
  • 网络JSDF;self-defense forces;japan self-defense forces;SDF;Japanese Self-Defense Forces
  1. 宫城的石卷,一个小男孩和他的家人被日本自卫队救助。

    A boy and his family were rescued by Japan 's Self-Defense Forces in Ishinomaki , Miyagi Prefecture .

  2. 日本将向菲律宾派出1000人的部队,日本官员说这是日本自卫队有史以来在救灾行动中派兵最多的一次。

    The country is dispatching 1,000 troops to the Philippines in what Japanese officials have described as the largest-ever deployment by the nation 's Self-Defense Forces for disaster aid .

  3. 二战结束以来,日本自卫队(JapaneseSelf-DefenceForces)从未在战斗中放过一枪。

    Since the end of the second world war , the Japanese Self-Defence Forces have never fired a single bullet in combat .

  4. 一起事件是在1999年3月,日本自卫队在石川县能登半岛(NotoPeninsula)附近水域发现两艘朝鲜间谍船,自卫队进行驱逐并开枪示警。

    In the first case in March 1999 the SDF chased two North Korean spy ships and fired warning shots after the ships were spotted off Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture .

  5. 日本自卫队的队员当时正在在受海啸袭击的仙台东北沿海的Ishinomaki村挨家挨户寻找遇难者遗体。

    Soldiers from the Japanese Defence Force had been going from door to door pulling bodies from the devastated homes in Ishinomaki , a coastal town northeast of Sendai .

  6. 在地震发生两天后,日本自卫队海军成员在福岛附近海域救起了这名60岁的老人博光新川(HiromitsuShinkawa),当时他正依靠一个屋顶的碎片漂浮在海上。

    A Maritime Self-Defence Force destroyer rescued 60-year-old Hiromitsu Shinkawa after discovering him floating on a piece of roof in waters off Fukushima Prefecture , two days after the disaster struck .

  7. 日本自卫队提高了军事预算。

    Japan 's Self-Defense Force heightens military preparations .

  8. 日本自卫队也在合理的安全要求下,发展防御性武装力量。

    The Japanese Self Defense Force has been developing defensive armed forces under a reasonable security demand .

  9. 在1995年阪神地震中应对不力的日本自卫队已经奔赴受灾地区。

    The country 's Self-Defence Forces , which dithered in response to the Kobe earthquake in 1995 , have poured into the stricken area .

  10. 日本自卫队已经派遣直升机巡逻东部海岸地区,监测有可能发生的海啸并评估它带来的破坏。

    Japan 's Self Defense Forces have sent out helicopters to patrol along the country 's east coastline to monitor a possible tsunami and evaluate the damage .

  11. “这是不完全清楚,但我认为他们希望日本自卫队帐篷和毛毯被运到中国机场,由自卫队飞机,”町村信孝说。

    " It is not entirely clear , but I think they want SDF tents and blankets to be transported to a Chinese airport by SDF planes ," Mr Machimura said .

  12. 在派兵前往伊拉克之前,小泉首相已经将日本自卫队的补给船派往印度洋,以支持在2001年发动的阿富汗战争。

    Before sending troops to iraq , Mr Koizumi had also dispatched supply ships from japan 's so-called self-defence forces to the Indian Ocean to help with the war in Afghanistan in2001 .

  13. 首先简要介绍了反渗透净水装备的净水流程,然后分别介绍了美军、加拿大军队、德国联邦国防军、韩国军队和日本自卫队的现有反渗透净水装备。

    This paper briefly introduces the working flows of reverse osmosis purifying equipment , and then the equipment in service in America , Canada , Bundeswehr , Korea and Japanese armies are also presented .

  14. 日本航空自卫队基地防空地面设施(BADGE)系统

    BADGE System of Japanese Air Self Defense Force

  15. 日本空中自卫队主要依靠F-4和F-15喷气式战斗机。

    Japan 's Air Self Defense Force primarily relies on F-4 and F-15 fighter jets .

  16. 日本航空自卫队(JASDF)航空医学实验队的研究和训练

    Research and training in Japan Air Self Defense Force ( JASDF ) aeromedical laboratory

  17. 从“本土防御”转向“海外干预”日本航空自卫队发展新动向

    New Trend of Japan Air Self - Defence Force

  18. 日本海上自卫队2006年海上观阅式

    2006 Japan Maritime Self Defense Force Naval Review

  19. 这可能成为日本海岸自卫队历史上的一个真正突破。

    This is potentially a real breakthrough in the history of the Japanese Ground Self Defence Force .

  20. 这部法律授权日本海上自卫队派遣船只为反恐行动提供燃油支持。

    The law authorizes the dispatch of Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force vessels to provide refueling support for antiterrorism operations .

  21. 在日本国民自卫队学院研究类似心理现象的使用,可能被用于情报界。

    The Academy of National Self-Defense Forces in Japan studies the use of parapsychological phenomena that may be employed by the intelligence .

  22. 除了船长之外,日本海上自卫队实际上也拘留了船员,但是后来日放连同船只一起释放了他们。

    Besides the captain , the Japanese Coast Guard detained the crew members , though they were later released along with their boat .

  23. 日本海上自卫队高波级“涟”号导弹驱逐舰24日下午抵达广东省湛江港,开始为期5天的访问。

    The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force ship , Sazanami , arrived in Zhanjiang , Guangdong Province Tuesday afternoon to begin a5-day visit to China .

  24. 周一早上,日本海上自卫队的“国东”号战舰离开广岛基地驶向冲绳。

    Meanwhile , a warship belonging to Japan 's Maritime Self-Defense Force , Kunisaki , left its base in Hiroshima for Okinawa earlier Monday .

  25. 日本海上自卫队航空反潜能力综述水面舰艇防潜作战模拟训练的计算机仿真研究

    Airborne Anti - Submarine Warfare of Japan Maritime Self - Defence Force Research of Computer Simulation on Surface Ship Anti - Submarine Defence Imitative Training

  26. 问:上周,日本海上自卫队派遣护卫舰赴索马里亚丁湾海域进行护航,请问中方对此有何评论?

    Q : Last week , Japan Maritime Self Defense Force sent out vessels on convoy missions to the Gulf of Aden and seas off the Somali coast , how do you comment ?

  27. 北冈还指出,以前也有对宪法的重新解释,比如1954年允许日本建立自卫队,以及2001年允许自卫队在海外支援美军。

    Mr Kitaoka also notes that there have been reinterpretations of the constitution before , allowing Japan to establish the SDF in 1954 , for example , and to support US forces overseas in 2001 .

  28. 两国外长会晤时,还就近期涉及中国海军与日本海上自卫队舰艇的一系列事件坦率交换了看法。近几周,这些事件促使双方在外交层面公开表示不满。

    The same meeting also involved a robust exchange of views on a series of incidents involving vessels of the Chinese People 's Liberation Army navy and Japan 's Maritime Self-Defence Force that have prompted public diplomatic complaints from both sides in recent weeks .

  29. 日本陆上自卫队参加年度军事演习。

    Japan 's Ground Self-Defense Force take part in an annual military exercise .

  30. 去年末,日本命令其自卫队调整部署,其理由也是担忧中国军力。

    Late last year , Japan ordered a refocusing of its self-defence forces , citing concern over China .