
wú xiàn zé rèn ɡōnɡ sī
  • Unlimited Liability Company;unlimited company
  1. 有限责任无限责任公司比有限责任公司的风险高。

    limited liability Unlimited liability companies are at higher risk than limited liability companies .

  2. 无限责任是公司的基本责任形式。

    Unlimited liabilities are the basic form of liabilities in a company .

  3. 有限责任公司的无限责任&《公司法》第12条及简评

    Unlimited Liabilities of the Limited Corporations : Comment on Article 12 of Corporate Law

  4. 无限责任股东,对公司债务负连带无限清偿责任;有限责任股东,以出资额为限,对于公司负其责任。

    Shareholders of unlimited liability shall bear joint unlimited liability for obligations of the company , and shareholders of limited liability shall be liable to the company only to the extent of the capital contributed by them .