
  • 网络Barrier Free Design;barrier-free design;Universal Design;barrier-free
  1. 浅析老年人居住空间无障碍设计

    Analysis on the barrier-free design of living space for aged people

  2. 老年人行为分析与产品无障碍设计策略

    Analyses of the Senior Citizens ' Behavior and Barrier-free Design Strategies

  3. 简述了无障碍设计的思想和方法;

    The thought and method of barrier-free design was discussed .

  4. 山地步行空间的无障碍设计

    No Barrier Design of Walk Space of The Mountainous Area

  5. 这些阶段包括选址;总平面布局;功能空间的构成、组织、设计;无障碍设计。

    Analysis on the barrier-free design of living space for aged people ;

  6. 从行为心理之观点探讨老年住宅的无障碍设计

    Accessible design of elderly residential from the behavior psychology viewpoint

  7. 老年人取药器之无障碍设计研究

    Design and Research of Barrier Free Drug Packaging for the Old Men

  8. 特色小区&无障碍设计规划的开发研究

    Research and exploitation in the characterful uptown & barrier-free living environment design

  9. 住宅卫生间无障碍设计研究

    A Study on Barrier-free Design of Bathroom of Residential Building

  10. 无障碍设计在室内住宅卫生间中的应用

    The Application of Non-barrier Design in the Indoor Housing Bathroom

  11. 地铁车站内部空间环境的无障碍设计研究

    Research of the Barrier-free Design on Interior Space Environment of Subway Station

  12. 城市公共空间中的有障碍与无障碍设计研究

    Urban Public Space Has Obstacles and Barrier-free Design Study

  13. 住宅区户外环境设计中的无障碍设计

    No-barrier Design in Outdoor Environment Design of Residential Quarter

  14. 针对视障用户的网络界面无障碍设计探索

    Network Interface Accessibility Design for the Visually Impaired Users

  15. 奥运村的所有相关设施也将采用无障碍设计。

    All supporting facilities in the Olympic Village will also be so designed .

  16. 顺应社会发展加强建筑物的无障碍设计

    Strengthened buildings no barrier design to adapt social development

  17. 园林中的无障碍设计探讨

    Discussion of Non - obstructive Design on Gardens

  18. 多变性发展的无障碍设计服务于残疾人的生活。

    Variability in the development of barrier-free design service life of persons with disabilities .

  19. 因此对室内公共空间的无障碍设计提出了更高、更加合理的要求。

    Therefore on indoor public space of barrier-free design more and more reasonable requirements .

  20. 道路无障碍设计的探讨

    A Discussion on Barrier-free Design of Roads

  21. 浅谈无障碍设计在老年人住宅居住环境中的重要性

    A Brief Introduction on the Importance of Universal Design in Senior Citizens ' House Environment

  22. 在设计中考虑了安全因数,实现了无障碍设计与关爱性设计。

    Considering security factors , the researcher achieves an obstacle-free caring design in the project .

  23. 这些场馆,将充分考虑残疾人奥运会的需要,实施无障碍设计。

    These venues will be designed to be fully accessible for the people with disabilities .

  24. 浅谈城市交通中的无障碍设计

    Discussing Accessible Design in Urban Traffic

  25. 老年住宅的视力无障碍设计

    Eyesight Barrier-free Design of Elder Housing

  26. 住宅无障碍设计浅析

    Brief Analysis of Housing Barrier-free Design

  27. 老年人住宅室外环境的无障碍设计

    Outdoor Design for Old People

  28. 无障碍设计

    Discussion on Barrier-free Design

  29. 再次,对于现代老年无障碍设计的研究及老年用品市场的开发具有一定的启示作用。

    Again , there are some inspirations for barrier-free design of modern elderly and elderly products market development .

  30. 文章探讨了老年人住宅的形式、老年人住宅的室内外环境设计及无障碍设计。

    The article gives discus-sion on pattern , indoor and outdoor environment design and barrier-free design of elder housing .