
  • 网络digital right management;drm;OMA DRM;Media DRM
  1. IP条件接收系统和数字版权管理系统是目前这个领域内两种主要的内容保护技术解决方案。

    IP CAS and IP DRM are two primary Content Protection technologies in this field at present .

  2. 数字版权管理技术维护了版权拥有者以及相关各方的利益。

    DRM is used to maintain the rights of copyright owners and the interests of the parties concerned .

  3. 基于P2P模式的数字版权管理系统

    Digit Rights Management system based on P2P

  4. 基于P2P的数字版权管理系统体系及协议研究

    P2P-based digital rights management system and agreement

  5. 基于JavaSIM卡的流媒体数字版权管理研究

    A Study of Streaming Media Digital Rights Management Based on Java SIM Card

  6. P2P网络环境中基于文件的数字版权管理系统

    File-Based DRM System in P2P Network

  7. DRM是数字版权管理(digitalrightmanagement)的缩写,该技术旨在保护数字信息资源的合法版权,防止盗版。

    DRM is digital rights management ( Digital Right Management ) acronym for the technology to protect digital information resources , legal copyright , to prevent piracy .

  8. IPTV中的数字版权管理方案研究

    Study on Digital Rights Management Scheme in IPTV

  9. 移动流媒体的数字版权管理(DRM),正日益受到人们的关注。

    The digital rights management of mobile streaming media receives increasingly attentions .

  10. 数字版权管理(DRM)及研究热点

    Digital Right Management ( DRM ) and Hot Research Topics

  11. 数字版权管理的主要对象是各种数字作品和信息服务商品两个方面,以版权管理技术为基础的宽带内容服务将成为INTERNET电子商务中的一个很大的应用领域。

    The main objects of the digital rights management are digital products and information service . The broad-band content service based on the rights management will be a large domain in INTERNET e-business .

  12. DRM(数字版权管理)作为应对这一难题的解决方案被提了出来。

    Digital Right Management ( DRM ) has brought out as a solution to this problem .

  13. 数字版权管理(DRM)系统的研究、设计和实现

    The System of Digital Right Manger

  14. 本文提出了一种基于SOA的数字版权管理平台的构建方法,结合当前的数字版权保护技术的发展,用SOA的方法,使得IT系统能紧密地支撑业务和技术的发展。

    The platform combine with the current digital copyright protection technology and use the idea of SOA to make IT system can closely support business and technological development .

  15. 如果发布的是付费内容,难道就不需要数字版权管理、高级的流选项么,而这些内容只有Flash才有。

    If you deliver paid content , don 't you need digital rights management , advance streaming options , etc. , which are only available in Flash ?

  16. 在这样的环境下,移动数字版权管理(DRM)技术适时产生。

    In such an environment , the mobile digital rights management ( DRM ) appears in time .

  17. 分析了数字版权管理(DRM)系统产生的原因、研究现状,以及DRM系统的基本结构。

    The origin , research status and basic architecture of Digital Rights Management ( DRM ) were presented .

  18. DRM即数字版权管理技术的出现,给以公开文献为基础的传统信息检索模式带来了一定的挑战。

    The technology of digital rights management potentially threats the traditional information retrieval model based on completely unprotected documents .

  19. 游戏包限时供应,但不受数字版权管理(DRM)限制。

    Bundles only last for a limited time , but come free of digital rights management ( DRM ) restrictions .

  20. 结合REL的在线数字版权管理系统的设计

    Design of On-Line Digital Rights Management System Combining REL

  21. 结合现阶段网络技术中P2P技术的实际应用情况和新一代数字版权管理(DRM)技术,提出了基于P2P系统信任机制的版权管理模型。

    Practical application of P2P network technology is combined with new generation DRM technology , and a DRM model for P2P system based on trust degree is given .

  22. 简要介绍了IPTV系统中的视频编码、数字版权管理、内容分发网络、组播、机顶盒等关键技术。

    So the article was emphasized on some key techniques such as Coding Technique , DRM , CDN , Multicast , STB about IPTV system .

  23. 分析了现有的家庭数字版权管理(DRM)协议,并设计了一种新型的适用于家庭网络的设备管理方案。

    This paper analyzes the existing home DRM protocols and designs a new device management scheme in DRM to apply to home network .

  24. 系统涉及流媒体技术和数字版权管理(DRM)技术,在对这些技术深入研究的基础上,设计了一个适合于流媒体的DRM框架,并分为流媒体和DRM两部分实现。

    This paper is a part of the national high-tech 863 project . The research work relate to the technology of Streaming Media and DRM .

  25. 作为其中最关键的技术&数字版权管理(DRM),其决定着数字内容服务所能为社会创造的社会效益与经济效益。

    As one of the most critical technology-Digital Rights Management ( DRM ), it determines whether the digital content industry can create social and economic benefits .

  26. 数字版权管理(DRM)是保护数字内容在其有限的生命周期内不被盗版和非法使用的一种技术。

    Digital Rights Management ( DRM ) is a technology which can prevent digital contents from being piracy and illegal use in its limited life cycle .

  27. 为此,数字版权管理(DRM)技术应运而生,成为全球众多标准化组织和数字厂商的关注热点。

    In order to control this phenomenon effectively , digital rights management ( DRM ) technology emergs and becomes the focus of many standardization organizations and manufacturers .

  28. 改进P2P网络下基于信任模型的数字版权管理(DRM)模型,提出一种P2P网络下基于友元节点的DRM模型。

    This paper improves the Digital Rights Management ( DRM ) model which based on the trust model in P2P networks , puts forward a DRM model based on friend peer in P2P networks .

  29. 数字版权管理(DRM)是知识产权保护的一个重要研究方向,而移动代理是用于数字版权管理的主要技术。

    Digital Rights Management ( DRM ) is one of the important research directions in intellectual property protection , and mobile agent is the main technique used in digital rights management .

  30. 数字版权管理(DRM)是数字信息产生和传播快速增长的需要,也是电子商务数字内容交易市场发展的一个关键问题。

    Digital Rights Management ( DRM ) is the fast-growing needs of the digital information production and dissemination , but also fore-commerce development of the digital content market is a key issue .