
  1. 例句蓝色的商务套装成为了一种城市新风尚。这本时尚杂志说,巧克力色和橄榄绿将成为今秋的流行色。

    This fashion magazine says chocolate and olive green will be the new black this autumn .

  2. 时尚杂志建议女人穿适合自己年龄的衣服。如果是这样我岂不是要穿裹尸布。

    The fashion magazines are suggesting that women wear clothes that are ' age appropriate . ' For me that would be a shroud1 .

  3. 她除了任职于《SundayTimesStyle》时尚杂志外,还兼顾自己的博客与Instagram的feed网页。

    She juggles her digital work and Instagram feed with a job at Sunday Times Style magazine .

  4. 前一阵我被时尚杂志评为全国十大帅哥CEO。

    A while ago I was a fashion magazine named the top ten CEO .

  5. Betty怎么会当上时尚杂志的编辑的

    How is betty the editor of a fashion magazine ?

  6. 这位少年为时尚杂志《ManAboutTown》拍摄了封面照片,黑白照片让人联想起年轻时的詹姆斯·迪恩他好莱坞旧照。

    The teenager appears on the cover of Man About Town magazine in a black and white photo shoot which evokes the old Hollywood images of a young James Dean .

  7. 她曾经在《Vogue时尚杂志》上给Vera当模特

    She was in Vera 's vogue spread .

  8. 十六岁的布鲁克林在图片分享平台Instagram上已有440万的铁杆粉丝,最近又成为时尚杂志《MissVogue》的封面人物。

    Sixteen-year-old Brooklyn has a 4.4 million-strong following on Instagram and has recently appeared on the cover of Miss Vogue .

  9. 就在乔纳森爵士现身的同一周,《VogueChina》还登出了一位戴着苹果手表的模特,这是第一家在封面展示这款手表的时尚杂志。

    Sir Jonathan 's appearance came in the same week that Vogue China featured a model wearing Apple Watch , the first fashion magazine to style the watch on its cover .

  10. 《Vogue》是全球顶尖的时尚杂志,而中国目前是世界上最大的移动设备市场。

    Vogue is a global fashion powerhouse , and China is the world 's largest market for mobile devices .

  11. 35年前,贝弗莉约翰逊(BeverlyJohnson)成为第一个登上美国时尚杂志《Vogue》封面的黑人模特。

    Thirty-five years ago Beverly Johnson became the first black model to appear on the cover of American Vogue .

  12. 时尚杂志《Glamour》则建议搭配露脐上衣,以突显腰线。

    You can pair them with a crop top to bring the attention to your waistline , fashion magazine Glamour suggested .

  13. 在时尚杂志《Cosmopolitan》的一份调查中,接近三分之二的女性表示担心自己做出错误的选择,最终可能会离婚。

    In a _Cosmopolitan_ magazine survey , nearly two-thirds of women reported being worried about making a bad choice and winding up divorced .

  14. 她也许很可爱,但这位即将亮相最新一期《Vogue》时尚杂志的“名模”还有一些特别之处&她身材矮胖、腿短,还有胡子。

    She may be cute , but the latest top model to make her debut in Vogue is also podgy with short legs and whiskers .

  15. 向其小米VR应用贡献内容的合作伙伴包括时尚杂志《悦游》(CondéNastTraveller)以及中国视频平台优酷(Youku)。

    Partners contributing content to its Mi VR app include glossy magazine Cond é Nast Traveller and Chinese video side Youku .

  16. 卡门-戴尔-奥利菲斯自从15岁(65年前)登上美国时尚杂志《Vogue》后,她的模特生涯就从未停步。

    Carmen Dell'Orefice has been modelling ever since she appeared on the cover of American fashion magazine " Vogue " 65 years ago , when she was15 years old .

  17. 新版“007”詹姆斯•邦德的扮演者丹尼尔•克雷格连续第二年被男人时尚杂志《GQ》评为“英国最佳穿着男士”。

    James Bond actor Daniel Craig was named'Britain 's Best Dressed Man'for the second consecutive year by men 's magazine GQ .

  18. 著名毕业生:奥运会金牌获得者TenleyAlbright,电影导演HilaryBirmingham,前时尚杂志主编BarbaraCushingMortimerPaley。

    Notable alumni : Olympic gold medalist Tenley Albright , film director Hilary Birmingham , former Vogue editor Barbara Cushing Mortimer Paley .

  19. 事实上,这个小女孩的整体造型非常可爱,连《Vogue》时尚杂志的总编辑安娜温图尔在跟她聊天的过程中都一直忍不住对她笑呢。

    In fact , the little girl was so cute in her ensemble that even Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour was seen giving her an indulgent smile as Harper chatted away to her .

  20. 有“时装奥斯卡”之称的Elle时尚杂志大奖颁奖典礼在伦敦北部的卡姆登圆房子举行。

    The Elle magazine awards - billed as " the unofficial fashion Oscars " - were held at the Roundhouse in Camden , north London .

  21. 维多利亚王平时喜欢读《Elle》以及日本时尚杂志《瑞丽》。她说:我尝试着模仿杂志里的模特。

    " I try to imitate the models in magazines ," said Wang , who reads Elle and the Japanese fashion magazines Ray and Lee .

  22. 这位时尚杂志《Vogue》的主编将为康迪纳仕集团做整体的视觉创意,《Vogue》旗下还拥有《纽约客》,《名利场》,《Glamour》和《GQ》。

    The Vogue editor-in-chief has been brought in to develop an overall creative vision for the company , whose portfolio includes The New Yorker , Vanity Fair , Glamour , and GQ .

  23. 《GQ》和《Vogue》等时尚杂志对“舒适搭配”都进行了特别报道,同时今年二、三月份,该潮流也成为了纽约、巴黎、米兰以及伦敦时装周上的焦点话题。

    Normcore was featured in fashion magazines like GQ and Vogue and was the talk of February and March 's fashion weeks in New York , Paris , Milan and London .

  24. 在决定发行《Mr.Babe》之前,Kurashina曾为另一本名叫《Men'sKnuckle》的杂志担任过十多年的主编,那是一本专门为年轻纤瘦的日本男主播打造的时尚杂志。

    Kurashina was in charge of Men 's Knuckle , a magazine aimed at young slender Japanese men working as hosts , for over 10 years before shifting completely and launching Mr. Babe .

  25. 最新一期纽约时尚杂志《CRFashionBook》刊登了戴着“游泳池面罩”的模特照片之后,《青岛晚报》(QingdaoEveningNews)立刻声称,该面具是外国人抄袭了中国东部沿海城市青岛的一种类似面罩。

    The recent publication by a New York-based style magazine , CR Fashion Book , of a photo shoot showing models wearing " pool masks " has prompted the Qingdao Evening News to claim the look as a foreign variation on a familiar theme in the north eastern seaside city .

  26. 这位备受欢迎的英国女孩莉莉·唐纳森曾担任过“Vogue”这类时尚杂志的封面女郎,她展示了自己性感迷人的夏装,身着一件白色半透明的抹胸连衣裙参加了此次活动。

    British golden girl , Lily Donaldson - who has been a cover girl for the likes of Vogue - showcased her own sultry take on summer style , wearing a white semi-sheer , strapless dress to the event .

  27. 这位《老友记》明星詹妮弗今年49岁,接受了明星时尚杂志InStyle的九月专访,采访者是吉米·坎摩尔的妻子莫莉·麦克尼尔妮,詹妮弗表示和贾斯汀·塞洛克斯分开并没有那么难受。

    The 49-year-old Friends vet , who was interviewed by Jimmy Kimmel 's wife Molly McNearney for the September issue of InStyle , also revealed she is not heartbroken after her split from Justin Theroux .

  28. Reddit是个例外:2006年,这家红极一时的社交新闻网站被康泰纳仕集团收购(后者是《Vogue》等十多家著名生活时尚杂志的出版商),施瓦茨和他的同事从中获利颇丰。然而,他事后谈及这笔财富的语气几近悔恨。

    One exception was Reddit , though he later sounded almost contrite about the riches showered on him and his colleagues by Cond é Nast , the publisher of Vogue and over a dozen other prominent lifestyle magazines , which bought the popular social news site in 2006 .

  29. 举个例子,阿玛尼推出了世界杯主题的T恤系列;网上零售店Yoox与足球时尚杂志《Sepp》合作推出限量版运动衫系列,每一款都不由得让人想起设计师所在的国家队。

    Armani Jeans , for instance , has a collection of World Cup-themed T-shirts , and online retailer Yoox has tied up with football fashion magazine Sepp to create a series of limited-edition sweatshirts , each with a design evoking the national team of its designer .

  30. 时尚杂志《女装日报》系列访谈栏目“对话名模”这周的嘉宾是俄罗斯金发超模VikaFalileeva,2012年春季的所有大秀她都走过了。Vika在栏目中透露纽约时装周的巨大压力,同时,还分享了一些有趣的小秘密。

    Women 's Wear Daily continued its " Model Call " series this week with Vika Falileeva , a tall Russian blonde who walked all of Spring 2012 's top shows . Vika kindly divulged details on the unique stress that is New York Fashion Week , including this interesting tidbit .