
  • 网络The cultural revolution
  1. 福特正处于首席执行官艾伦穆拉利(alanmulally)引领的文化革命阵痛之中,穆拉利去年9月离开波音(boeing)加盟该公司。

    Ford is in the throes of a cultural revolution directed by Alan Mulally , the chief executive brought in from Boeing last September .

  2. 苏联文化革命与苏联解体

    The Cultural Revolution In USSR and the Disintegration of USSR

  3. 情报官员也会在那些看似正在寻找自我的人中间挖掘潜在的特工,他们的精神由于清洗、文化革命或旷日持久的税收调查(克里姆林宫(Kremlin)如今最喜欢用的一种手段)而被践踏摧毁。

    A case officer also looks for prospects among individuals who seem to be in search of an ego , their spirits stamped flat by purges , cultural revolutions or protracted tax investigations ( a favorite tactic of today 's Kremlin ) .

  4. 从红色到绿色:工业化主义及文化革命〉。

    From Red to Green : Industrialism and Cultural Revolution .

  5. 文化革命坚持唯物主义,巩固了马克思主义在俄国的指导地位。

    The revolution of culture was adhering to the Materialism .

  6. 一二、中国文化革命的历史特点

    Xii . the historical characteristics of china 's Cultural Revolution

  7. 文化革命以信仰教条化压制现代化,造成惨痛教训。

    " The Cultural Revolution " suppressed modernization because of its dogmatic belief .

  8. 马克思主义经典作家列宁等人曾经提出过文化革命的理论。

    Marxist classical writers as Lenin has proposed the theory of cultural revolution .

  9. 性别文化革命&女性写作的涅盘阶段

    Sexual Culture Revolution-The Nirvana Period of Woman Writing

  10. 列宁关于文化革命的实践对我国精神文明建设的现实启迪

    Realistic Inspiration of Lenin 's Cultural Revolution Practice on Spiritual Ideological Progress of China

  11. 论长三角的文化革命

    On the revolution of Yangtse River Delta culture

  12. 这是真正的文化革命。

    This was a true cultural revolution .

  13. 它对人类生活产生了难以置信的影响。它引起的不但是一场科技革命,而且是一场文化革命。

    It brings people not only a technological revolution , but also a linguistic revolution .

  14. 在中国,文化革命,和政治革命同样,有一个统一战线。

    In China there is a united front in the cultural as in the political revolution .

  15. 就情报界而言,让网络工具开始工作,需要一场文化革命。

    And for the intelligence world , putting the web tools to work requires a cultural revolution .

  16. 列斐伏尔设想了一种以身体、欲望和感性为基础的日常生活的文化革命。

    He supposed a cultural revolution of everyday life on the basis of body , desire and perception .

  17. 像许多其它的武器发展计划,鱼-3型计划严重地受到从1966年开始的“文化革命”影响。

    Like many other weapon development programme , the Yu-3 project was seriously affected by the'Culture Revolution'which began in1966 .

  18. 文化革命是在观念形态上反映政治革命和经济革命,并为它们服务的。

    A cultural revolution is the ideological reflection of the political and economic revolution and is in their service .

  19. 政治革命与文化革命都要进行,但存在何者优先的问题。

    Political revolution and cultural revolution should be carried out , but there is the question of what priority .

  20. 这个问题值得我们所有人都付出些许的努力,更别说来一场文化革命了。

    This is worth a little effort , not to say a cultural revolution , from all of us .

  21. 提高生产力来降低劳动力缩水的影响,需要一场文化革命,特别是在商界。

    Boosting productivity to counter the effects of a shrinking workforce will require a cultural revolution , especially in business .

  22. 从“文化革命”到“文化建没”,是文化发展史上的一个进步。

    From " cultural revolution " to " cultural construction " is a progress in the history of cultural development .

  23. 威廉斯将这个未竟的过程看作是包括经济、政治革命在内的以文化革命为核心的长期革命。

    Williams considers the unfinished process as the Long Revolution with its core of Cultural Revolution including economical and political revolution .

  24. 这种文化革命的统一战线,二十年来,分为四个时期。

    The history of the united front in the cultural revolution during the last twenty years can be divided into four periods .

  25. 文学革命和家庭革命是清末民初,特别是五四时期文化革命和思想大解放的两大先锋。

    Literature revolution and family revolution are the most important vanguards of culture revolution and ( idological ) liberty at that time .

  26. 鲁迅是我国新文化革命的先驱,同时也是我国传统文化的传承者。

    Lu Xun was a successor of our national traditional culture as well as a pioneer of our national new cultural revolution .

  27. 但我们能现在看只五步,因为二在街道被毁坏了在文化革命。

    But we can see only five steps now , because the two on the street was destroyed in the Culture Revolution .

  28. 后现代主义是一场文化革命,它以反文化的激进方式,使人们对旧事物产生厌倦。

    As a cultural revolution , post-modernism poses to be radical in terms of anti-culture and causes past things to be felt weary .

  29. 现代悲剧文学乃至于整个现代文学成为参与长期革命的一一种文化革命形式。

    The modern tragedy even the whole modern literature becomes a form of cultural revolutions , which participates in " long-term revolution " .

  30. 以伦理革命和文学革命为主的思想文化革命,对推进思想领域的现代化和中国文学的现代性进程起到了巨大作用。

    Cultural revolution , comprised both ethical and literary revolution , helped promote the processes of ideological modernization and the modernity of Chinese literature .