
zhōnɡ zǐ xīnɡ
  • neutron star
  1. 中子星上存在强大的重力场,足以产生X射线。

    A neutron star has a gravitational field strong enough to generate X-rays .

  2. 在1991年苍蝇座中的暗星其实是一个黑洞而非中子星。

    The dark star in Nova Muscae 1991 is a black hole rather than a neutron star

  3. 中子星物质中的K介子凝聚与三体核力效应

    Kaon Condensation in Neutron Star Matter and Nuclear Three-Body Force Effect

  4. 是强有力的x射线源,中子星绕中心旋转。

    So these binary systems are very potent sources of x-rays .

  5. 双星X射线源与中子星的自转减速

    The X-ray source in binary stars and the spin down of neutron stars

  6. 当伴星物质陷落到中子星上时,它就发射出X射线。

    As matter falls onto the neutron star , it gives off X-rays .

  7. 中子星的旋转,以及x射线脉冲,这是同一个物体的参数。

    So you see here unmistakably the rotation of the neutron star and the x-ray pulsations .

  8. 中子星倾斜转子模型Gamma射线辐射角分布特性

    Angular Distribution of Gamma-Ray Radiation from Neutron Stars with Non-zero Magnetic Inclination

  9. LSI+65°010中的中子星周围存在HⅡ区的可能观测证据

    A possible evidence for existence of a h ⅱ region around the neutron star in LSI + 65 ° 010

  10. ∧~(208)pb的超子分布半径和中子星结构

    Hyperon rms Radii of _ Λ ~ ( 208 ) Pb and Neutron Star Structure

  11. 以往天文学家就曾观测到过从中子星发出来的x射线闪光,但其亮度从来不会超过艾丁顿上限太多。

    X-ray flashes had previously been detected from some neutron stars , but they never exceeded the Eddington limit by very much .

  12. 中国专家说,与国外那些适合观测相对稳定黑洞的X射线卫星相比,中国的卫星更适合观测活跃的黑洞或中子星。这次观测的另外一个主要任务是找到与引力波相关的电磁信号。

    Chinese experts say foreign X-ray satellites which mostly observing relatively calm black holes , the Chinese telescope observing angry black holes and neutron stars .

  13. A.密度与中子星相当的子弹,重量差不多相当于帝国大厦的重量。

    A. A BULLET WITH THE density of a neutron star would weigh about as much as the Empire State Building .

  14. 据信,这些特点会让这个望远镜能够在观测黑洞及中子星发出的亮X射线时更有优势,并且扫描星系的效率更高。

    These are believed to give it advantages in observing black holes and neutron stars emitting bright X-rays and have higher efficiency for scanning the galaxy .

  15. 张双南称,这使得它在观察黑洞和中子星发射出的x射线方面更有优势,而且它能更有效地扫描星系。

    These give it advantages in observing black holes and neutron stars emitting bright X-rays , and it can more efficiently scan the galaxy , Zhang says .

  16. 你们发现,它到达中子星的速度,等于二次根号,乘以G,is,the,square,root,of,two,除以中子星的半径,你们应记住这等式。

    You always lose your m , and so you find that the speed at which it reaches the neutron star M R M neutron star times G divided by R neutron star .

  17. 脉冲星B的X射线辐射能够被看到可能是因为脉冲星A的星风阻断了脉冲星B的磁层,为脉冲星B的星风提供了动力并加热中子星的表面。

    Pulsar B 's X-ray emission might be visible because pulsar A 's wind intercepts the magnetosphere of pulsar B , powering pulsar B 's wind and heating up the neutron star 's surface .

  18. Boltzmann方程的矩形式及旋转慢收缩中子星中心附近的温度特性

    Moments of the Boltzmann equation and properties of temperature near the center of a rotating and slowly contracting neutron star

  19. 不合这两点之间的线,相一致,如果中子星旋转,你会看到x射线脉动,当热点在这里。

    And if the axis of rotation doesn 't coincide with the line through the two hot spots , if the neutron star rotates , you 're going to see x-ray pulsations .

  20. Saa有挠引力模型下慢旋转磁中子星的电磁场

    Electromagnetic Fields of a Slowly Rotating Magnetized Neutron Star in Saa 's Model of Gravity with Torsion

  21. 同时发现了中子星的赤道与两极的温度差随着电荷与SU(3)c色荷的增加而减小的规律。

    We also found the fact that the difference of temperature between equator and poles of a neutron star will decrease n the increase of electric and SU ( 3 ) c colour charges .

  22. 许多黑洞和中子星被认为隐藏在银河系中,由于它们不能发出可见光,或是隐藏在尘埃后面,只有通过X射线太空望远镜才能观测到。

    Many black holes and neutron stars are thought to be hidden in the Milky Way . Since they don 't emit visible light , or are covered by dust , only X-ray telescopes can find them .

  23. 而在中子星这样的小型天体内部,也可以实现低温、高密度下的QCD物质。

    In small heavenly bodies , such as neutron stars , the QCD matter can be realized in low temperature and high density .

  24. 我们采用相对论平均场(RMF)方法计算了中子星物质的性质。

    We use the relativistic mean field ( RMF ) theory to calculate the prop-erties of neutron star matter .

  25. 包含我的研究群在内,天文学家正试著了解MRI如何作用在黑洞周边高热而不透明的吸积盘。在中子星或黑洞伴星上发生吸积的模型,仍应看成是一个有价值的假说。

    My group and others are trying to figure out how MRI works in hot , opaque accretion disks around black holes . The model comprising accretion onto a neutron star or black hole companion must still be considered a favored hypothesis .

  26. 一些作者提出HerX-1的35天开关周期是由中子星的自由进动引起的。

    Some authors suggested that the 35 day clock mechanism of Her X-1 is caused by the presession of the neutron star .

  27. 中子星的直接URCA过程

    Direct URCA Process in Neutron Stars

  28. 对应中子星的最大质量,RMF和RMF之间的半径差别为0.23&0.33km。

    The differences of the neutron star radius corresponding to maximum mass between the RMF theory and RMF calculations are 0.23 & 0.33 km .

  29. 超新星SN1987A的热光度演化&内部中子星的贡献

    SN1987A : Evolution of the Bolometric Light Curve Contribution of the Central Neutron Star

  30. 本文根据R-S模型讨论脉冲星的γ辐射,在讨论光子被电磁场吸收时,我们把中子星磁层分成两部分,一部分以电场吸收为主,另一部分以磁场吸收为主。

    We calculate the γ - ray emission from pulsars based on the R-S model . We divide the magnetosphere of the neutron star into two parts , in one part the photons are absorbed by the electric field and in another the photons are absorbed by the magnetic field .