
  1. 早早孕试纸测试弱阳是怀孕吗?

    Early is pregnant test paper checks weak this world to be pregnant ?

  2. 去药店是买布洛芬和抗酸药,而不是避孕套和早孕试纸了。

    You go to the drug store for ibuprofen and antacid , not condoms and pregnancy tests .

  3. 根据研究统计,早孕试纸的检测正确率还是会存在不少误差的。

    According to the research statistics , the early pregnancy indicator paper 's examination accuracy will have many errors .

  4. 如果在医生的指导下进行检测,能够确保早孕试纸正确的使用,检测准确率最会更高。

    If carries on the examination under doctor 's instruction , can guarantee that the early pregnancy indicator paper correct use , the examination rate of accuracy most can be higher .

  5. 胶体金早早孕检测试纸在绒毛膜促性腺激素定量中的应用

    Evaluation of colloidal gold test paper in quantitative detection of blood concentration of HCG