
  • 网络gender;Gender Awareness;Gender consciousness
  1. 浅析新疆少数民族居住建筑中的性别意识

    Gender consciousness Analysis of Inhabitation and Architecture In Xinjiang Minorities

  2. 中国现代文学传统的性别意识反思

    Reflections on the Gender Consciousness in Modern Chinese Literary Tradition

  3. 美国各地校园内,性别意识已然觉醒的学生纷纷采纳了严谨的PC做法,在与人来往的最初,使用名字和“个人偏好的性别代词”来介绍自己。

    On campuses across the country gender-conscious students have adopted the earnest , P.C. practice of starting social interactions by introducing themselves by name and " P.G.P. , " or preferred gender pronoun .

  4. 本文主要论述非洲裔美国黑人女作家艾丽丝·沃克(AliceWalker)的小说《紫颜色》(TheColorPurple)中的种族与性别意识,共分为两章。

    Divided into two chapters , the thesis mainly expounds the consciousness of race and sexual distinction in The Color Purple , written by famous Afro-American woman writer Alice Walker .

  5. 妇女NGO可以通过对农村妇女进行性别意识教育、协助经济发展、推动成立组织等方式促进农村妇女的参与意识。

    Through gender education , economic development and organizational establishment , women 's NGOs could enhance women 's participation consciousness in rural area .

  6. 不完整的性别意识势必带来跨文化交流的障碍。

    Incomplete gender awareness is bound to bring a intercultural obstacles .

  7. 对女作家内心隐秘进行剖析;探寻女作家的性别意识。

    Anatomy of Female Writers ' Self - Consciousness of Gender .

  8. 传统女性主义与中国女作家性别意识的萌醒

    Traditional Feminist and Chinese Women Writers ′ Awakening of Sex Consciousness

  9. 《紫颜色》中的种族、性别意识

    The Consciousness of Race and Sexual Distinction in the Color Purple

  10. 性别意识与中国现代女作家的创作追求

    Gentle Consciousness and Modern Woman Writer 's Pursuit of Creation in China

  11. 第二章:女性性别意识&为女人干杯。

    Chapter two is Female sex consciousness & drinking to the women .

  12. 超性别意识与90年代女性写作

    The Sense of Su-femininity and Women 's Writing of 1990s in China

  13. 论女性诗歌中的性别意识

    Talk About the Sex Consciousness in the Poems of Women

  14. 在他们的作品中都体现了鲜明的性别意识。

    Their gender consciousnesses are presented in their works vividly .

  15. 论中国文学现代性叙事与性别意识建构

    On Ch in ese Literature 's Modernity Narration and Gender Ideology Construction

  16. 从女性文学透视女性性别意识的自觉

    A Penetrating Analysis of Female Sex Self - consciousness in Female Literature

  17. 语文教学与性别意识的建构

    Chinese Teaching and Construction about the Awareness of Gender

  18. 女书文字被评价为是世界上最具性别意识的文字。

    Womanese script has been praised as the world 's most gender-sensitive language .

  19. 女性艺术是性别意识倡导下的一大艺术景观。

    Female art is splendid art scenery under the influence of gender consciousness .

  20. 论赛珍珠中国题材文学创作中的性别意识

    On the Gender Consciousness in Pearl S.Buck 's Works of Chinese Subject Matter

  21. 个体性别意识的女性主义写作;

    Feminism writing with individual - sexual - consciousness ;

  22. 新时期以来的女性文学批评,性别意识一以贯之。

    New era feminist literary criticism has been dominated by sex for years .

  23. 谈回族研究中的性别意识

    Discuss on the Gender Awareness in the Hui Studies

  24. 论社会工作专业学生社会性别意识的培养

    On Social Gender Awareness Cultivation of Social Work Majors

  25. 论我国女装现代化进程中性别意识的表现

    The Expression of the Sex Consciousness during Modernized Process of Chinese Women 's Dress

  26. 五四时期女作家写作中的性别意识和叙事话语

    The Gender Awareness and Narrative Discourse in the May 4 Female Writers ' Literatures

  27. 大众传媒与性别意识的再生产&以央视某睡眠仪广告为例

    The mass medium and reproduction of sex consciousness

  28. 女性的性别意识开始复苏。

    Women 's gender consciousness was recovered .

  29. 对高校性别意识和女生教育的思考

    On the Thought of the Sex Consciousness and Girl Student 's Education in High School

  30. 赋予教育研究以性别意识

    On the Gender Consciousness in Educational Research