
shí guāng rěn rǎn
  • Time flies;the flight of time;The time zips by
时光荏苒[shí guāng rěn rǎn]
  1. 尽管时光荏苒,它惨遭侵蚀,不过其中的“Halfdan”这个名字还是依稀可见。

    While the years have worn it away , the name Halfdan can still be made out .

  2. 时光荏苒,过去的便不要再去反复打扰了吧。

    When the old memories do not bother me anymore .

  3. 时光荏苒,我日渐好转。

    I 'm getting better as the days go by .

  4. 时光荏苒,无论是好还是坏。

    Time whether good or bad , passes quickly .

  5. 时光荏苒,我梦见过往的时光,来自于苏珊大妈的。

    I dreamed a dream in time gone by .

  6. 时光荏苒,时至今日动画艺术已走过了百余年的历史。

    Time flies , now animation art has gone through a hundred years of history .

  7. 时光荏苒,四季更迭

    Cause time moves on and seasons change

  8. 时光荏苒,我们的共同点似乎越变越少了。

    As the years passed , we had less and less in common , it seemed .

  9. 时光荏苒,当这对情侣觉得彼此关系又深了一步时,他们重返这家珠宝店。

    Time passes . They return to the shop as they 've both seen the relationship has progressed .

  10. 时光荏苒,令人难以忘怀的是昔日好友,还有那些和好友共同度过的时光。

    As time goes by we enjoy our good friends more and all those everyday moments shared with them .

  11. 时光荏苒,巴赫拉奇为我量身定制了一个广告——理查德·阿维登担任摄影师。

    Years later , Bachrach did an advertisement with me - Richard Avedon , Photographer - as a subject .

  12. 时光荏苒,岁月磨砺,物是人非。现在的我已不再是过去那个傻傻天真的小女孩了;

    Time flies , Sharpen years , . Now I 'm no longer a naive past that a little girl ;

  13. 时光荏苒,在数千英尺深海中生活的生物真可谓年华虚度。

    For so long , the creatures of the deep , thousands of feet under water may as well not have existed .

  14. 时光荏苒,往事如烟,已无法辨明这首歌是唱给洛丹伦曾经的王子,还是他挚爱的战驹。

    Time and events have left it unclear whether the song refers to the former prince of Lordaeron or his beloved steed .

  15. 白天黑夜,时光荏苒,我心里的花束却依然因为你而洁白芬芳。

    Days and nights , time flies , the flowers in my heart still blossom , because I am loved by you .

  16. 时光荏苒,和圣杯一起,随着水流从海洋漂到河流,又从河流漂到湖泊,一直到这里。

    Years passed , and I slithered from sea to river to lake , till at last I came here , following the drifts and tumblings of the Grail .

  17. 时光荏苒,两个女儿上了大学,相继幸福地结婚成家,只剩下我们夫妻俩相濡以沫,守居在有14级台阶的漂亮家中。

    And time passed . The girls went to college and were happily married , and my wife and I were alone in our beautiful home with the 14 steps .

  18. 时光荏苒,159年过去了,世博会规模和影响已今非昔比,人类已见证了40届世界综合性博览会。世博会推动着人类的科技创新,见证了人类进步的足迹。

    159 years and 40 World Expos have passed since then . The Expo has grown in scale and influence , taking forward technical innovations and bearing witness to human progress .

  19. 时光荏苒,斗转星移,时空变换,唯一不变的依然是那心中的想往。

    No matter how time flies , no maater how the nights goes by , no matter how space switches , what has never been changed is the yearn in the heart .

  20. 时光依旧荏苒。

    The response is that time is still on .