
  • 网络surname;family name;last name
  1. 甲:W-a-n-g.这是姓。

    W-a-n-g. That 's the surname .

  2. 一是姓前名后。

    One , the family name is before the first name .

  3. 我记得帕蒂是姓史密斯的。

    As far as I can recall , Patti was a Smith .

  4. 他们原来是姓斯托克的。

    Their real name is stoke .

  5. 这个业务过程的输入是姓和新的电话号码。

    The input to the business process is a last name and a new phone number .

  6. 在中国,第一个名字是姓,最后一个名字是名。

    In China the first name is the family name , and the last name is the given name .

  7. 至于所谓的传宗接代,世界上多一个少一个姓我的姓或是姓张王李赵的又有什么关系?

    As for the perpetuation of a name , what is one Warthman or Wang more or less in the world ?

  8. 和英语国家的人的名字不同,中国人的名字是姓在先,名在后。

    Different from the names of the people of the English-speaking countries , the surname usually goes before the given name in a Chinese name .

  9. 珀奇先生似乎记得在幼年时代听人说过,从前有一位诗人是姓这个姓的,所以没有反对。

    Mr Perch , who seemed to remember having heard in infancy that there was once a poet of that name , made no objection ;

  10. GivenName名该数据对于识别个人的名称很有用,另一种途径是根据姓识别。

    Given Name First name This data is useful for identifying a person 's name , other than through the last name .

  11. 那,这是他的姓,还是他的名?

    Now , is that his first name , or his last name ?

  12. 那是他的姓

    Rachel : Well that 's his last name .

  13. 关于姓,一种有代表性的看法是,姓是图腾的记号。

    On surname , there is a view that surname is the mark of totem .

  14. 我想应该是个姓霍克理的人。

    I should imagine someone named hockley .

  15. 古德是他的姓。

    Goode is his family name .

  16. 徽州地区是汪姓人口主要聚集地,两汉至唐朝已是当地望族。

    Huizhou District is a main place where the population with family name Wang is located .

  17. 那,这是他的姓,还是他的名?有没有介绍信什麽的?

    Rochelle : Now , is that his first name , or his last name ? Did you get any references ?

  18. 仔猪的主人是位姓钟(音译)的农民,他说他已经收到了买家的钱,但不愿意卖掉它。

    Owner : The farmer surnamed Zhong says he has been offered cash for the piglet but will not part with it .

  19. 由于汉字姓氏中,绝大多数是单姓,而常用汉字的数量有限,这就必然限制了姓氏的数量。

    With very few exceptions , a surname is composed of merely one Chinese character , while the amount of Chinese characters is limited .

  20. 党在村落中的组织,因居住关系,许多是一姓的党员为一个支部,支部会议简直同时就是家族会议。

    In the Party organizations in the villages , it often happens that a branch meeting virtually becomes a clan meeting , since branches consist of members bearing the same family name and living close together .

  21. 在下面的示例中,name是保存学生姓和名的串联的标识符。

    In the following example , name is an identifier that holds a concatenation of the student 's first and last names .

  22. 泰勒.温克艾沃斯,Tyler是普通拼写姓和我弟弟的一样

    Tyler Winklevoss . " Tyler " spelled the usual way.And my last name the same as my brothers .

  23. lbrahim是你的姓,还是你的名?

    Ls lbrahim your first name or your surname ?

  24. 这是我的姓。中国人先说姓再说名。

    Zhang is one of the most common surnames in China .

  25. 为什么一定是你的姓和她的名的组合?

    Why is it your last name and her first name ?

  26. 你名片上的哪个字是你的姓?

    Which of the names on your card is your surname ?

  27. 在传统战争影片中,敌人都是无名无姓的。

    IN TRADITIONAL war films , the enemy is faceless .

  28. 欢迎Bernhoft非常感谢Bernhoft是你的姓没错

    Wellcome Bernhoft.Thank you very much.Bernhoft is your last name , yeah .

  29. 他一般只会告诉你他的姓氏,称呼的时候,通常是在其姓后加上“同志”二字,就比较恰当了。

    The proper term of address was " comrade " following the surname .

  30. 三是有名无姓。

    Third , there is only the first name .