
  • 网络Travelers Program
  1. YouTube最新一期约会旅游节目《跨国界约会》聚焦从英国到牙买加等不同国家截然不同的美女标准,并提出问题:“我们愿意为美貌付出多大代价?”

    In its latest installment , YouTube dating and travel series Dating Beyond Borders looks at female beauty standards across countries from the UK to Jamaica to show how vastly they vary and asking : ' how far do we go to look beautiful ? '

  2. 最新一期YouTube约会旅游节目《跨国界约会》审视了各国美女标准,看看差异有多巨大,并提出了问题“追求美貌我们做了多少努力?”视频显示了不同国家整容手术的数据信息。

    In its latest installment , YouTube dating and travel series Dating Beyond Borders looks at female beauty standards across countries to show how vastly they vary and asking : ' how far do we go to look beautiful ? ' The video displays informative stats about cosmetic procedures in different countries .

  3. 自从五个月前,汤姆的“出柜”视频上传Youtube之后,他的人气暴涨。他现在与ITV2签订合约主持一档旅游节目,还为阿迪达斯Neo男士帽子代言,传言这份工作他会有30万英镑的酬劳。

    Since Tom 's coming out on YouTube five months ago his popularity has skyrocketed and he 's now signed a deal to host a travel series for ITV2 , as well as being the face of Adidas ' Neo range for men hat is reportedly earning him a cool £ 300000 .

  4. 中国电视旅游节目发展研究

    A Study on the Development of TV Travel Program in China

  5. 各电视台相继播出大量的旅游节目。

    Various television stations broadcast the massive traveling program one after another .

  6. 去西双版纳参加泼水节,已成为一个十分吸引人的旅游节目。

    Going to Xishuangbanna for the Water-sprinkling Festival has been an attractive tourism activity .

  7. 这是一个旅游节目。主要是介绍中国各大城市。

    This is a tourism programme and it mainly introduces major cities in China .

  8. 也许是旅游节目看太多。到达住宿地点前,一直告诉自己这一定是个很棒的地方!

    Perhaps from watching too many travel shows , I 've been imagining this place as impeccably wonderful .

  9. 《魅力中国》通过吸纳和包含这些关于中国的资讯和经验,制作出精彩的旅游节目。

    This television series takes all that information , advice and detail and compiles it as an exciting travel show .

  10. 主持人将会到都柏林、伊斯坦堡、台北、曼谷、柏斯、里约热内卢和日本等地寻幽访胜,为观众准备最地道、最精彩的旅游节目。

    This new series of Lonely Plant : Six Degrees will provide unique tours to Dublin , Istanbul , Bangkok , Perth , Taipei , Miami , Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo .

  11. 现在,他在河内市中心开了一家以他的名字命名的餐厅,同时他也是一个热门烹饪旅游节目的主持人,身兼作者的他最近刚出版了一本烹饪书。

    Today , he runs his namesake restaurant in the heart of Hanoi . He 's also the host of a successful cooking and travel show and author of a recently released cookbook .

  12. 艾德·阿斯纳因过度疲劳住院,这位现年83岁的演员一直单人主持走遍全国的旅游节目,制作时间长达3年。现在节目只能在印第安纳州暂停拍摄。

    Ed Asner has been hospitalized with exhaustion . The 83-year-old actor , who has been touring the country with a one-man show for more than three years , was taken off stage in Indiana .

  13. 这里并不欢迎拍照(这是本地活动,不是旅游节目),所以坐下来喝杯香槟(26比索),尽情享受表演就好。

    Taking photos is frowned upon ( this is a local activity , not a tourist event ) , so sit back with a glass of champagne ( 26 pesos ) and enjoy the show .

  14. 安德鲁席莫曾在旅游美食节目《古怪食物》中说过,请成为一位旅行家,而不要做一名游客。

    Andrew Zimmerman from Bizarre Foods once said Please be a traveler , not a tourist .

  15. 每天晚上,我都追随英国网络4频道的旅游亮点节目:周五我发现美国的伊芙琳·史蒂文斯赢得2016年版的第三阶段的个人计时赛。

    Every evening , I catch-up with the Tour highlights on ITV4 : on Friday I found out that Evelyn Stevens of the USA won the individual time trial , her third stage win of the 2016 edition .

  16. 是一个向中国观众介绍世界各地旅游观光的节目,当时99%的中国人还连护照都没有。

    That was a show to introduce sightseeing around the world to the Chinese audience , who at that time , 99 % of our population , didn 't even have a passport .

  17. 我想要做一名宝莱坞的影响在马戏团数量旅游和我的节目杰米王主任它变成现实。

    I wanted to do a Bollywood influenced number on my Circus tour and my show director Jamie King made it a reality .

  18. 二十世纪九十年代以后,旅游业的兴旺发展催生了大量的电视旅游节目,呈现出新闻、真人秀、游戏娱乐、访谈、纪录片等多种节目形式。

    Since 1990s , the thriving of tourism has accelerated the a large amount of TV programs on traveling , such as news , live shows , entertainment games , interviews , newsreels , and so on .

  19. 通过旅游经历亲身体验了解这个国家,而不是从国家地理杂志或CNN旅游节目来了解。

    10 . You learn about the country you 're visiting through experience , rather than National Geographic . Or CNN Travel .