
  1. 依据山势,在二库南岸旅游路西侧建一个滑沙场,占地面积3500平方米。

    It is proposed to construct a sand sliding field according to landform of the hill , covering an area of 3,500 m 2 .

  2. 河北京秦高速公路是华北连接东三省最重要的经济干线,是一条经济路、政治路、旅游路,所以保证道路通行能力尤为重要。

    Beijing-Qinhuangdao expressway is the most important economic expressway line , which means it is economic , political and it is a tour line , so , assuring its running ability become very important .

  3. 因此,大庾岭也是一远近闻名的风景名区,是一条旅游之路。

    Therefore , Dayu Ridge is also a famous scenic spot & a travelling road .

  4. 绿色环球21证书的取得,证明了九寨沟正走向一条可持续发展战略的生态旅游之路。

    The certificate " Green Globe 21 " of Jiuzhaigou demonstrates a strategy of ecotourism and sustainable development .

  5. 中国走向世界旅游强国之路

    A Way for China to Become a World-power in Tourism

  6. 我国旅游法之路在何方?

    Which way we should take in legislating china 's travel law ?

  7. 在旅游的主要路来回走。

    Wandering from the main path of a journey .

  8. 走有江西特色的旅游发展之路

    Development of Special Tour Industry of Jiangxi Province

  9. 那个地址在纸上看上去有些偏远,但是一旦我们到了那儿,我们发现想找到城区和旅游景点的路一点困难也没有。

    The location seemed a little daunting on paper , but once we were there it was no problem at all to find our way between Bola Bola and the tourist attractions .

  10. 介绍上海强生旅游公司武胜路营业部经营管理实践中总结的三点启示,即:现代管理方法的内涵、现代管理思想的核心和现代管理实践中的盲区。

    3 points of inspiration from the operation and management at Shanghai Qiangsheng tourist co. , i.e.the contents of modern management method , the core of modern management thought and the blind area in modern management practice are expounded .

  11. 中国旅游法制建设之路

    Reviewing and Prospecting of Legal Construction for Chinese Tourism

  12. 曾因真人秀节目《泽西海岸》而享誉盛名的海边高地,现在它引起人们的注意则因它在飓风期间迅速向海里下沉,市长说该城镇的经济来源75%依靠旅游业,木板路是关键因素。

    In Seaside Heights immortalized in the reality show Jersey Shore and now noteworthy for the roller coaster that fell into the ocean during the hurricane , the mayor says 75 % of the town 's economy comes from tourism , the boardwalk is key .

  13. 通过研究与之相适应的城镇及建筑环境风貌,探索三峡特色旅游环境保护和旅游建筑创作之路,以促进三峡旅游持续健康发展。

    By studying the corresponding style of urban and built environment , exploring the way of tourism environmental protection and tourism architectural creation in Three Gorges region .

  14. 要充分挖掘楚文化的各种文化因子,并将楚文化旅游资源与其它类型的旅游资源进行有机整合,走旅游综合发展之路。

    A variety of Chu cultural elements should be fully explored , and tourism resources of Chu culture should be organically integrated with other sorts of tourism resources in this area . This paper suggests a way of comprehensively developing tourism of Chu culture .

  15. 本文侧重介绍了察北牧场第一分场旅游规划的指导思想、基本规划思路等内容,旨在探讨地理过渡地带开发草原旅游之路,以期实现草原旅游业的可持续发展。

    It aims to discuss the methods of grassland tourism planning in geographically transitional regions so as to fulfill grassland tourism 's sustainable development .

  16. 通过简要分析边区旅游业发展所取得的成绩和存在的问题,提出要促使边区旅游业的健康可持续发展,就必须走区域旅游合作之路。

    This part briefly analyses the present situation and problems of the Border Area 's tourism development , and then concludes that inter-regional cooperation in tourism development is the necessary choice for the healthy and sustainable development of the Border Area 's tourism development .