
  • 网络new resource food;novel food
  1. 我国新资源食品管理的现况及对策探讨

    The current situation and discussion on the novel food management in China

  2. 植物甾醇酯是2010年国家卫生部新批准的一种新资源食品,具有重要的生理学价值,已经被广泛应用于食品、药品、化妆品等领域。

    As a novel food with significantly physiological value , plant sterol ester has been widely used in food , medicine and cosmetic .

  3. 目前我国食品与药品管理局已批准蚂蚁食品为新资源食品。

    Ant-foods have been authenticated as new resources food by State Food & Drug Administration .

  4. 芦荟是一种新资源食品,具有药用价值、美容功效和食品营养价值。

    Aloe is a new resource of food with medicinal value , beauty efficacy and food nutritional value .

  5. 目的:评价云南引进的珍贵树种&塔拉豆粉的食用安全性,为新资源食品开发提供基础数据。

    Objective : To evaluate the safety of edible Tara powder and provide basic data for the development of this food .

  6. 作者通过对现阶段我国新资源食品的管理及存在问题的初步分析,旨在探讨我国新资源食品科学化、规范化的管理途径。

    By analyzing the present problems of novel foods management in China , the article is to explore scientific approaches for novel foods management in our country .

  7. 新资源食品的开发在丰富了人们的膳食资源的同时,也给人们带来许多潜在的食用安全性问题,因此各国都在寻求一条行之有效的新资源食品管理途径。

    The development of novel foods enriches food resources , but also brings many potential food safety problems , and therefore countries in the world are seeking an effective way to manage novel foods .

  8. 因珍珠是名贵中药和新资源食品,通过调补人体机能才能产生明显作用,应在离考试前一至二个月开始服用。

    Pearl is a valued medicine and a new resource food and it effects by adjusting and mending the function of the body , so it should be taken one or two months before attending examinations .

  9. 玉米花粉是我国新资源药食同源食品,其中多糖是很重要的功能因子。

    Maize pollen is a new resource of Medicinal and Edible food , in which the polysaccharide is a very important function-factor .