
shù liànɡ xiàn zhì
  • quantitative restriction;quota
  1. 我国加入WTO以后进一步降低关税,消除诸如进口配额、进口许可证等数量限制措施,外国商品和服务的大量涌入将不可避免。

    Entrance into WTO , China further falls tariffs and eliminate quantitative restriction measures such as import quota and import license , so it is unavoidable for foreign commodities and service to swarm into our markets .

  2. 这一类对总运输量有数量限制的运输问题不同于A运输问题和B运输问题,我们把它称为C运输问题。

    Such a problem differs from the A-transportation and B-transportation problems . We call it C-Transportation Problem .

  3. 我国现行的外商直接投资市场准入制度与WTO有关多边国际投资协议的规定存在不少差距,尤其表现在国民待遇原则、取消数量限制原则和透明度原则这三个方面。

    But there are still some conflicts between the Chinese market access of FDI law and WTO rules .

  4. 将受信任的CA的数量限制为(理想)不超过一个。

    Limit the number of CAs that are trusted to ( ideally ) no more than one .

  5. 此外,虚拟处理器的数量限制了某个LPAR所能使用的物理处理器数量。

    Also , the number of virtual processors limits how many physical processors an LPAR can use .

  6. 由欧洲联盟提出的一个解决方案是对总体CDM信用额度施加数量限制。

    A solution proposed by the European Union is to impose quantitative restrictions on overall CDM credits .

  7. 按照WTO规则,数量限制措施是被普遍禁止的,但是,在例外情形下,成员方的出口限制措施也是被允许的。

    WTO rules contain " rules of general crimination of quantitative restrictions " . However , under some exceptional circumstances members of WTO can be allowed to take measures on export restriction .

  8. 尽管LifecycleManager没有可创建的项目数量限制,但让包含单独项目的目录保持在10-15个项目效果最好。

    Lifecycle Manager has no limit on the number of projects that can be created but keeping the directory that contains the individual projects to approx.10-15 projects works best .

  9. 在AIXV7.1之前,每个用户的最大组数量限制为128个。

    Prior to AIX V7.1 , the maximum number of groups per user was limited to128 .

  10. 第一,加入WTO对行政实体之影响:一是进一步改革我国现行的进出口管理制度,努力减少进口数量限制;

    The influence of the accession to WTO on the administrative substantive law . Firstly , to further reform our present import and export management system and to reduce the quantity restriction of import .

  11. 在全球关税下降和数量限制措施受到WTO约束的趋势和背景下,发达国家纷纷采取技术性贸易壁垒措施保护本国产品和产业免受冲击。

    As there is the tendency of restriction of WTO on custom dudes and quantity limitation , the developed countries have turned to TBT to protect their domestic products and industries from competition of foreign countries .

  12. 这个服务是一个确定的“交付一次”机制,其可靠性只受要复制到的可用JVMs的数量限制。

    This service is an assured deliver-once mechanism with reliability only limited by the number of JVMs available to which to replicate .

  13. 2005年,西方企业开始纷纷前往孟加拉国生产服装,那一年被称作《多种纤维协定》(MultiFiberArrangement)的国际贸易配额体制正式到期,发展中国家向发达国家出口纺织品和服装此后不再面临严格的数量限制。

    The rush to Bangladesh began in earnest in 2005 , when an international trade quota system called the Multi Fiber Arrangement expired , lifting the strict limit on the amount of textiles and garments developing countries could export to developed countries .

  14. 最后利用发展的FNDBSCAN群集的演算法找出一群有数量限制的高价值顾客群。

    Finally , we use the FN_DBSCAN algorithm that developed in the thesis to find the fixed number of prior customers .

  15. GATT和WTO多边贸易制度的核心在于促进国际贸易自由流转,减少贸易壁垒,实行最惠国待遇和非歧视待遇,禁止实施数量限制。

    The core of the GATT / WTO multilateral trade system is promoting free international trade , reducing trade barriers , advocating most-favored nation treatment and non-discrimination treatment , forbidding carrying out the quantity restrictions .

  16. WTO体制的基本原则主要有非歧视原则,关税减让原则、取消数量限制原则、促进公平竞争原则、对发展中国家予以照顾原则、透明度原则和允许例外与实施保障措施原则。

    Basic principles of WTO system are as follows : non-discrimination , reduction of tariff , abolition of quotas , promotion of fair competition , making allowances for the developing countries , transparency , permission of exception and exercise of securing measures .

  17. 乌拉圭回合谈判达成纺织品和服装协定(ATC),使国际纺织品贸易逐步实现自由化。ATC取消数量限制措施,使贸易保护走向贸易自由。

    The " Agreement on Textiles and Clothing " was reached during the Uruguay Round of GATT talks , which has finally maken it possible for international textiles trade to be liberalized gradually .

  18. 随着多边和双边谈判有效地拆除了传统的关税、数量限制等贸易壁垒,非关税壁垒形式,特别是发达国家严格的动植物卫生检疫(SPS)措施,日益引起各国的关注。

    As tariff barriers and other forms of border protection are progressively dismantled as part of the on-going multilateral and unilateral trade liberalization initiatives , the non-tariff protectionist barriers , especially the SPS measures by developing countries has drawn many attentions .

  19. GATS之下的市场准入限制,就像GATT之下的数量限制一般,可以直接区分外国产品,而且不应禁止或限制外国文化产品的涌入。

    Under the GATS market access restrictions , like quantitative restrictions under GATT , it generally has a direct bearing on the distinction between foreign products , but it should not prohibit or restrict the influx of foreign cultural products .

  20. 长期以来,全球纺织服装贸易在扭曲的贸易机制下进行,发达进口国家通过短期协定、长期协定和多种纤维协定(MFA)等歧视性协定对从发展中国家进口纺织品进行数量限制。

    During the past decades , Textile and apparel trade perform under the screwy international trade system . Industrialized countries make some discriminatory agreements , such as Short-term Arrangement , Long-term Arrangement and Multi-Fiber Arrangement , to put a quantity limit on textile products import from developing exporters .

  21. 公有资源占用,有数量限制;

    Use of public resources , it is restricted by quantity ;

  22. 数量限制及其他非关税措施组

    Group on Quantitative Restrictions and Other Non - Tariff Measures

  23. 如前所述,辐射中是没有安全的数量限制的。

    As stated in the beginning : There is no safe dose .

  24. 有数量限制吗?7.为什么这么便宜?

    Is there any limit ? 7.How come so cheap ?

  25. 在国际贸易中,数量限制是一种主要的非关税措施。

    The quantitative restrictions is a main non-tariff measure in international trade .

  26. 以及任何歧视性数量限制或关税配额等。

    And any discriminatory quantitative restrictions or tariff quotas .

  27. 进口数量限制,包括禁止和配额

    Quantitative Import Restrictions , including Prohibitions and Quotas 23

  28. 数量限制大都按期予以撤消。

    Most quantitative restrictions had been removed on schedule .

  29. 现在每日任务的数量限制增加到了25个。

    The Daily Quest limit has been increased to25 .

  30. 请输入返回条目的数量限制(介于1和99之间)。

    Please enter the limit of number of entries to return , between1and999 .