- 网络Mishael

And Daniel went to his house and gave his friends hananiah , mishael , and Azariah the news .
Then said Daniel to Melzar , whom the prince of the eunuchs had set over Daniel , Hananiah , Mishael , and Azariah
Daniel , Haniah , Mishael and Azariah were probably about 15 or 16 years old when they were captured and taken to Babylon .
Yes , Daniel , Hananiah , Azariah and Mishael were not present with those who appeared before the king because they were very different from them .
And the king had talk with them ; and among them all there was no one like daniel , hananiah , mishael , and azariah ; so they were given places before the king .
And the leader of the eunuchs gave them names : he gave Daniel the name belteshazzar ; hananiah , the name shadrach ; mishael , the name meshach ; and azariah , the name abed-nego .
Daniel means ? God is my judge . " Hananiah means ? The Lord is gracious . " Mishael means ? Who is like God ? " and Azariah means ? The Lord has helped . "
And Moses sent for Mishael and elzaphan , the sons of uzziel , the brother of aaron 's father , and said to them , come near and take your brothers away from before the Holy place , outside the tent-circle .
The book of Daniel , chapter 1 , verse 19 says , " And the king communed with them ; and among them all was found none like Daniel , Hananiah , Mishael , and Azariah : therefore they stood before the king .
Meanwhile , can you guess what Daniel did ? He went straight to his house and told Hananiah , Azariah , and Mishael the whole story and asked them to pray with him that God would show mercy and reveal this secret thing to them .