
  • 网络NIKKEI 225;Nikkei 225 Index
  1. 东京日经225指数(Nikkei225index)今年创下42.1%的年度跌幅,远远超过1990年38.7%的上一最大年度跌幅。韩国Kospi指数今年跌幅亦高达40.7%。

    The Nikkei 225 index in Tokyo recorded a 42.1 per cent fall , well above its last biggest annual loss of 38.7 per cent in 1990 , while Korea 's Kospi index ended the year with a loss of 40.7 per cent .

  2. 日经225指数从超过36000点的最高点跌去了一半。

    The Nikkei 225 index halved from its peak above 36,000 .

  3. 在日本,日经225指数(Nikkei225-StockIndex)达到历史新高,当天上升了将近5%。

    In Japan , the Nikkei 225-stock index average hit fresh highs , jumping almost 5 percent for the day .

  4. 然而,由于牌照争议,日经225指数这一与道琼斯工业平均指数(DowJonesIndustrialAverage)齐名的股指错过了ETF基金的大好时光。

    Yet the Nikkei 225 , the Japanese equivalent of the Dow Jones industrial average , has sat out the ETF boom , thanks to licensing disputes .

  5. 在东京,日经225指数(Nikkei225Average)上涨0.7%,至3周来最高水平,而MSCI新兴市场指数已升至10个月新高。

    In Tokyo , the Nikkei 225 Average edged up 0.7 per cent to a three-week peak while the MSCI emerging market equity index touched a 10-month high .

  6. 举例来说,它的日经225指数期货合约的交易量,远远高于东京证交所的东证指数(Topix)合约。

    For example , its Nikkei 225 futures contract is traded in much higher volumes than the TSE 's Topix contract .

  7. bos报告为亚洲股市提供了一些支撑,东京日经225指数略涨0.4%,而香港恒指攀升0.8%。

    The BOS report offered some support to Asian equity markets , with the Nikkei 225 average in Tokyo edging 0.4 per cent higher and Hong Kong rising 0.8 per cent .

  8. 德国xetradax指数同期跌幅约为23%,而标普500指数和日经225指数跌幅接近28%。

    The German xetra DAX has fallen about 23 per cent over the same timespan , while the S & P 500 and the Nikkei 225 average have slumped close to 28 per cent .

  9. 在东京市场,日经225指数微涨0.1%。

    In Tokyo , the Nikkei 225 average inched up 0.1 per cent .

  10. 在日本,日经225指数连续第八天上升,以9944收盘。

    The Nikkei 225 index in Japan ed for the eighth straight trading day to close at 9944 .

  11. 由于投资者纷纷迈进出口商类股,日经225指数涨逾2%。

    The Nikkei 225 share index rose more than 2 per cent as investors bought shares in exporters .

  12. 在东京,日经225指数下跌了0.5%,至9767.61点,同样是出口股领跌。

    Similarly , export-focused stocks in Tokyo led the Nikkei 225 Average down 0.5 per cent to 9, 767.61 .

  13. 这使得日经225指数(Nikkei225)市盈率降至近40年来的最低水平。

    That has driven price / earnings ratios for the Nikkei 225 index to their lowest levels in nearly 40 years .

  14. 日经225指数上周跌去近四分之一,于上周五收于五年半来的最低水平。

    It lost a quarter of its value last week , closing on Friday at a five and a half year low .

  15. 东京日经225指数(Nikkei225)今年涨幅达到更高的12%,创15年新高。

    That undershoots a 12 per cent gain for Tokyo 's Nikkei 225 this year . It 's is at a 15-year peak .

  16. 日本市场上,受7月份工业订单远逊预期的影响,日经225指数下跌2.7%。

    In Japan , industrial orders for July that were sharply weaker than forecast helped push the Nikkei 225 average down by 2.7 per cent .

  17. 亚洲其它股市也走低,香港股市跌0.7%,东京日经225指数跌0.5%。

    Other Asian equity markets also fell , with Hong Kong dropping 0.7 per cent and the Nikkei 225 Average in Tokyo slipping 0.5 per cent .

  18. 上证综合指数上涨1.7%,创下9个月新高,而东京的日经225指数上涨了0.5%。

    The Shanghai Composite index rose 1.7 per cent to a fresh nine-month high , while the Nikkei 225 in Tokyo edged up 0.5 per cent .

  19. 日本日经225指数(Nikkei225index)以下跌6.8%收盘,美国标准普尔500指数(S&P500index)至午间下跌3.2%。

    Japan 's Nikkei 225 index closed down 6.8 per cent while the US 's S & P 500 index was down 3.2 per cent by midday .

  20. 上海股市上涨,带动亚洲其他市场反弹,日经225指数上涨1.8%,港股上涨1.9%。

    Shanghai 's advance helped other Asian equity markets rebound , with the Nikkei 225 in Tokyo rising 1.8 per cent and Hong Kong 1.9 per cent .

  21. 在过去五年,本田股票的回报率已回升至27%,但仍远低于日经225指数82%的回报率。

    In the past five years , Honda shares have returned 27 % to holders , lagging well behind the Nikkei 225 Index , which returned 82 % .

  22. 亚洲股市昨日涨跌互现,香港和韩国股市收盘创历史新高,而日经225指数(Nikkei225Average)则从7年高点回落。

    Asian stocks put in mixed performances yesterday as Hong Kong and Seoul set record closing highs but the Nikkei 225 Average in Tokyo retreated from a seven-year peak .

  23. 度过周一的公众假日后,东京的交易员昨日回到办公桌前,帮助日经225指数创下其59年历史上的最大单日涨幅。

    Tokyo traders returned to their desks after a public holiday on Monday and helped push the Nikkei 225 index to the largest one-day jump in its 59-year history .

  24. 亚洲其它地区的市场情绪也都出现改善,香港股市反弹0.8%,东京的日经225指数收市上涨0.2%。

    The improvement in mood spread across the rest of the region with Hong Kong rebounding 0.8 per cent and the Nikkei 225 in Tokyo edging up 0.2 per cent .

  25. 日本相对未受损伤,日经225指数昨日与亚洲各地股市一起下跌,但比恒生指数达到峰值时仍高了大约5%。

    Relatively unscathed is Japan . Its Nikkei 225 tumbled with everyone else yesterday , but is still some 5 per cent higher than it was when the Hang Seng peaked .

  26. 日元疲软往往会与日本股市呈现负相关性,出于这个原因,日经225指数(Nikkei225)以跃升1%的表现领跑亚洲股市。

    A softer yen also often displays an inverse correlation to Japanese stocks , and so the Nikkei 225 has led the Asia region higher with a 1 per cent pop .

  27. 在东京,日经225指数表现不及上述市场,仅微幅攀升0.5%,而上海股市则逆势下跌,跌幅超过1%。

    In Tokyo , the Nikkei 225 Average underperformed as it edged up 0.5 per cent , while Shanghai bucked the trend with a drop of more than 1 per cent .

  28. 在东京,由于出口商股票受日元兑美元疲弱提振,日经225指数上涨1%,收于10654.79点,创15个月收盘新高。

    In Tokyo , the Nikkei 225 Average climbed 1 per cent to a fresh 15-month closing high of 10, 654.79 as exporters were helped by the yen 's softer tone against the dollar .

  29. 在上海,上证综指回吐了早盘的涨幅,收跌1.9%;东京股市则没有理会中国加息的消息,日经225指数(Nikkei225Average)收涨0.8%。

    In Shanghai , the Composite gave back an early advance to close 1.9 per cent lower , although Tokyo shrugged off the news and the Nikkei 225 Average ended 0.8 per cent higher .

  30. 研究结果显示,投资组合的年平均收益率为13.61%,远高于代表日本股票市场普遍水平的日经225指数,其年平均收益率为3.97%。

    The result showed that the average annual return of the portfolio is 13.61 % , also higher than NIKKEI 225 index which stands for the average level of Japanese stock market , whose average annual return is 3.97 % .