
  1. 比现有文献对这类DC规划的最优解更加稳定。

    The optimal solution is more stable than the existing literature on this type of DC programming .

  2. 结合文献对多发性原发性恶性肿瘤的诊断标准、发病率、临床表现、CT特征、发生间隔时间、分类方法、发病机制、鉴别诊断和治疗进行了复习和讨论。

    The related literatures are reviewed and the diagnostic criterion , incidence , clinical manifestations , CT finding , distance of time , classifications , mechanisms of growth , differential diagnosis and treatment are discussed .

  3. 仿真结果表明,自相似业务量导致网络的排队性能劣化,这与有关文献对ATM交换的分析结果一致。

    The simulation results show that the heavy-tailed traffic results in queuing performance deterioration for variable length packet networks , which is in accordance with the analytical results for ATM switches .

  4. 纳米SiO2的独特结构使其表现出一些特殊的光学特性,但文献对其紫外区光学性质的报道不一致。

    The unique structure of nano SiO 2 makes it show some special optical properties . However , the reports about it 's optical properties in ultraviolet region are different .

  5. 根据文献对UWB雷达目标冲击响应的数学近似描述,在目标散射中心分布设定的条件下,研究了线性调频、相位编码和冲击脉冲三类常用超宽带雷达信号的目标回波建模。

    Then , according to the mathmatical description to UWB impulse response in literatures , three kinds of UWB signal modeling are studied , such as LFM 、 impulse 、 carrier-free coded waveforms , supposing the target scattering center distribution is given .

  6. 方法:结合文献对2例相对少见的DSRCT进行临床、病理形态及免疫组化研究。

    Methods : We present two relatively rare cases of DSRCT focusing on its clinical , pathologic morphology and immunohistochemical features along with review of literature on this subject .

  7. 结合文献对本病临床特点、诊断、治疗及预后进行讨论。

    The clinical features , diagnosis , treatment and prognosis were reviewed .

  8. 现结合有关文献对特发性肺纤维化的诊断和相关研究作一综述。

    The literature about diagnosis and correlative study on IPF is reviewed .

  9. 另外又介绍了迄今为止中外文献对5-羟基色氨酸的研究情况。

    Finally all the study of 5 - hydroxytryptophan has been shown .

  10. 已有的文献对第三方物流的研究侧重于从某一方面进行,缺乏从系统的角度对其集成的探讨。

    Few existing literature on third-party logistics studied from the perspective of integration .

  11. 本报告结合文献对该病人的临床表现、诊断及治疗进行了讨论。

    The manifestation , diagnosis and treatment of hairy cell leukemia were discussed .

  12. 结合文献对其病理特征及诊断进行探讨。

    The pathological characteristics and diagnosis were discussed .

  13. 该方法放宽了已有文献对系统模型的限制条件。

    This approach relaxes restriction condition of the system model in the existing literatures .

  14. 不健康文献对未成年人犯罪的影响大部分表现为间接影响。

    The influence of the bad books on juvenile delinquency mainly displays the indirect influence .

  15. 根据文献对实验材料进行生物相容性及安全性评价实验。

    The biocompatibility and safety of the experimental materials were evaluated according to the references .

  16. 并结合文献对弓形体病的诊断和治疗进行讨论。

    Reviewing literatures concerned , the discussion of the diagnosis and treatment of toxoplasmosis are made .

  17. 方法总结2例急性局灶性肾梗塞的临床诊治经验,并结合文献对急性肾梗塞的临床疗法疗效进行分析。

    Methods Two cases of focal renal infarction were reviewed and studied with review of the literature .

  18. 考虑到文献对高科技品牌资产价值理论和实证研究的缺乏,本文将品牌资产研究视角和实证对象定位于高科技产业市场,丰富了品牌研究的视角。

    In this paper , brand equity research positions in the High-Tech industries , which enrichs research perspective .

  19. 现有文献对科研项目评价主要还是采用定性的方法。

    The popular methods to evaluate the projects in existing references were mainly based on the qualitative approach .

  20. 现实中一些学术文献对社会主义意识形态科学性的把握上存在着一些片面性或者误区,影响了社会主义意识形态的形象和人们对社会主义的认同。

    The misunderstandings over the " scientific nature " of socialist ideology influence people 's identification towards socialist .

  21. 方法:结合文献对本病的临床表现、病理形态特点及分类进行探讨。

    Methods : The clinical manifestation , characteristic of pathological shape and sort of duplication of appendix were studied .

  22. 这一充分条件的提出突破了以往一些文献对不确定项的限制,扩展了滑模变结构控制理论在处理不确定问题上的应用范围。

    This condition breaks through the restriction of matched condition , and extends the application of sliding mode control .

  23. 现有的关于中国金融制度变迁的文献对金融产权的结构与变迁给予了充分关注。

    The existing literature on the evolution of Chinese financial system emphasizes the structure and changes of financial property rights .

  24. 众所周知,不可区分性导致干涉,但文献对不可区分性的定义不是很明确。

    As is well known , indistinguishability leads to interference , but the definition of indistinguishability in literatures is indistinct .

  25. 国外文献对本病在病变类属上仍有很大争议,其病例多在10岁以下且全部在胫腓骨;

    In the literature from abroad there is controversy about nomenclature and most cases were in children under 10 years old .

  26. 引用了50篇参考文献对叶酸的电化学研究现状进行了全面的综述。

    The electrochemistry actuality of research on vitamin medicine of folic acid is reviewed with 50 references , to date 2002 .

  27. 第二部分采用文献对激励理论进行了分析综述,明确了研究的理论基础。

    Inspired by literature on the second part of the analysis reviewed the theory , a clear theoretical basis for the study .

  28. 结合文献对本病的病因、发生、临床特点、诊断及鉴别诊断进行分析讨论。

    The etiological factors , histogenesis , clinical characterizations , diagnosis and different diagnosis were discussed along with the re levant references .

  29. 结合文献对肿瘤的起源和部位与视神经胶质瘤和海绵状血管瘤的鉴别诊断、复发情况进行了讨论。

    The origin and site of this tumor and the differential diagnosis from glioma of optic nerve and cavernous hemangioma are discussed .

  30. 国外文献对发展中国家农户非正规风险应对机制进行了较为充分的研究,国内文献对正规风险应对机制的研究较多。

    The present overseas literatures have researched informal coping-with-risk mechanisms fully and the present inland literatures have researched formal coping-with-risk mechanisms fully .