
shí duàn
  • period of time;time interval;time span
时段[shí duàn]
  1. 结果表明:在3种因素中,不同时段的处理对种子发芽率和GA含量影响极显著;

    The variance analyses show that the different time interval has a specially significant effect on GA content in seed germination .

  2. OD矩阵则反映了特定的时段内随时间变化的交通需求模式。

    The OD matrix then has reflected in the specific time interval along with the time variation transportation demand pattern .

  3. 一天的活动分作6个时段,每个时段一小时。

    The day was split up into 6 one-hour sessions .

  4. 在交通的晚高峰时段,这里通常被车辆堵得水泄不通。

    During the evening rush hour it was often solid with vehicles

  5. 第一集占据了傍晚的一个黄金收视时段。

    The first episode occupies a peak evening viewing slot .

  6. 这档新闻节目每周在黄金时段播出4次。

    The news programme goes out four times a week at peak time .

  7. 话费在优惠时段为每分钟36便士,其他时段一律为每分钟48便士。

    Calls cost 36p per minute cheap rate and 48p per minute at all other times

  8. 写电影剧本未获成功后,他在美国有线新闻网的一档电影节目中争取到了一个固定时段。

    Unsuccessful at screen writing , he got a spot on a CNN film show .

  9. 节目改变播送时段后,90%的听众依然继续收听。

    90 per cent of listeners had stayed with the programme when it changed its time slot .

  10. 室内球场的价格在高峰时段为每小时10英镑,非高峰时段为每小时7英镑。

    The price for indoor courts is £ 10 per hour at peak times and £ 7 per hour at off-peak times .

  11. 采访将在黄金时段播出。

    The interview will be broadcast during prime time .

  12. 由于黄色在一天中的任何时段都容易辨别,因此学校区域、一些交通标志和校车都会印成黄色。

    Since yellow can be seen well at all times of the day , school zones , some traffic signs , and school buses continue to be printed yellow .

  13. 公交狂躁症(publictransportrage)指在乘车高峰时段,很多乘坐公共交通的乘客特别容易动怒。

    Public transport rage describes the phenomenon that many passengers on public transport easily fly into a rage during rush hour .

  14. 二者均表示在午餐之后、晚餐之前吃的饭,不过,dunch的时间要比linner靠后,离晚餐时段更近一些。

    Dunch should be distinguished , in that dunch occurs after linner , closer to dinner time .

  15. 当时,这些连续剧都是在工作日白天时段播出的,大部分听众都是家庭妇女。

    These early radio series were broadcast in weekday daytime slots when most listeners would be housewives ;

  16. 大部分私人高尔夫俱乐部都禁止女性在周末早晨等高尔夫高峰时段去打球。

    Most private golf clubs prevent women from playing during the most popular golfing hours such as weekend mornings .

  17. 使用番茄工作法,就是用一个计时器把工作分为时间长度为25分钟的多个时段,每个时段之间作短暂休息。

    The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals1 traditionally 25 minutes in length , separated by short breaks .

  18. “愚蠢时段”指一天当中的深夜时分或者凌晨很早的时间点,这个时间段一般人们都应该在睡觉。

    Stupid o'clock is the time of day , usually late at night or early in the morning , when people should be asleep .

  19. 进行户外锻炼等室外活动尽量选择在早晨、傍晚或雨后等飞絮较轻的时段。

    People who exercise outdoors should do so in the mornings or evenings , or after rain , when there will be fewer catkins , the bureau said .

  20. “砒霜时间”指的是父母下班后,晚饭开饭前的这段时间,或者是一天中非常忙碌的时段,特别是带年幼的孩子时。

    Arsenic1 hour is the time after parents arrive home from work and before dinner is served ; any extremely hectic2 part of the day , especially when dealing3 with young children .

  21. 张家界卫健委表示,7月22日晚18点至19点时段魅力湘西所有观众属于高风险人群,应立即向当地社区或疾控机构报告并配合检测。

    Zhangjiajie health authorities said that all audience members who watched the performance from 6 pm to 7 pm on July 22 are at high risk of coronavirus infection and should report to their residential testing .

  22. 2当一句话中有两个在过去不同时段发生的动作时,先发生的动作使用过去完成时,而后发生的动作则常用一般过去时。

    The action that happens second is often in the past simple tense . In this example : I arrived . When you want to talk about two past actions , one which happened before the other , remember to use the past perfect for the first action , and the past simple for the second .

  23. 基于多ANN模型的复杂系统长时段预报

    Long term prediction for complex system based on multiple ANN models

  24. 一种有限时段Markov决策过程的强化学习算法

    An algorithm of reinforcement learning for finite-horizon Markov decision processes

  25. 文中考虑n个零件在m台机器上加工且在每两台机器加工时段之间存在停歇时段,以总加工时间最小为目标当零件加工同顺序的排序问题。

    In this paper we discussed the sequencing problem that n spares are processed with the same order on m machines .

  26. logistic回归分析示:3个时段中,就诊前延迟是最有意义的变量。

    Logistic regression : Pre - hospitalization delay was the ultimate significant variable among the three delays .

  27. IL-6和IL-10水平则在各时段均无变化。

    While the levels of IL-6 and IL-10 had no fluctuation all the time .

  28. Fisher有序聚类法及其在炉管温度异常时段提取中的应用

    Fisher Ordered Gathering and its Application on Periodical Pick-up of Boiler Pipe Temperature

  29. 免疫后不同时段采血,用血凝抑制试验方法测定HI抗体滴度。

    Different times after immunization blood hemagglutination inhibition test method for the determination of HI antibody titers .

  30. 此文考虑单时段情形因而所建立的模型适合于实时市场,研究的对象是在纯策略意义下的Nash均衡点。

    The focus of the study is the Nash equilibrium in pure strategy sense .