常无趣。

    Though he must be quite young , he seems like an old person . He 's so boring .

  18. 后来才陡然发现,虽然肉体未曾老去,但灵魂却早已老去。

    Only later did I suddenly found that , although the body did not grow old , but the soul has long been growing old .

  19. 岁月如指间的流水一样滑过,不觉间我们已长大,而树却渐渐老去,甚至新发的树叶都不再充满生机。

    Years such as the fingers over the water , like , before I knew it , we have grown up , while the tree is gradually aging , and even the new leaves are no longer the hair full of vitality .

  20. 张莉能够被这么好的学校录取,张勇一家人起初都为她感到骄傲。但是现在,张勇却担心老了之后没有人照顾他和他60多岁的妻子朱静。

    At first , he and his family were so proud that Zhang Li got accepted to a great school , but Zhang Yong now says he is concerned nobody will care for him and his 60-year-old wife , Zhu Jing , in their old age .

  21. 从我下定决心追求幸福而不是等幸福自己掉下来那时起,一切变得好快:.那时该做的是起床、走到外面,然后看看生活有多么美妙,我却反而老待在屋里闷闷不乐、自怨自艾。

    Everything changed so quickly when I made up my mind to pursue happiness instead of waiting for it to fall in my lap . I used to mope around the house all the time feeling sorry for myself when all I had to do was get up , go outside and see how beautiful life can be .

  22. 你年轻,却会变老。

    You are young , then you are old .

  23. 我发现我正在慢慢成长,你们却在慢慢老去。

    I found that I was slowly growing and you were slowly growing old .

  24. 你看起来像我却有点老,你看起来像我却更胖。

    You 're like me but old . You 're like me but fatter .

  25. 他很老了,却仍在老肯特路旁画画。

    He 's an old man , but he still operates off the old Kent road .

  26. 就算时间一页页地翻过去,我对你的爱却永远不会老去。

    Even if the time turns the page , my love on you will not age at all .

  27. 汤姆尽管看不清,但却感觉到老太太是瞪着眼睛在跟希德讲话。

    Tom felt the glare of the old lady 's eye , though he could not see it .

  28. 松花蛋,中国松花蛋&并非像听上去那么老,但它们尝起来却像这么老。配着腌姜或在粥中煮一下,松花蛋作为一道刺鼻的开胃菜深受中国人欢迎。

    Century eggs are popular among the Chinese as a pungent appetizer served with pickled ginger , or cooked in congee .

  29. 现在我长大了,外婆却越来越老,她站在那里,像一小截地基倾斜的土墙

    Now I have grown up , she is growing old , she stood there , like a small cross-sectional foundation inclined wall

  30. 这位衣着破旧但却整洁的老绅士接过勺子,开始急切地一只接一只地品尝起布丁来。

    The elderly gentleman , who was poorly but neatly dressed , accepted the spoon and began eagerly sample one after another of the puddings .