
  • 网络Geneva Academy;Geneva College;Academy of Geneva
  1. 曾于多所大学开设博士研讨会和培训课程,包括:丹麦奥尔胡斯商学院,日内瓦高级翻译学院,鲁汶CETRA暑期研讨会等。

    She has taught doctoral seminars and training courses at various institutions , including the Aarhus Business Schools , ETI in Geneva , the CETRA summer workshop ( in Leuven ) .

  2. 日内瓦国际劳工研究学院

    " International Institute for Labour Studies , Geneva "

  3. 1943年,在维也纳,斯德哥尔摩和赫尔辛基巡回演出之后,李帕蒂去了日内瓦,在那里他经常和钢琴家埃德温·菲舍尔会面,之后接受了日内瓦音乐学院的教授职位。

    In1943 , after touring Vienna , Stockholm and Helsinki , Lipatti moved to Geneva where he met often with pianist Edwin Fisher and later received a professorship at the Geneva Conservatory .