- 【人名】Enoch

Section of Enoch , shaped his writing characters , too cool .
Keep eternity 's goal in sight by walking daily in God 's light .
Jared lived one hundred and sixty-two years , and became the father of Enoch .
What have you learned from the four verses describing the whole life of Enoch ?
And his great grandfather was Enoch , a man who walked with God closely .
Still Enoch walked with God .
Cain lay with his wife , and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch .
Today while you and I are enjoying Enoch 's story , Enoch is enjoying Heaven !
Cain was then building a city , and he named it after his son Enoch .
Enoch was the first to invent books and writing , much like Thoth the scribe .
Rev Enoch Lam shares with us in his unique humorous way biblical stories and modern life .
Methuselah would have been about 300 years old when an amazing thing happened to his father Enoch .
What 's interesting enough , he takes out the quotation from Enoch , he doesn 't have that .
So we have different documents called the Apocalypse of Enoch or the Revelations of Enoch , or Enoch itself .
Some scholars believe that Prophet Idris ( Enoch in the Bible ) was the same as the Egyptian god Osiris .
The ancient Greeks declare that Enoch is the same as Mercury / Hermes Trismegistus writing the Emerald Tablets of Thoth .
The Analysis of Philosophy by German Romanticists in Literature A preliminary analysis of the philosophical interest of Novalis ' and Holderlin 's Work
As we have discussed , after the Fall , the first one about whom it was said that walked with God was Enoch .
The speed of parasite clearance and cure rate of artesunate and quinine dihydrochloride after intravenous administration against Plasmodium knowlesi in Rhesus monkeys were compared .
The Russian kingdom is small and isolated and at the start of the grand campaign is centered solely on the capital city of Novgorod .
Although Enoch only lived 365 years , his son Methuselah lived longer than any other person in the history of the world , 969 years !
We are also told that he was a prophet of God and spoke against the ungodliness that was so widespread in the earth ( Jude 14-15 ) .
Enoch , the seventh from Adam , prophesied about these men : " See , the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones " .
Beginning with the institution starting international trade theory by North , this paper combs product specialization system in East Asia and establishes an institution-specialization framework to explain the imbalance .
Notice what he 's doing , he 's quoting Enochic literature , which isn 't in our Bible , as if it is also true prophecy and scripture from Enoch .
Neo-liberalists take it as a starting point of political thinking , forming new contract hypothesis with John Rawls as its representative and Anti-contract hypothesis with Robert Nozick as its representative .
The image of the Messiah described by John is similar to the " Son of Man ," as described especially in the Book of Enoch and about whom Jesus later spoke .
Then it relies on the institutional change theory of North and path dependence theory , revealing the evidence for the path choice during the agricultural insurance system change and the theoretic reasons for poor performance .
And Cain had connection with his wife and she became with child and gave birth to enoch : and he made a town , and gave the town the name of Enoch after his son .
Because of the continuous prosperity of textile industry and the handicraft industry of Norwich and East Anglia , Great Yarmouth as the outer harbor of which area , which had corresponding reforming in this time .