
wén mínɡ xì
  • modern drama;modern stage play
文明戏 [wén míng xì]
  • [modern drama;modern play] 中国早期话剧,本世纪初曾在上海一带流行。演出时无正式剧本,可即兴发挥

  1. 三是爱情剧;古装剧与文明戏的历史演进&吕家河民歌《童养媳》与《姑恶》比较

    The third is love story ; The Historical Evolution of Costume Piece and Civilization Play

  2. 加强文明戏与中国传统戏曲以及早期电影的关系的研究,以更全面深入地认识和把握文明戏的特性。

    And combining the research of modern drama with traditional Chinese opera and early movies .

  3. 中国早期话剧指的是19世纪末、20世纪初中国戏剧舞台上出现的一种新剧,又叫文明戏。

    Early drama refers to a new kind play appeared in China 's dramatic stage in the late 19th and early 20th century , which is also called " civilized play " .

  4. 话剧是西方的一种艺术形式,二十世纪初引进中国后,在对文明戏、问题剧、左翼戏剧的不断扬弃中,三十年代逐步走向了成熟。

    Western drama is an art form , the beginning of the twentieth Century in China , the civilization drama , drama , drama of left-wing discarding , thirty time a mature gradually .

  5. 而且各个沦陷区由于种种客观原因,它们的话剧创作呈现出不一样的追求:东北沦陷区以社会问题剧为主,华北则以结构剧、趣味剧为主,而华东又以文明戏和左翼戏剧为主。

    And all the enemy-occupied area due to various objective reasons , their creative drama presents a different pursuit : Northeast enemy-occupied area to social problem dramas , north to structure play , fun dramas , and east to civilization drama and leftist drama mainly .

  6. 春柳社是中国现代戏剧的先驱,进化团的演剧具有浓厚的革命气息,南开新剧团在文明戏全面衰落之时“为中国早期话剧注入生机”。

    Spring Willow Group is characterized by its pioneer status in the Chinese modern dramas , Evolution Group by the strong revolutionary atmosphere in its performance , and Nankai New Group by " the vitality it adds to the early Chinese dramas " on the decline of the modern dramas .