
  • 网络singlish;singapore english;Singaporean English
  1. 新加坡英语与英国英语的差异探析

    A Comparative Study on the Singlish and the British English

  2. “新加坡英语”像一种方言。

    Singlish is like a dialect .

  3. 有些单词与传统英语出入较大:在新加坡英语中,blur意为困惑的或缓慢的,例句:聊天的时候她很迟才加入讨论,因此有些困惑。

    Some words are adaptations of traditional English : In Singlish , or Singaporean English , blur means confused or slow : She came into the conversation late and was blur as a result .

  4. 有些单词与传统英语出入较大:在新加坡英语中,“blur”意为“困惑的”或“缓慢的”,例句:“聊天的时候她很迟才加入讨论,因此有些困惑。”此外,合成词也可以产生一些新的词汇。

    Some words are adaptations of traditional English : In Singlish , or Singaporean English , " blur " means " confused " or " slow " : " She came into the conversation late and was blur as a result . " Others combine English words to make something new .

  5. 从语言接触看汉语影响新加坡英语

    From the Linguistic-contact , Look Chinese Affects the Singapore Colloquial English

  6. 新加坡英语的特点及其它

    Singaporean English : It 's Major Features and Other Issues

  7. 英语语言标准问题:新加坡英语反思

    Standard Issue of English Language : Reflection from Singapore English

  8. 从社会语言学视角阐释新加坡英语的特点

    On Features of Singapore English from the Perspective of Sociolinguistics

  9. 浅谈新加坡英语语言特点

    A preliminary study of linguistic characteristics of Singapore English

  10. 新加坡英语的历史背景及其特点

    The Historical Background and Linguistic Features of Singapore English

  11. 在新加坡英语有相当多的非正式说法。

    There 're quite a few informal ways of speaking English in Singapore .

  12. 从新加坡英语看低位语言变体的社会作用

    Singlish : Role of Basilect in Society

  13. 新加坡英语教学的发展与启示

    Development and Enlightenment of Singapore English Education

  14. 汉语对新加坡英语的影响

    The Chinese Influence on Singapore English

  15. 关于新加坡英语的表达方式

    On Singapore Ways of Speaking English

  16. 回顾了新加坡英语教学的改革与发展及其特点,概述了中国英语教学的现状。

    This thesis looks back upon the reform and development of Singapore English education and its characteristics as well .

  17. 作为跨民族间的交际语,新加坡英语充分体现了其浓厚的地方语言特色和文化特点。本文主要论述了新加坡英语产生的历史背景及其语言特点。

    This paper presents the historical background of Singapore English , and also describes its distinctive regional and cultural features .

  18. 随着印度英语、新加坡英语等英语变体的出现,世界英语逐渐得到人们的认同。

    With the appearance of the English variety such as India English and Singapore English , world Englishes have been recognized gradually by people .

  19. T:在某种程度上,我同意你说的新加坡英语像一种方言,因为我们趋向于把我们所说的英语和一些其他语言混合起来。

    T : In some way , I agree with you that Singlish is like a dialect because we tend to mix our spoken English with some other languages .

  20. 九龙新加坡英语讲演会提供给会员一个学习和演练英语沟通技巧的环境。

    Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club provides a mutually supportive environment for the members to practice and improve their English communication skills , using the methodology of " learning by doing " .

  21. 英语大幅本土化的结果,产生了新的区域性英语,新加坡英语便是其典型范例,因此也得到英语研究人员的关注。

    The result of extensive indigenization of English is emergence of New Englishes , among which Singapore English is one typical example . It has thus attracted attention of linguists around the world .

  22. 非勒斯博士是新加坡英语和文学协会的主席,也是国立教育机构的副教授,他说,很多人发觉英文能力与好工作密不可分。

    Dr Phyllis chew , associate professor at the National Institute of education and President of the English language and Literature Association of singapore , said many realise the link between English skills and good jobs .

  23. 本文分析了英语语言地域变体的一种&新加坡英语的地位、现状、及功能,对英语语言的使用规范及其对中国高校英语课堂的启迪进行了探讨。

    This thesis makes an attempt to analyze the present situation of English use , and explore the English language utilization norms and the implications of the emerging new Englishes for English classrooms in Chinese higher education .

  24. 因此,与英国英语相比,新加坡英语的单词、语气词、短语、惯用语以及重复等具有中国南方方言的特点。

    Therefore , compared with British English , a number of words , modal particles , phrases , idioms as well as repetitions in Singapore English have the special features of the dialects in the south of China .

  25. 在把英语当母语来学时,通常首先学的是新加坡口头英语(SCE)。

    Who learn English as a native language usually learn SCE first .

  26. 论新加坡标准英语的建立原则和语言特点

    On Principles of Developing Singapore Standard English and Its Language Characteristics

  27. 新加坡通俗英语的变异特征

    The Characteristics of Colloquial English in Singapore

  28. 此外,新加坡商务英语也可以通过与美国商务英语或其他国别的语言变体进行比较研究,这也是本课题以后开展进一步深入研究的领域。

    Further studies can be conducted in the comparison between Singapore Business English and other English varieties .

  29. “新加坡式英语”和国际英语或者标准英语的不同之处在于它参杂了不少具地方色彩、诙谐有趣的中文方言和马来俚语。

    What sets it apart from International English or the Queen 's English is its inclusion of colourful and humorous local slang with origins from Chinese dialects and Malay .

  30. 新加坡非正式英语作为英语的变体之一,虽然被认为是新加坡人身份的象征,但由于难以与其他主要英语国家的人士沟通,现在正面临着一系列问题。

    Singapore colloquial English , though regarded as a badge of Singapore identity , is faced with a series of problems due to its poor intelligibility to the international society .