
  • 网络aseptic inflammation;sterility inflammation
  1. 肩关节周围炎Periarthritis(简称肩周炎)是肩关节周围肌肉、韧带、肌腱、滑囊和关节囊等软组织损伤、退变而引起的关节囊和关节周围软组织的一种慢性无菌性炎症。

    Periarthritis of shoulder Periarthritis ( referred to as frozen shoulder ) injury of the soft tissue around the shoulder muscles , ligaments , tendons , bursa and joint capsule , a chronic aseptic inflammation caused by the joint capsule and articular soft tissue degeneration .

  2. 乳腺导管扩张症是一种较少见的无菌性炎症样特殊类型的乳腺病变。

    Abstract Mammary ductal ectasia is an uncommon breast disease characteristic of aseptic inflammation .

  3. 作者推论cAMP可能是参与无菌性炎症性发热的中枢介质。

    BURN AND FEVER The authors infer that cAMP may be the CNS mediator in aseptic inflammatory fever .

  4. 结论:宫内节育器引起子宫内膜无菌性炎症反应,导致部分妇女血清中IL-6水平升高。

    Conclusion : The nonbacterial endometrial inflammation induced by IUCD causes the increase of serum level of IL6 in some women .

  5. 【方法与结果】向家兔腹腔注射1%酪蛋白350ml,构建兔腹腔无菌性炎症动物模型。

    [ Meathod and Results ] The rabbits ' abdominal cavities were injected by 350 ml 1 % casein to establish peritoneal sterile inflammation animals ' models .

  6. 无菌性炎症和胸大肌炎症反应给予微波治疗。

    With microwave treatment to aseptic inflammation and inflammation of pectoralis major mascular .

  7. 无菌性炎症反应促进了术后肠梗阻的发生和发展,导致小肠动力受损。

    Aseptic inflammation contributes to the development of POI and leads to impaired intestinal motility .

  8. 放射性肺损伤严格意义上来讲是无菌性炎症[3],其一旦发生往往不可逆转,因此预防比治疗更重要。

    Radiation-induced lung injury occurs often irreversible , so prevention is more important than treatment .

  9. 家兔无菌性炎症的致热效应与环核苷酸反应

    The effect of aseptic inflammatory fever and cyclic adenosine concentration of blood and cerebrospinal fluid in rabbits

  10. 创伤性无菌性炎症8例;

    Traumatic nonbacterial inflammation 8 ;

  11. 结果:术后平均随访18个月,无一例发生感染、无菌性炎症反应、骨溶解现象。

    RESULTS : All patients were followed up for average 18 months without infection , aseptic inflammation or osteolysis .

  12. 大鼠感染及无菌性炎症模型创口渗出液的酶活性分析

    Analysis of enzyme activities in wound exudates released from rat models with infected or uninfected inflammation : a comparison

  13. 活血化瘀,改善微循环,消除无菌性炎症;

    Activating the blood circulation , eliminating the blood stasis , improving the microcirculation and removing the aseptic inflammation ;

  14. 结论腰椎间盘突出症产生症状的一个主要原因是“无菌性炎症”,其治疗应以保守为主。

    Conclusion The main reason of lumbar disc herniation is aseptic inflammation which is very important in conservative treatment .

  15. 结果①应用骨科钢板内固定的6例分别出现了排异、感染、无菌性炎症反应。

    Results ( 1 ) Six cases fixed with orthopedic steel plate developed rejection , infection and aseptic inflammatory reaction respectively .

  16. 实验结果表明:颈痛宁对软组织无菌性炎症模型有明显的治疗作用,并有一定的止痛作用;

    It indicates that JTL has obvious therapeutic effects to soft tissue models of aseptic inflammatory and some certain acesodyne effects .

  17. 生物学性能实验表明复合多孔材料具有很好的生物活性,并能够在体内降解,没有无菌性炎症的发生。

    Biology experiment showed that the scaffolds prepared in this work have good bioactive ability and can degrade in vivo without inflammatory reaction .

  18. 方法采用套管法致C57BL/6小鼠股动脉外膜无菌性炎症,行Movat特殊染色辨认动脉管壁的变化;

    Methods To Set up the model of the aseptic inflammation with cannulation by circling the femoral artery in C57BL / 6 mice .

  19. 剩余2例患者进行3次羊膜移植未控制住无菌性炎症,角膜表面全周纤维血管增殖,分别行两次对侧健眼角膜缘干细胞移植才控制住炎症,视力恢复差。

    Not until twice contralateral limbal stem cell transplantations , the inflammation was controlled , but the prognosis of visual acuity was very poor .

  20. 说明消瘀止痛膏具有抑制创伤局部无菌性炎症反应、降低血液粘度、改善微循环、促进伤区血肿吸收和组织修复的作用。

    It was suggested that it could inhibit aseptic inflammatory reaction reduce the blood viscosity , improve blood circulation and benefit the repairing of soft tissue .

  21. 结果皮肤扩张可造成局部皮肤的退行性损伤,甚至可引起无菌性炎症反应。但其局部免疫功能和抗感染能力未受到影响。

    Results Regressive injury after topical skin expansion , aseptic inflammation could be induced , but there was no change about local immune function and anti-infective function .

  22. 结论:骨牵引术后钉道酒精护理可出现无菌性炎症反应,相应局部皮温升高。

    Conclusion : The inflammations without bacteria can occur in around nail of skeletal tractor although it was with alcohol nursing , and with skin temperature arisen .

  23. 目的通过模拟第三腰椎横突周围无菌性炎症的方法,建立第三腰椎横突综合征动物实验模型,对两种不同动物重复用同一造模方法以考察其可靠性。

    Objective To establish the experimental models of transverse process of the third lumbar vertebra syndrome in rats and rabbits with the aim of understanding its pathophysiological mechanisms .

  24. 结果8例并发症包括血肿、硬结、无菌性炎症、难以将其从人体正常组织中完全清除的异物的残面。

    Results The complications of8 cases included bleeding , hard nodule , aseptic inflammation and difficulty to clean the filling material completely from the normal tissue of human body .

  25. 两周后向背部皮下注入空气造成气腔,然后向腔内注入巴豆油,诱发无菌性炎症。

    After two weeks air was injected into the back of rabbits to form air sacs , then croton oil was introduced to induce an aseptic inflammatory granuloma pouch .

  26. 34例均达到预期延长长度,其中1例发生胫神经损伤,8例出现针道无菌性炎症反应,6例出现膝关节屈曲挛缩畸形,4例出现马蹄畸形,经治疗均康复。

    Tibial nerve injury occurred in one case , pin track aseptic inflammation occurred in 8 cases , knee joint flexion contracture occurred in 6 cases , talipes equines occurred in 4 cases .

  27. 临床观察结果表明,其治痛机理主要是通过消除无菌性炎症,增加局部血液供应,松解肌肉痉挛,来达到解除炎症致痛、缺血致痛和痉挛致痛的目的。

    It is indicated that the mechanism is mainly eliminating aseptic inflammation , increasing local blood supply , relaxing muscular spasm , so as to stop pain caused by inflammation , ischemia and spasm .

  28. 结果:并发症的发生率为:后囊破裂1.96%,眼内无菌性炎症5.8%,迟发性炎症反应3.8%,晶体偏位0.98%,眼压升高5.8%。

    Results : The rate of complications : posterior capsule rupture 1.96 % , ocular inflammation 5.8 % , delayed inflammation 3.8 % , lens dislocation 0.98 % , increased ocular pressure 5.8 % .

  29. 结论:威弛搽剂能抑制创伤性无菌性炎症反应,有良好的消肿散瘀作用,能明显减轻急性软组织损伤的疼痛,是治疗急性软组织损伤较为理想的药物。

    Conclusion : Weichi liniment could inhibit traumatic aseptic inflammation and exert an effect of relieving swelling and dispersing blood stasis and might be an ideal external used drug in treating acute soft tissue injury .

  30. 然而单一聚乳酸作为骨固定材料存在绝对力学强度较低;降解产物呈酸性,易引起体内无菌性炎症反应;缺乏骨结合能力;对X光具有穿透性,不便于临床上显影观察等缺点。

    However , polylactic acid independently serve as bone fixation material has many problems such as : lower mechanical strength ; acidic degradation products lead to the body aseptic inflammation ; lack of capacity of osseointegration .