
  1. (看这张城市地图。绿色的部分是公园。)

    Look at the city map . The green bits are parks .

  2. 大会召开地点是公园路(ParkLane)附近一家富丽堂皇的酒店。

    The meeting was at a very grand hotel near Park Lane .

  3. NikoletteWilliams是公园管理人员,他和视频中的20名游客当时就在观察台上。

    Nikolette Williams is the park ranger in the video with about 20 visitors on the observation deck .

  4. 在弗洛瑞珊化石带国家保护区(FlorissantFossilBedsNationalMonument),会有一个能充任瑜伽教师的公园向导带队做瑜伽徒步,沿途带队员做不同瑜伽体式,这是公园推出的“徒步为健康”(HikesforYourHealth)系列活动之一。

    At Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument , a park guide , who is also a certified yoga instructor , leads groups in that and other poses at stops along different trails during Yoga Hikes , part of the park 's Hikes for Your Health series .

  5. 重回恐龙世纪是公园中主题项目恐龙危机的第一部分。

    Back to Dinosaur Century is the first part of Dino-rampage .

  6. 你知道斯德哥尔摩市区大约有40%的面积是公园吗?

    And did you know that about forty percent ofStockholm is parks ?

  7. 他是公园的狮子管理员。

    His is a lion keeper in the zoo .

  8. 园林小品造景是公园结构系统的重要组成部分。

    Sketch of garden landscape is an important part of the park system .

  9. 您好,这是公园餐厅。

    Hello , this is the Park Restaurant .

  10. 马克:更像是公园里的散步吧。

    Mark : Well , it was more like a walk in the park .

  11. 它现在是公园服务处的问题了。

    He 's Park Services problem now .

  12. 是公园里!老天保佑。

    In the park ! Goodness me .

  13. 这是公园小区201号。

    The address is 201 Park Place .

  14. 认为文化的延续和发展是公园改造中最重要的要素之一。

    In a word , the development of cultural is the most important factor in the reconstruction .

  15. 究其原因,主要是公园定位模糊、布局凌乱、解说系统不完善、旅游环境破坏严重。

    The main reasons were indefinite positioning , disordered arrangement , unaccomplished exploitation system and serious environmental damage .

  16. 城里最受欢迎的地方是公园附近,我就住那儿。

    Well , the most popular part of town is out near the Parkway , where I live .

  17. 城市里到处都是公园和广场,你一定能找到属于你的那一隅。

    Throughout the city there are parks and squares where you will be able to find your perfect spot .

  18. 指出公园发展的主要制约因素是公园建设的土地问题。

    It points out that the land issue is the mainly factor which restrict the development of the parks .

  19. 经定量评价,峡谷地貌、褶皱构造和溶洞是公园导向性的A级地质遗迹景观;

    By quantitative evaluation , canyon landform , fold and Karst caves are A level in geological vestige landscape .

  20. 家庭出游或是公园漫步会促进家人间的有意交谈,让家人更加亲近。

    Family outings or a quiet stroll through the park will lead to stimulating conversation and a closer bond .

  21. 不同于普通公园,植物园应该是公园外貌和科学内容二者并举。

    Unlike the ordinary parks , Botanic Gardens should attach importance both in their park appearance and scientific content .

  22. 他们发现这些小猴子每一次打算居住下来的地方都是公园里最安静的地方。

    And they found that the monkeys tend to settle down in whatever part of the park is most quiet .

  23. 亳州市中老年五禽戏习练者主要练习地点是公园和广场,练习内容以传统华陀五禽戏为主。

    Their main practice place is park and square and their practice content is mainly based on the traditional Huatuo Wuqinxi .

  24. 他沿着这条路面向麦迪逊广场走去,因为回家的本能还存在,即使家是公园里的一条长凳。

    He set his face down this toward Madison Square , for the homing instinct survives even when the home is a park bench .

  25. 影响绿化覆盖率和斑块面积频率分布的主要因素是公园性质大型斑块的分布状况。

    The main factor which affects the green cover percentage and the distribution of patch area is the distribution of the large patches in parks .

  26. 在德国,无论是公园、街道,还是影剧院或者其它公共场合,到处都收拾得干干净净,整整齐齐。

    In Germany , both the parks , streets , or theater or other public places , and everywhere clean up clean , and neat .

  27. 城市公园绿地植物群落是公园绿地的基本组成单元,植物群落结构的合理性和稳定性将直接影响公园绿地生态功能的发挥。

    Plant community is a significant factor of urban parks , the reasonableness and stability of its structure are important to the ecological functions of green space .

  28. 山地公园的水分时空分布是公园内景观组成、自然环境条件和人为活动等多因子综合作用的结果。

    The space-time distribution of water in Mountain Park is affected by landscape , natural environment conditions , human activities , and combined action of many factors .

  29. 植物群落是公园绿地的基本构成单位,是公园绿地系统生态功能的基础,是提高公园绿地景观丰富度的前提。

    Plant community is the basic unit of Parks , Park System is the basis of ecological function , is to improve the park green landscape richness premise .

  30. 德洛丽丝是公园里最老的人工智能接待员,但是福特博士(安东尼·霍普金斯饰)最近升级的“冥思”程序却扰乱了她的心智,让她质疑一切事情。

    Being the oldest AI in the park , the dream update Ford ( Anthony Hopkins ) initiated is truly messing with Dolores ' mind and making her question everything .