
  • 网络statham;Jason Statham
  1. 迈克·泰森仅次于威廉王子,排在第二位,紧随其后的是《速度与激情》主演杰森·斯坦森、说唱歌手皮普保罗、迈克尔·乔丹、拳击手弗洛伊德·梅威瑟、约翰·特拉沃尔塔、布鲁斯·威利斯、“巨石”强森和范·迪塞尔。

    After Prince William , Mike Tyson came in second place , followed by " Fast & Furious " star Jason Statham , rapper Pitbull , Michael Jordan , boxer .

  2. 最后,有人向圣路易斯县有关监督部门投诉,监督部门1月取缔了斯坦森的托儿所,4月吊销了她的执照。

    Eventually , a complaint reached St. Louis County authorities , who shut down Stenseng 's day care in January and revoked her license in April .

  3. 监督机构后来发现,更糟的是,一些父母对斯坦森这种做法毫不知情,另一些父母要求她不要这样带他们的孩子,她却公然违背了这些父母的要求。

    Worse , Stenseng deceived some parents about the practice and defied others who asked her not to do it with their children , regulators later concluded .

  4. 斯坦森的例子虽然很极端,但也反映出获得营业执照的家庭托儿所中存在的固有问题——这个问题也许与近日明尼苏达州托儿所死亡事件增加有关联。

    Though extreme , Stenseng 's case reflects an inherent problem in licensed family child care -- a problem that may be linked to a recent increase in child care deaths in Minnesota .

  5. 斯坦森的例子虽然很极端,但也反映出获得营业执照的家庭托儿所中存在的固有问题&这个问题也许与近日明尼苏达州托儿所死亡事件增加有关联。

    Though extreme , Stenseng 's case reflects an inherent problem in licensed family child care & a problem that may be linked to a recent increase in child care deaths in Minnesota .

  6. 斯坦森说她办了自己的托儿所是因为她不满意看护孩子方法的限制性,她想要办个支持额外做法的托儿所,如布尿布、亲密育儿和延长母奶喂养等。

    Stenseng said she created her own licensed child care because she was dissatisfied with options for her children and wanted to create a facility that supported alternatives such as cloth diapers , attachment parenting and extended breast-feeding .