
xīn cháo
  • new tide;a new wave;fashion;newfashioned
新潮 [xīn cháo]
  • (1) [new tide]∶新涨的潮水

  • (2) [fashion]∶在特殊时间或季节内被确立或采用的通行的或公认的服装或个人装饰的样式或一批样式

新潮[xīn cháo]
  1. 我们生产的衬衫大方,优雅,新潮。

    We produce shirts big square , elegant and new tide .

  2. 日本新潮族

    Japan new tide clan

  3. 大学校园往往引领变革的新潮。

    University campuses are often the bellwether of change .

  4. 约翰住在一个新潮而又混乱无序的艺术家的工作室里。

    John lived in a stylishly shambolic artist 's studio .

  5. 我以前常穿新潮的衣服,但看上去却滑稽可笑。

    I used to wear trendy gear but it just looked ridiculous .

  6. 从几乎所有意义上说,他们都属于非常新潮的保守主义分子。

    They were very modern Tories in almost every sense

  7. 她的观点非常新潮。

    She is very modern in outlook .

  8. 乱蓬蓬的头发和时兴的胡茬都很新潮。

    Tousled hair and designer stubble are chic

  9. 你若想赶新潮,就得在衣着上花很多钱。

    You 'll spend lots on clothes if you always follow the fashion .

  10. 那是一家墙上挂着很有意思的绘画的新潮餐馆。

    It is a funky restaurant with very interesting art on the walls .

  11. 高亮度LED户外照明新潮及其驱动器技术

    High Brightness LED Outdoor Lighting Trendy and Drive Technology

  12. 在比较新潮的web2.0互联网时代,TimesNewRoman是非常不适用的。

    Times New Roman is rarely appropriate in a futuristic web2.0-enabled society .

  13. 通用(GeneralMotors)、福特(Ford)和其它美国厂商纷纷仿效,于是“新潮外观”的轿车越来越泛滥。

    General motors , Ford , and American Motors hurried to compete .

  14. 14K金首饰设计新颖,变化紧跟国际潮流,充分满足时髦女性对新潮服饰的搭配需求。

    Newly-designed 14K gold jewellery following the world trend can fully satisfy modern women 's demand for fashionaBle ornament arrangement .

  15. 比较新潮的公司社会责任(corporatesocialresponsibility,csr)又太过强调商业利益与公众利益之间存在的紧张对立。

    Newfangled corporate social responsibility ( CSR ) types are bewitched by the idea that there is a tension between business and society .

  16. 《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)的报道称,这是一个时尚秀场,有新潮hip-hop街舞,当然也有激光红毯秀。

    The New York Times reported that it was a flashy affair , with hip-hop dancing and , of course , a laser light show .

  17. 但有一件事可以肯定:戴着特殊的眼镜看3D,无论有多新潮,仍很累人。

    One thing 's for sure : Wearing the special glasses -- no matter how stylish -- is still a wearisome part of seeing things in 3D .

  18. 办公地点就位于新潮的江南区没错,就是《江南Style》里的那个江南这一地区已经聚集了一批手机初创企业,其数量日益增长,那里还有一些科技孵化公司对他们进行指导。

    The office is in the trendy district of Gangnam yes , that Gangnam which is already home to a growing cluster of mobile start-ups and a handful of technology incubators to mentor them .

  19. 苹果(Apple)将软件与新潮硬件捆绑,来增加其窃取难度,但即使是苹果也需要花费大量时间和金钱起诉涉嫌侵权者。

    Apple makes its software harder to steal by bundling it up with fancy hardware , but even it has to spend loads of time and money suing suspected infringers .

  20. 办公地点就位于新潮的江南区——没错,就是《江南Style》里的那个江南——这一地区已经聚集了一批手机初创企业,其数量日益增长,那里还有一些科技孵化公司对他们进行指导。

    The office is in the trendy district of Gangnam - yes , that Gangnam - which is already home to a growing cluster of mobile start-ups and a handful of technology incubators to mentor them .

  21. 这是因为,对于很多人来说,这些新潮而精巧的小机器已经具备他们需要的所有PC(包括笔记本电脑)功能,比如收发邮件、浏览网页、观看视频。

    That 's because for many people , the newer gadgets do everything they had previously counted on PCs -- including laptops -- for : email , Web browsing , watching video .

  22. 但迪拜新潮的建筑方式的最大亮点是,打印这间办公室的巨型3D打印机有20英尺高,120英尺长,40英尺宽。

    But the most amazing element of city 's newfangled approach to architecture is that the large office was made using a massive printer measuring 20 feet high , 120 feet long and 40 feet wide .

  23. 行为驱动开发(BDD)的新潮技术需要一个强大的DSL基础来实现其普及。

    And the trendy technique of behavior-driven development ( BDD ) required a strong DSL base to achieve its popularity .

  24. 最初,苹果公司零售团队的许多成员来自Gap,这些人常开玩笑说自己是在Gapple工作。在当时Gap被视为一个偶像,因为它的品牌形象时尚新潮,旗下品牌店经营有方。

    Many members of Apple 's initial retail team came from Gap , which was viewed as a model because of its hip image and success with its branded stores ─ so many that people joked about working at'Gapple .

  25. 在他的Tumblr账号他将这组照片命名为Gap模特项目,在这些照片中他试穿了各种最新潮的服饰,有桃色的连帽衫、格子花呢上衣以及深色牛仔裤。

    On his Tumblr account - The Gap Mannequin Project - he is seen trying out the latest fashions from peach-colored hoodies to plaid shirts and dark denims .

  26. 《社交国度》(SocialNation)作者、马萨诸塞州波士顿市社交媒体咨询公司OpenMatters的首席执行官巴里•利波特指出,事实上,最新潮的经理人们已经在工作描述中加入了“关注者”这一项。

    In fact , the cutting edge manager has already added " follower " to their job description by now , argues Barry Libert , author of social nation and CEO of open matters , a Boston , MA-based social media consulting firm .

  27. 1958年,JohnMcCarthy设计了Lisp语言。我认为,当前最新潮的编程语言,只是实现了他在1958年的设想而已。

    What I mean is that Lisp was first discovered by John McCarthy in1958 , and popular programming languages are only now catching up with the ideas he developed then .

  28. 前来吃饭和购物的顾客很快也将有个新潮的住处:本月,这里将新开张一家Ace酒店。—DANIELLEPERGAMENT

    Diners and shoppers alike will soon have a hip place to stay : AnAce Hotel is scheduled to open nearby this month . - DANIELLE PERGAMENT

  29. 面对科技的飞速发展,酒店业的反应一直是慢了半拍&除了用电子邮件发送扣费通知,新潮一点的酒店用上了iPad,当然他们采用这两种技术的理由也很充分。

    The industry has been slow to change in the face of technological advancements , aside from perhaps an e-mailed statement of charges or use of an iPad , and for good reason .

  30. 随着Windows7的上市,个人电脑用户终于能有一款强大而新潮的替代产品,来淘汰稳定、熟悉但年代久远的WindowsXP。尽管早在2001年就上市,但WindowsXP仍是目前最受欢迎的Windows操作系统。

    With Windows 7 , PC users will at last have a strong , modern successor to the sturdy and familiar , but aged , Windows XP , which is still the most popular version of Windows , despite having come out in 2001 .