
  1. 缪斯门下的喧阗聚散&论中国古典诗词鉴赏热

    Hubbub and Quiescence before the Muses : On the Chinese Classical Poetry Craze

  2. 由穿庭历阶到升堂入室&试论中国古典诗词的鉴赏

    On appreciation of Chinese classic poem

  3. 因此,我们在对中国古典诗词进行鉴赏的过程中,应充分注重对诗词所传递出的直接信息和潜在信息进行整体接受。

    And it emphasizes on mingling the visionary with the real , the hidden and the revealing to develop the aesthetic conception of poetry , we should specially notice the unity of the direct and indirect messages conveyed by the lines when we appreciate the poetry .

  4. 本文介绍的是意象常用的三种组合方法,也是我们对中国古典诗词进行审美鉴赏时要特别注意的方面。

    This paper mainly introduces the three common combined methods in images , which is the important point we should pay special attention to in aesthetic appreciation .