
  • 网络different styles
  1. 尽管都是教师,但我的父亲和我风格迥异。

    My father and I have different styles , as do all teachers .

  2. 音乐家多样的个性,使其音乐作品风格迥异,造就了音乐的多彩性。

    Diverse personalities of musicians make different styles to music and creat the all kinds of music .

  3. 今年秋装系列风格迥异。

    This autumn 's collections are a very mixed bag .

  4. 科尔·波特写了这么多风格迥异的优美歌曲,要对他进行概括并不是件容易的事。

    It 's hard to generalize about Cole Porter because he wrote so many great songs that were so varied .

  5. 正如我们下面将看到的,这幢大楼的内部结构风格迥异,走廊和房间如迷宫般复杂交错。

    The building , as we shall see , is very different in its internal planning , with a great complex of halls and rooms .

  6. 北京万豪酒店有多少个风格迥异的餐厅?

    How many restaurants does Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall have ?

  7. 这两种风格迥异的服装,提供了文化变迁的最好注解。

    The two different costumes provide us with a great interpretation of culture change .

  8. 如今不同国家的新闻风格迥异。

    These days different countries have different preferences .

  9. 她在几个不同的阶段,都有风格迥异、引人注目的小说。

    In her every stage , chi Li has some totally different style works .

  10. 这是两个风格迥异的大都市,但却同样吸引人。

    The two urban areas are quite different in character , but equally interesting .

  11. 2000年,约翰·厄普代克出版了风格迥异的个人第19部小说《葛特露和克劳狄斯》。

    In 2000 , John Updike published his 19th novel , Gertrude and Claudius .

  12. 中西方不同的文化环境,滋生出风格迥异的杰出艺术大师。

    Different cultures between Chinese and western countries have fostered outstanding maestros with different styles .

  13. 风格迥异

    in a completely different style ,

  14. 公文语言与网络语言分属于不同的语体,两者个性鲜明,风格迥异。

    Officialese and e-language , which belong to different styles , have distinctive features and variant styles .

  15. 而现在,我们的团队被分成了两组,上头分配了两位主管,两人管理风格迥异。

    Now the team has been split in two and given two supervisors with differing management styles .

  16. 这些房子虽然风格迥异,却把这个城市装扮得错落有致,十分协调统一。

    These houses , although have different styles , decorate the city in good manner and harmonious layout .

  17. 中国古典私家园林和少数民族的村寨是两种不同类型而风格迥异的建筑文化。

    Chinese classical private gardens and the villages of minorities are two kinds of complete different architecture cultures .

  18. 他以自己独特的文学观创作了一篇篇风格迥异的小说。

    He has created numbers of novels of various different kinds of styles with his own unique literary viewpoint .

  19. 中西方美学分属于两个风格迥异的文化系统,代表着不同的文化价值精神。

    Chinese aesthetics and its Western counterpart , two utterly different cultural systems , represent different cultural value spirits .

  20. 个性张扬是浪漫主义的精神所在,正因为此,浪漫主义时期是钢琴艺术发展的一个黄金时代,艺术家层出不穷、风格迥异。

    Romantic time was a gold era for piano arts development and artists emerged one after another with different styles .

  21. 对于这些风格迥异的妇女形象,如果用通常的阶级分析法很难对其中的女性体验进行开启,也不易对其中的男权意识加以批判。

    Traditional class analysis fails to explain the female experiences nor to criticize the male power sense in these works .

  22. 《荒蛮故事》由六个毫不相关的小故事组成,每个故事风格迥异,却有着同一个主题:复仇。

    The film consists of six unrelated stories , each varying in style but sharing the same theme : vengeance .

  23. 我国现代海洋小说类型多样,风格迥异,但在丰富发展的表象背后,却缺少真正的海洋文学精神和丰富的海洋人物形象。

    The diverse modern marine novels lack the true marine literary spirit and rich marine characters behind the rich development .

  24. 陶渊明和杜甫是风格迥异的两位大诗人,很多人都注意到了他们的差别。

    Tao yuanming and Du fu are great poets of difference , which was knew by a lot of people .

  25. 韩寒的语言表达风格迥异,在众多的“80后”作家中独树一帜。

    His language style is distinctive from the other writers , and became unique in a number of the post-80s writers .

  26. 第一展区通过风格迥异的展示项目,向人们展示中国人在城市发展中的智慧。

    The wisdom that the ancient Chinese used to develop cities will be showcased with programs of different styles in Section One .

  27. 也只有皇家加勒比海的邮轮,能将风格迥异的海陆之旅结合得如此人性化的完美。

    Only in a Royal Caribbean cruise ship can you experience the best of both worlds , so diverse yet in perfect harmony .

  28. 如果你选择一种风格迥异的新发型或者颜色,分阶段的尝试新装扮看看效果如何。

    If you 're choosing a striking new hairstyle or color , try the new look in stages to see how it works .

  29. 占地323亩,由一栋豪华综合会所和26栋风格迥异的独立别墅组成。

    The hotel covers a land area of323 Chinese acre and consists of one luxury integrative chamber and26 independent villas with different styles .

  30. 两个版本的英译本风格迥异,一出版即成为翻译研究者的研究对象。

    The two versions are so different in style that once brought out , they immediately became the study target of translation theorists .