
  • 网络Springs;Colorado Springs;Alice Springs
  1. 第二天早上,史密斯试图打电话给在沃姆斯普林斯的弗兰克。

    Smith tried to get through to Frank at Warm Springs the next morning .

  2. 一个非常典型的例子是位于澳大利亚北领地的最偏僻的一处养牛场SupplejackDowns,这里绵延4,000平方公里,从最近的主要城镇艾利斯斯普林斯开车要花13个小时才能到达。

    One prime example is one of Australia 's most isolated cattle stations , Suplejack Downs in the Northern Territory , extending across 4,000 square kilometers , taking over 13 hours to reach by car from the nearest major town — Alice Springs .

  3. Chequed.com位于美国纽约萨拉拖加斯普林斯市,主营业务是向迪斯尼(Disney)等大公司推销软件,帮助他们提高招聘效率。

    COM , a company based in Saratoga Springs , N.Y. , that markets software aimed at making the process more efficient for big clients like Disney ( DIS ) .

  4. 民族和谐:加斯普林斯基对俄国思想史的宝贵贡献

    Ethnic Harmony : Gasprinskii 's Contributions to Russian History of Thoughts

  5. 有报道表示,斯普林斯公司最终要面对不可避免的事情。

    Reports say Sprint finally faced the inevitable .

  6. 该网站的创建人是科罗拉多州斯普林斯的迈克和帕梅拉波特。

    The site was created by Mike and Pamela Potter in Colorado Springs , Colo.

  7. 我从来还没有遇到过其他人,对艾丽斯斯普林斯持这样的否定观点。

    No one else I met ever had such a negative view of Alice springs .

  8. 莱克伍德-斯普林斯就是表明这一问题的例子。

    Lakewood springs exemplifies the problem .

  9. 罗克斯普林斯动物管理部门的负责人志愿担任斯努皮的第一位驾驶员。

    The animal control officer in Rock Springs had volunteered to be Snoopy 's first driver .

  10. 女子的奥运道路将包括在科罗拉多州斯普林斯的排位赛比赛数量。

    The Olympic path for women will include a number of qualifying tournaments in Colorado Springs .

  11. •大雪已经降落在西弗吉尼亚州,在韦伯斯特斯普林斯雪的厚度达到17英寸。

    • Heavy snow has fallen in West Virginia , with up to 17 inches in Webster Springs .

  12. 科罗拉多州斯普林斯附近发生火灾,两架国防部运输飞机已被派往该地协助救火。

    Two defence department cargo planes have dispatched to the site of massive firefighting efforts near Colorado Springs .

  13. 一直在科罗拉多州斯普林斯参与救火的军用飞机得到命令返回基地。

    Military aircraft that had been fighting a fire near Colorado Springs are being allowed to return to their base .

  14. 科罗拉多州的紧急救援人员正应对来自北科罗拉多斯普林斯到北方柯林斯堡的大规模洪水。

    Emergency crews in the state of Colorado were dealing with extensive flooding from Colorado Springs to north of Fort Collins .

  15. 阿尔塔蒙特斯普林斯的命运,像奥兰多,有上升和下降与经济的繁荣和萧条。

    The fortunes of Altamonte Springs , like those of Orlando , have risen and fallen with the economic boom and bust .

  16. 他刚买了一辆澳大利亚小汽车,现在去了澳大利亚中部的小镇艾利斯斯普林斯。

    He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice springs , a small town in the centre of Australia .

  17. 在美国科罗拉多州斯普林斯外,落基山脉高耸山峰的阴影里,另一个新出现的阴影正来势汹汹。

    In the shadow of the towering peaks of the Rocky Mountains outside Colorado Spring , another menacing and troubling shadow is emerging .

  18. 据当地日报《俄勒冈人》报道,周六,一辆救火车鸣笛冲进本德市附近的罗克斯普林斯农场,要求疏散正在那里举行的婚礼。

    A fire truck rolled up at Rock Spring Ranch near Bend with sirens blaring Saturday and the wedding party was told to evacuate , The Oregonian reported .

  19. 赛洛姆斯普林斯地区的警察逮捕了49岁的埃弗里特·李·康普顿,据称康普顿被发现在虐待艾默特和乔伊斯·惠特克家的驴子。

    Police in Siloam Springs arrested Everett Lee Compton , Jr. , 49 , after he was allegedly caught abusing a donkey owned by Emert and Joyce Whitaker .

  20. 丽斯斯普林斯和达尔文之间的新铁路开辟,人们第一次能够用从阿德莱德乘坐铁路花两天的时间旅行,公众对此很有兴趣。

    Public interest grew after the opening of a new line between Alice Springs and Darwin , allowing people to make the two-day journey from Adelaide by rail for the first time .

  21. 科罗拉多州斯普林斯西部地区遭遇暴雨袭击,仅半个小时雨量便达到1.5英寸,暴雨降落到去年被山火吞噬的土地,引发了泥石流。

    About an inch and a half of rain poured west of Colorado 's Springs in just half an hour and fell on lands scorched by a wild fire last year triggering mudslides .

  22. 这个76小时的旅程穿越澳大利亚内陆,在凯瑟琳和艾利斯斯普林斯等地停靠,还新增了一项短途旅行,前往库伯佩迪偏僻空旷的猫眼石矿山,今年该矿将迎来百年纪念日。

    The 76-hour trip through the Australian Outback includes stops at Katherine and Alice Springs and a new excursion to Coober Pedy 's remote and cavernous opal mine , which will celebrate its centennial this year .

  23. 除了窗户上的那一纸公告,这幢房子和普莱诺镇莱克伍德-斯普林斯开发区其它任何一栋中西部郊区住宅别无二样。普莱诺是距离芝加哥市中心以西约50英里的一个小城。

    Apart from the piece of paper in the window , the house looks like every other Midwest suburban home in the Lakewood Springs development in Plano , a small town about 50 miles west of downtown Chicago .

  24. 它已经重达89千克,高达2米,但它还在生长期。这只住在爱丽斯斯普林斯(澳大利亚北部地区)的袋鼠庇护所的袋鼠,“徒爪”便可劈皱金属水桶。

    He already weighs 89kg and stands 2m tall , but he hasn 't finished growing yet 。 The kangaroo , who lives at the Kangaroo Sanctuary Alice Springs in Australia 's Northern Territory , enjoys crushing metal buckets with his bare paws 。