
  • 网络breakfast club;Breakfast Meeting;power breakfast
  1. 您明早九点有个早餐会。

    You have a breakfast meeting tomorrow at nine .

  2. 不好意思我要赶去参加一个早餐会

    I am so sorry . I am late for a breakfast meeting .

  3. 今天的早餐会让首相感觉全然无味。

    Breakfast will be a cheerless affair for the Prime Minister this morning .

  4. 在招待会次日,NPS又举行了一次早餐会,各对冲基金的代表蜂拥而至。

    The following day , NPS held a breakfast to which hedge funds flocked .

  5. NPS这次早餐会只不过再一次证明了,对冲基金对亚洲的关注度已升温到何种程度。

    The NPS breakfast is just one more indication of the extent to which hedge funds are paying increasing attention to Asia .

  6. 据卡尔森描述,这个决定是一次早餐会上,由《Vogue》的主编安娜·温图尔(AnnaWintour)提出来的,她说雅虎网站的“女性”板块“太枯燥”。

    As Mr. Carlson recounts it , the decision was prompted by a breakfast with the Vogue editor Anna Wintour , who described Yahoo 's women 's site as " dreadful . "

  7. 他和第一夫人参加全国祈祷早餐会。

    He and the first lady attending the National Prayer Breakfast .

  8. 典型的早餐会包括土司和果酱吗?

    Will a typical breakfast menu include toast and jam ?

  9. 早餐会在储藏室的棉布下

    Breakfast will be under a cheesecloth in the larder .

  10. 那是因为我们家从来就没什么早餐会。

    That 's because we never have family brunch .

  11. 好吧明天这里要办一场隆重的早餐会

    There 's some big breakfast thing here tomorrow .

  12. 好好睡一觉妹早吃早餐会更香。

    After a good night 's sleep , I 'll enjoy breakfast even more .

  13. 吃炸面包那天是从清早在伦敦金融城参加早餐会开始的。

    The Fried Bread Day started early with a breakfast meeting in the City .

  14. 忽略早餐会让你以后难以戒掉零食,并让你的新陈代谢减缓。

    Skipping breakfast gives you the munchies later on and slows your metabolism down .

  15. 据报道早晨吃早餐会使人的警觉性更高。

    People who eat a meal in the morning have reported feeling more alert .

  16. 不吃早餐会在以后引起非常非常多的健康问题。

    Not having breakfast causes lotsssssss of health problems for you in the future .

  17. 血肠是用猪血或牛血灌制而成的,通常都是传统的英格兰早餐会吃到。

    Black pudding is a sausage made by cooking pig 's or cow 's blood .

  18. 斯坦贝克说,当你在美国旅行时,早餐会是最好的一餐。

    Steinbeck said breakfast was the best American meal when you 're on the road .

  19. 不吃早餐会导致体重增加么?

    Does skipping breakfast cause weight gain ?

  20. 正如我们昨天在“巴厘岛早餐会”上所讨论的,我们必须要加强碳市场。

    As we discussed at the Bali Breakfast yesterday , we need to strengthen carbon markets .

  21. 然而,在亲自参加了这个早餐会之后,我得出了两个明确的结论。

    But having attended the breakfast meeting myself , I came away with two clear conclusions .

  22. 这个早餐会为新老朋友带来了一个非正式的交流的机会。

    This breakfast meeting provides an occasion for informal networking seeing old friends and meeting new ones .

  23. 一套配有醒目领带的横条纹西装;在早餐会上会见高级主管。

    A pinstriped suit with a power tie ; met with high-level executives at a power breakfast .

  24. 不吃早餐会让你的新陈代谢失去平衡,造成你长胖或者无精打采。

    Skipping meals throw your metabolism out of balance , causing you to gain fat and lose energy .

  25. 部长们还于周五参加了“巴厘岛早餐会”,即气候变化问题部长级对话会。

    Ministers also participated on Friday in a " Bali Breakfast " & a Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Change .

  26. 在英格兰中部地区偏北的地方,人们有时候会用燕麦饼代替煎面包,而苏格兰早餐会有土豆煎饼和方形香肠。

    In the North Midlands , oatcakes sometimes replace fried bread and the Scots includes tattie scones and Lorne sausage 。

  27. 再次遇见他真开心,早餐会之后,我们离开旅店前往渡口。

    Fun to meet him again and after the morning chatting , we leave the hotel and head to the ferry station .

  28. 在2008年的一次《财富》早餐会上,施瓦茨曼本人承认,如果可以回头再来,他不会举办上述派对。

    At a Fortune breakfast in2008 , Schwarzman even admitted that he wouldn 't do the party over again if he could .

  29. 问:东亚领导人系列会议即将在泰国举行,其间将举行中日韩领导人早餐会。

    Q : The China-Japan-ROK leaders'breakfast meeting will be held on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit and related meetings in Thailand .

  30. 这和之前人们认为的“不吃早餐会使人之后进食更多”的想法截然相反。

    This goes against the long-held theory that people who skip breakfast simply make up for it by gorging on food later on .