
  1. 看看他最得意的就业刺激举措吧,也就是本月即将与他碰面的就业与竞争力委员会(JobsandCompetitivenessCouncil)。

    Just look at his most prominent jobs initiative , his jobs and Competitiveness Council , which will meet with him at the White House this month .

  2. 至于Rovio公司最得意的成就,当然得算传闻中正在筹备的《愤怒的小鸟》电影版。

    Talks of an Angry Birds movie , of course .

  3. 改善当地公园是市长最得意的工程。

    Improving the local park is the mayor 's pet project .

  4. 他细述了他最得意的一个问题。

    He dwelt at length on one of his favorite subjects .

  5. 这是他最得意的时光,整个场面由他控制。

    Now he is in his glory , dominating the scene .

  6. 亨德里克小姐很喜欢你你是她最得意的学生

    Miss Hendricks loves you . You 're her best student .

  7. 这是他最得意的弱点,他也很珍视这个弱点。

    It was his pet weakness and he cherished it .

  8. 我觉得这是我们做的最得意之事。

    I think it was the best thing we did .

  9. 克伦普夫人,这是我们最得意的门生。

    Our finest pupil ever , Mrs. Krump . Uh-oh .

  10. 我想他算是老师最得意的学生了!

    I think he is the teacher 's favorite student !

  11. 我们在听又一位细心的园艺师谈他最得意的理论。

    We were listening to yet another careful gardener with his pettheories .

  12. 事业上最得意的时期。

    The most exciting phase of one 's career .

  13. 你自己的设计工作,哪些项目是你最得意的?

    Of your own design work , what project are you most proud of ?

  14. 这是你最得意的一天?

    It 's a banner day for you ?

  15. 真的,这是你最得意的时刻。

    Really , the world is your oyster .

  16. 那将是我最得意的作品。

    It 's my most favorite one .

  17. 马上就要失去你最得意的爪牙了。

    About to lose his favorite pawn .

  18. 柯帕乌报以最得意的微笑。

    Cowperwood returned his most winning beam .

  19. 在这方面的努力,就不会有计划是神圣不可侵犯或视为最得意的项目。

    In this effort , there will be no sacred cows , and no pet projects .

  20. 她最得意的时候已成过去。

    She has passed her zenith .

  21. 在您的所有作品中,哪件作品是您最得意的?

    In : Among all your works , which one ( s ) is your favorite ?

  22. 而《浮生六记》就是他最得意的翻译之作。

    Among which Six Chapters of a Floating Life is considered to be his best translation .

  23. 当然了,愚人节是艾普尔一年中最得意的一天。

    And of course , April Fool 's Day was April 's favorite day of the year .

  24. 斜长石是很少见的矿石种类,因为在我所收藏的样本中,这些斜长石样本是我最得意的藏品。

    Many plagioclases are very rare , so I 'm particularly proud of the variety in my collection .

  25. 她最得意的就是这种安排,但孩子们则“极度不满”。

    She is most proud of this arrangement , but the children are " ferocious with discontent " .

  26. 我自己也曾经有过一个类似的具有讽刺意味的经历,故事来自于我的一场最得意的官司。

    I had a similar ironical experience which has the effect of taking my greatest victory from me .

  27. 印象深刻!你们成功的摧毁了我最得意的造物,我本以为这是不可能的。

    Impresive ! you managed to destroy what my most terific creation , a task I thought impossible until now .

  28. 颜回是孔子三千子弟中最得意的弟子,是中国传统文化的重要代表人物之一。

    Yan Hui was the most favored disciple of Confucius , and one of the important master in Chinese traditional culture history .

  29. 它不完全是简历,而是五六段标准化文字,记录某人到目前为止最得意的成就。

    Not quite a CV , it is a standard five to six paragraphs documenting the subject 's proudest achievements to date .

  30. 实际上我上本科时做的最得意的事,恰当地说,就是把这门课的成绩看成及格和不及格两种。

    In fact one of the frankly best things I ever did as an undergraduate was , perhaps fittingly , take this course pass-fail .