
  • 网络Ukiyo-e;ukiyoe
  1. 试论漳州木版年画与日本浮世绘的异同

    Analysis on the Differences between Zhangzhou Wood Engraving and Japanese Ukiyoe

  2. 浅谈日本浮世绘对法国印象派绘画的影响

    The Influence of Japanese Yamato-e on French Impressionism Drawing

  3. 《神奈川冲浪里》,日本浮世绘技法和风格的扛鼎之做,世界美术史的重要组成部分。

    This particular woodblock is one of the most recognized works of Japanese art in the world .

  4. 平面性的特征主要是吸收了东方日本浮世绘艺术的影响,绘画图形采用平面化的色彩。

    Flatness is the absorption of the East Japan floating effect of painted art , drawing a graph of flat colour .

  5. 在日本浮世绘艺术中,有很多作品是以“八景”主题描绘而成,而葛饰北斋描绘的“八景”画题的风景版画则是最为人推崇。

    In the art of Japanese Yamato-e , many works are created according to the " Eight-Scene " theme , and the scenery woodcut by KatsushikaHokusai is most admired .

  6. 甚至被称为最具日本民族风格的浮世绘美人画,我们在透过其浮华的外表下,仍可清晰的观察到其内蕴亦深受中国传统工笔仕女绘画艺术影响的痕迹。

    However , through the buckish appearance , we can still observe the traces of the influences from the Chinese paintings in their internality .