
bào lì
  • Violent;brutal;cruel and fierce;ruthless and tyrannical
暴戾 [bào lì]
  • [ruthless and tyrannical] 凶暴残忍

暴戾[bào lì]
  1. 瞧卢卡斯不在,你那个暴戾样。

    You 're such a grouch when Lucas isn 't around .

  2. “这说明他并不暴戾。”拉辛汗说。

    " So he 's not violent ," Rahim Khan said .

  3. 彼得与他暴戾的爷爷就住在这里了。

    This is where Peter lives with his grumpy Grandfather .

  4. 他们知道伯爵的脾气暴戾强横。

    They knew the count 's energetic and violent temper ;

  5. 也不要畏缩于冰雹的暴戾

    Nor shrink from the whips of the terrible hail

  6. 怎么回事?怎么我每次都遇到暴戾的修甲师?

    What is that ? Why do I always get the surly manicurist ?

  7. 但他似乎全无暴戾之气。

    But there doesn 't seem to be any real violence in him .

  8. 言语暴戾,触动怒气。

    But a harsh word stirs up anger .

  9. 人类的世界开始变得暴戾。

    The world of man became more violent .

  10. 难道正义这样脆弱,暴戾与杀戮就能轻易将之毁灭?

    Is it just so fragile , and violent killings could easily be destroyed ?

  11. 回答柔和,使怒消退;言语暴戾,触动怒气。

    A gentle answer turns away wrath , but a harsh word stirs up anger .

  12. 他有着圣人般的风范,毫无杀手的暴戾之气。

    his heart had filled with joy . His mien was that of the sage , not the killer .

  13. 开朗乐观的脸谱总是舒眉展眼,悲伤或暴戾的脸谱多是曲眉合目。

    Optimistic opera facials are always smooth , while pessimism ones are always closing their eyes and curving the browns .

  14. 中情局科学家未能将他救活,于是将他的记忆植入了一位极度暴戾的罪犯杰里科(凯文•科斯特纳饰)身上。

    Unable to resuscitate him , CIA scientists transfer his memories into Jerico ( Kevin Costner ) , a ruthless criminal .

  15. 他笔下的死亡是一种澄明的美,散发着香味,他作品中的死亡描写虽然暴戾但不残酷,如《金阁寺》。

    Death was a " clear beauty ", described violent but not ruthlessness , such as " Golden Building Temple " .

  16. 不嗜酒,不暴戾,而应温良和善,不贪爱钱财。

    He must not be addicted to wine or quarrelsome , but gentle and peaceful , and not a lover of money .

  17. 那里的僧人收留了他,并教他如何控制驾驭自己暴戾的兽性。

    The monks there took him in , and taught him to harness and control his animalistic fury * most of the time .

  18. 但是现在你们却该戒绝这一切:忿怒、暴戾、恶意、诟骂和出于你们口中的秽言。

    But now put you also all away : anger , indignation , malice , blasphemy , filthy speech out of your mouth .

  19. 德里达对西方传统文化的解构,主要目的是解构一切社会等级制和暴戾统治。

    The ultimate purpose of Derrida 's deconstruction of western traditional culture is to deconstruct ' all social hierarchies and totalitarian rules ' .

  20. 有些老太婆与老头子,随着年岁而变得脾气暴戾&牙齿掉得越多,越发咬得入骨。

    Some pld women and men grow bitter with age ; the more their teeth drop out , the more biting they get .

  21. 伦敦地方法官辛迪?巴内特认为,如今她所见过的那些被告更为暴戾,涉毒问题也更为严重。

    Cindy barnett , a London magistrate , reckons the defendants she sees are more violent and have graver drug problems these days .

  22. 他曾利用网络多次发消息鼓动网民加入其极端暴戾行为。

    He also used the internet to urge others to turn beliefs into action by posting messages on website saying that racists skinhead .

  23. 因此,我留在了巴黎(巴黎有某些优点),一天比一天衰老、粗鲁、暴戾。

    So I stay here ( Paris has certain redeeming features ) , and every day I become older , ruder and more cantankerous .

  24. 在审讯中,他显得更凶恶,更暴戾,甚至用一把长尺拍着桌子以助声势。

    During the interrogation , he was more vicious and spiteful than the Japanese and beat the table with a long ruler for emphasis .

  25. 在举行芝加哥民主党大会的那个暴戾的夜晚,巴克利和维达尔的冲突在众目睽睽之下达至顶峰。

    And then some . On a night of riots at the Democratic convention in Chicago , Buckley and Vidal had their own climactic on-air clash .

  26. 作为自然界的生物种群之一,人类本应对其他生命报以尊重与关怀、理性与仁爱,而不是冷漠的心肠和暴戾的手段。

    As members of the natural world , humans are supposed to treat the others with respect , care , sense and love , not with the cold-heart and ferocious methods .

  27. 研究表明,自2002年《医疗事故处理条例》颁布以来,医疗纠纷的发生更是数量激增、暴戾程度加剧。

    Research showed that since the " Medical Malpractice Treatment " was enacted from 2002 , the occurrence of medical disputes has surged , and the violent events level has increased .

  28. 了解并承认自己可能有暴戾冲动、人身攻击、理智失丧的可能,暂离冲突现场有时是避免后悔不及的必要行动。

    Understand and acknowledge your tendency of volatile anger , physical attack , or losing mental control can help you to plan to leave the scene of conflict before it starts .

  29. 这份备忘录建议利用精神病学家和社会学家来估量工作人员的“相对幸福感”或者他们的“沮丧与暴戾”,作为评估他们可信赖度的一种方法。

    The memo suggests the use of psychiatrists and sociologists to measure the " relative happiness " of workers or their " despondence and grumpiness " as a way to assess their trustworthiness .

  30. 如果我们的生活充满暴戾之气;心灵总被愤怒、执著或害怕等情绪所占,你就无法奢望能安详死去。

    We cannot hope to die peacefully if our lives have been full of violence , or if our minds have mostly been agitated by emotions like anger , attachment , or feat .