
  • 网络Yogyakarta;jogjakarta;Jogja;Borobudur
  1. 8世纪末,一座巨大的佛教寺院婆罗浮屠在今天的日惹城。附近的爪哇中心建成。

    Towards the end of the eighth century a huge Buddhist temple , the Borobudur , was built in central Java , near the present day city of Jogjakarta .

  2. 不过,日惹有个非常偏离传统的木偶剧团:“纸月亮剧团”(ThePapermoonPuuppetTheater),它成了全球艺术节盛会中的中坚力量,使用谜一般的现代主义木偶讲述各种故事,从古代神话到现代印尼的诞生。

    One puppet act in Yogja , however , is far from traditional . The Papermoon Puppet Theater has become a staple of the global arts festival circuit , with enigmatic modernist puppets that tell stories from myth to the birth of modern Indonesia .

  3. 在印尼西部的文化中心日惹市(Yogyakarta),官员们没收了带有共产主义符号的玩具,今年的“乌布作家与读者节”(UbudWritersandReadersFestival)也被禁止讨论1965年发生的事件。

    In the city of Yogyakarta , a cultural centre in western Indonesia , officials have confiscated toys bearing Communist symbols and talks on 1965 were banned at this year 's Ubud Writers and Readers Festival .

  4. 想看到更多传统艺术,可以拜访大学区内的日惹文化办公室(DinasKebudayaan)。

    For the more traditional arts , drop by the Yogyakarta Cultural Office , the Dinas Kebudayaan , in the university district .

  5. 这个名叫PadepokanSeniBagongKussudiardja的地方由一位本地著名画家与舞台设计师兴建,可供艺术家们进行冥想与实验,如今已经成为日惹的全能文化中心,有各种排练、即兴演奏与临时表演。

    Founded by a leading local painter and choreographer as a retreat for artistic meditation and experiment , the Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja has become Yogja 's all-purpose center for rehearsals , jam sessions and impromptu performances .

  6. 本文仅为《日惹原则》简单背景资料,欲了解详细内容,请参阅原则正文。

    Please refer to the Principles themselves for a detailed awareness of the text .

  7. 戏剧精神在日惹非常强烈,令各种具象艺术蓬勃发展。

    The theatrical spirit runs so strong in Yogyakarta that it has energized the figurative arts as well .

  8. 如今,印度尼西亚的选民已经摒弃过去,追寻不确定但充满希望的未来,日惹也开始跻身世界上最有活力的艺术创新与冒险城市之列。

    And now , as Indonesia 's voters turn away from the past and reach out for an uncertain but promising future , Yogyakarta has emerged as one of the world 's most vibrant centers of artistic innovation and risk-taking .

  9. 日惹在西方罕为人知,但在东南亚家喻户晓,自从公元8世纪,它便是权力的所在地与艺术的中心,虽然后来荷兰殖民者把雅加达定为首府,也没有改变此地的地位。

    Little known in the West but familiar throughout Southeast Asia , the city known simply as Yogja ( pronounce the ' Y " as ' J " ) has been a royal center of art and power since the eighth century , even after Dutch colonials made Jakarta the capital .