
  1. 大部分遗骸可能是顺着向东的河流漂流而下,最后被留在了一个较浅的沙洲上。

    Most of the remains probably floated down on eastward flowing river until they were left on a shallow sandbar .

  2. 该地在唐朝以前已经有沙漠发育,在唐朝中期元朝,这里有发源于东天山河流的尾闾湖存在,唐朝元朝将近400~500年间,可能是气候相对比较湿润的阶段。

    Before the Tang Dynasty , desert has emerged in this area , since middle Tang to Yuan Dynasty , the area has ending lakes originated from East Tianshan Mountains , during the 400 ~ 500 years of Tang to Yuan Dynasty , the climate there probably is humidity relatively .

  3. 东辽河流域河流系统生态需水研究

    Ecological Water Demand by River System in East Liaohe River Basin

  4. 沉积区由西向东依次发育河流相、三角洲相、湖泊相。

    River , delta and lacustrine facies are developed in deposited area from west to east .

  5. 美国中部偏东的一条河流;发源于西佛吉尼亚,东流至切萨皮克。

    A river in the east central United States ; rises in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia and flows eastward to the Chesapeake Bay .

  6. 提出了流动单元定量分类评价方法,把孤东油田馆上段河流相储集层划分为3种不同类型的流动单元,它们各自具有相应的岩性、物性和孔隙结构特征。

    Are applied on a cross section to recognizing the flow unit . By means of classifying and evaluating flow unit quantitatively , the fluvial facies reservoirs are divided into three different kinds of flow unit , which have their own lithology , petrophysics and pore structure characters .