
  • 网络The Power of Poetry;Louder Than a Bomb
  1. 论昌耀诗歌的力量美

    On the Beauty of Power in Chang-yao 's Poems

  2. 她的小说创作有着鲜明的杜拉斯式风格,即在叙事中蕴含着一种诗歌的力量。

    The creation of her novels are bright Duras-style , and it is containing one kind of poetic strength .

  3. 不过,即使是为诗歌动人心弦的力量萦绕心灵而骄傲的人,也很快就必需挣脱诗歌那令人愉悦的束缚;

    but , for much the greater part of those who have been proud of its power over their minds , a necessity soon arises of breaking the pleasing bondage ;

  4. 屈原诗歌的艺术力量来源于诗人那深刻地体验所产生的壮烈而激越的情感,其旨大都在于寻求精神的情感解脱。

    Artistic charm of Qu Yuan 's poetry stemmed from the grip of his heroic and intense emotion aroused through the poet 's profound personal experience , which aimed at seeking the way out to extricate himself from spiritual emotion .

  5. 同时,史蒂文斯非常看重诗歌自身形式的力量,对诗歌的意象、画面、声音甚至语言形式表现出了极大的关注。

    In addition , Stevens attends closely to the form of poetry , which is another source of the power of poetry .

  6. 在他的时代,他超越众人,创造了极具创新性的产品,把诗歌和处理器的力量完美结合。

    More than anyone else of his time , he made products that were completely innovative , combining the power of poetry and processors .

  7. 他认为诗歌的高贵,是指诗歌内部的力量,也可以运用到诗歌外部。

    He talks about the nobility of the poem , the force from within it being equal to the force that might be applied from without .

  8. 进入新世纪后,诗歌的社会功能日益强化,不仅聚焦个人的生活体验,而且对公共事件也有了书写,赋予了诗歌一定的行动力量。

    After entering the new century , the social function of poetry ever to strengthen not only individual life experiences focused , but also for public events has also been writing poetry gives a certain " action " force .