
  • 网络Final Crisis
  1. 自杀干预首先要制订治疗性干预计划,然后合理应用治疗技术,最终解决危机。

    The suicide intervention must establish treated intervention plan first , then reasonable application treatment technique , solve the crisis finally .

  2. 有限理性由于有限一度使危机有转化成战争的危险,也由于理性最终使危机得以和平解决。但对教育现代性的合理性危机还可从合理性的元理论视角进行分析。

    However , because of the rationality , the crisis finally ended peacefully . The crisis can analyses from the perspective of meta-theory of rationality .

  3. 艾森豪威尔在苏伊士运河危机中采取了和平解决苏伊士运河危机的外交决策并围绕这一决策开展了一系列外交努力,最终促使危机和平解决。

    Eisenhower carried out a peaceful solution to the Suez crisis . He also carried out a series of diplomatic efforts which leading to the peaceful settlement of the crisis finally .

  4. 早在上世纪90年代中期,他就曾警告我要提防证券化风险,正是证券化带来了次级债、债务担保凭证(CDO)和其他很多最终引发金融危机的“创新”。

    Back in the mid-1990s , he warned me about the dangers of securitization , the process that created subprime mortgage bonds and CDOs and many of the other " innovations " that led to the financial crisis .

  5. 公司最终度过了危机,年度销售额也增长至2.5亿美元。

    The company survived & and Conley grew it to $ 250 million in sales .

  6. 调控措施的空缺导致疏忽的发生,最终导致这次危机的发生。

    Gaps that permitted the kinds of reckless waste taking andir responsibility that lead to the crisis .

  7. 那些存款大部分流向那些蒙蔽了人们双眼的房屋抵押贷款,用于购买定价过高的房子,最终导致金融危机。

    Much of that money went into dodgy mortgages to buy overvalued houses , and the financial crisis was the result .

  8. 并且表外负债的风险随着金融衍生品这一链条而传递开来,最终引发次贷危机。

    And the risk of off-balance-sheet liabilities transmits along with the financial derivatives chain , and eventually led to the subprime crisis .

  9. 在农业文明特别是工业文明时期,人们改造自然的能力提高了,但还没有提高到能真正控制自己活动的地步,人的活动开始对自然造成破坏,最终引发生态危机。

    In the agricultural civilization , especially the industrial civilization , human capacity of transforming the nature improved , but not really up to the point of control over its own activities .

  10. 从世界范围内来看,历史上曾发生过多次资产价格泡沫破灭,最终引发经济危机的案例。

    But the resulting problems are causing widespread attention . From the world view , there are many cases of economic crisis caused by the burst of asset price bubble in history .

  11. 而投资行为所具有的外部性导致了过多的资本流入东亚地区,使得该地区的资本效率降低并出现不可持续经常帐户逆差,最终导致货币危机的发生。

    The externality of investment was the cause of overabundance of capital inflows , which gave rise to low capital efficiency and unsustainable current account deficit , and finally , currency crises took place .

  12. 要克服这三个障碍,最终化解朝核危机,就必须通过六方会谈的方式结束朝鲜半岛的冷战状态,要求相关各方彻底摒弃冷战思维,树立合作安全的新观念,建立东北亚多边安全机制。

    In order to conquer these difficulties , we should continue to hold the six-side Beijing conference , abandon the cold war thoughts completely , foster cooperative security ideas , and establish the multilateral security mechanism in Northeast Asia .

  13. 如何化解和防范我国商业银行不良信贷资产、促使贷款债权实现,最终避免金融危机的发生,是学者和金融工作者一直在研究的问题,并发表了许多看法。

    The question of how to avoid and eliminate unhealthy credit funds in Chinese commercial bank in order to realize creditor 's right and to avoid financial crisis has long been attracting the interest of scholars and financial workers ' study .

  14. 利用碳纳米管来进行生物测定的应用正在取得快速进展。利用纳米碳管的吸附特性,制备储能物质,最终解决能源危机和环境污染问题,是各国政府都在下大本钱在做的事情。

    Each government is exerting their utmost to solve the energy crisis and the environmental pollution problem by the preparation of the energy storage material using the adsorptive characteristic of carbon nanotubes . The application on biological detection has been progress badly based on carbon nanotubes .

  15. Sunbeam的股票期权承诺,引发了季度末的激进行为,后来还加剧了系统性的疲弱,最终导致了金融危机。

    Stock option promises fuelled aggressive end-quarter behaviour at Sunbeam , and , since then , have contributed to systemic weaknesses that led to the financial crisis .

  16. 最终,这场危机和传染结束了吗?

    Finally , is this the end of the story of crisis and contagion ?

  17. 我以为,最终会是金融危机更重要一些。

    My guess is that it will be the financial crisis that ends up looming larger .

  18. 银行业危机的发生很大程度上是由于金融资产泡沫破灭使银行产生巨额的不良资产,从而最终使银行业危机爆发。

    To a great degree , the banking crises broke out because the bubbles of asset burst .

  19. 风险则随着杠杆率上升不断积聚,最终引发全球金融危机。危机带来的负向冲击及其对风险偏好的调整,将修复导致失衡的机制从而使全球经济的再平衡成为可能。

    With the leverage rise is an accumulation of risk , which ultimately leads to the global financial crisis .

  20. 最终,这场危机还是需要在政治和财政层面(而不是货币层面)解决。

    Ultimately , this crisis needs to be solved at the political and fiscal level , not the monetary one .

  21. 最终,假如信贷危机蔓延至公司、消费者和市政债务,政府将采取更大力度、更加广泛的救援行动。

    Eventually , assuming the credit crisis radiates out into corporate , consumer and municipal debt , a much bigger and more comprehensive bail-out is coming .

  22. 亚洲区缺乏一个发展完善的债券市场,正是市况极度波动,最终引发亚洲金融危机的其中一个主要原因。

    The absence of a developed bond market in the region was one of the main factors behind the extreme volatility that precipitated the Asian financial crisis .

  23. 在美国广播公司这个星期的节目中,保尔森对金融市场会最终走出目前的危机表达了他的信心。

    During an appearance on ABC 's This Week program , he expressed confidence that the financial markets would work their way out of the current crisis .

  24. 在量变引起质变以前,经济发展的良性循环能够不断演绎下去。随着财富的不断积累,社会生产关系对经济的制约作用越来越明显,最终必然会导致危机的爆发。

    With the continued accumulation of wealth , social relations of production constraints on the economy become increasingly clear that the end will inevitably lead to crisis .

  25. 过度、无序、缺乏有效规制的资产证券化与不当包装、缩小、隐蔽、扩散的次贷信用风险,最终引发了次贷危机的发生。

    Excessively and disorderly , the lack of effective supervision to assets securitization and improper packaging , narrow , hidden subprime credit risk eventually led to the subprime mortgage crisis .

  26. 可问题在于,强加于默克尔的补救措施能否真的实现这一目标,还是说最终只会导致危机进一步恶化。

    The question is whether the remedies being pressed on Ms Merkel would actually achieve this end , or whether they would end up simply creating a worse crisis further down the road .

  27. 当虚拟资本与实体资本相适应时,两者相辅相成,可促进经济的发展;而当两者背离运动到一定程度,就会相互阻碍,形成泡沫经济,最终将导致经济危机。

    When virtual capital corresponds with real capital , they complement each other simultaneously and therefore promote economic development , whereas when they move in reverse to a certain degree , they block each other and therefore develop into bubble economy , and finally result in economic crisis .

  28. 同样,如果我们抛弃而非监管数十年前建立的证券化和衍生品等市场机制,那么当我们最终度过这场危机之时,我们获得资本、高效率对冲和散布风险的能力可能会受到制约。

    Similarly , if we abandon , as opposed to regulate , market mechanisms created decades ago , such as securitisation and derivatives , we may end up constraining access to capital and the efficient hedging and distribution of risk , when we ultimately do come through this crisis .