
A session identifier ( SID ) is a unique string of random data ( typically consisting of numbers and characters ) that is generated by a Web application and propagated to the client , usually through the means of a cookie .
Names can contain letters , numbers , and other characters .
Passwords that don 't have a mix of lowercase and uppercase letters , numerals , and special characters ?
The class name can contain any combination of letters and numbers , as well as the underscore character , but cannot begin with a number .
Given today 's global economy , many programs must let each user select the language to be displayed and other culture-specific information ( such as number formatting and character encoding ) .
The first element of simplicity found in Twitter is the amount of information you are able to enter as data , which is limited to140 alphanumeric characters .
Researchers usually put together with the number and character study , it is because there is no essential difference between the two object .
Making sure your password is of a certain length ( eight or more characters ) and contains uppercase letters , numbers , and special characters & like !
Technically speaking , a regular expression is a string ( that is , a sequence of characters composed of letters , numbers , and symbols ) that represents a pattern defining zero or more strings .
Finally integrating these coding functions , and ultimately gets to code combining characters including characters , numbers and Chinese characters using in online laser coding , while at the same time , achieves the dot matrix coding algorithms at any angle in any location .
Through digital image recognition algorithm running , the system can automatically and quickly and accurately identify the various characters on the license plate symbols , including numbers , letters and Chinese characters , and by the embedded device or a computer terminal , directly give the result of recognition .