
  • 网络education incentive
  1. 思想教育激励在解决企业人才流失问题中的运用研究

    Research on the Application of the Ideological Education Motivation in Resolving Employee Turnover in Enterprises

  2. 第三章分析了美国中小学教师在职教育激励机制的成因,并讨论了其实施的效果和存在的问题;

    Part Three analyses the causes of its formation and discusses its result and problems ;

  3. 我国企业思想政治教育激励理论与实践研究

    Research On the Chinese Motivation Theory and Practice In the Ideological and Political Education In Enterprise

  4. 论教师的教育激励

    Discuss the teachers ' educational encouragement

  5. 关于建立教育激励机制的探讨

    Establish An Excitation Mechanism in Education

  6. 关于教育激励问题的探讨

    A Probe into Educational Encouragement

  7. 20世纪80年代以来美国中小学教师在职教育激励机制研究&基于社会因素的分析

    A Study on Motivating System of in-service Teacher Education in Elementary and Secondary School in U.S.A from 1980 's

  8. 同时描述了激励在安全管理中的常用方式:工作激励、成果激励、批评激励以及培训教育激励。

    Motivation in safety management are common described as work motivation , reward motivation , criticize motivation and training education motivation .

  9. 教育激励有一定的方法和模式,作为教育者,应认真地领会和思考,从而因人、因事、因时、慎重地运用这些方法及模式,使青少年健康地成长。

    Educational encouragement has its definite ways and modes that educators should comprehend and apply to make the teenagers grow healthily .

  10. 并提出建立企业思想政治教育激励机制的新理念、新要求和新形式;

    To proposes the establishment enterprise ideological and political education motivation mechanism new idea , the new request and the new form ;

  11. 第二部分,抗震救灾中思想政治教育激励功能的内容、发挥的方法和途径。

    Section two : the content , means and ways about incentive function of the ideological and political education in earthquake relief .

  12. 对构建企业思想政治教育激励机制的有关问题进行了具体探讨和有益尝试。

    To construct the enterprise ideological and political education motivation mechanism the related question to carry on the concrete discussion and the beneficial attempt .

  13. 研究思想政治教育激励机制就是把思想政治教育激励过程中各要素之间的有机联系和运作方式作为研究对象。

    Study of incentive mechanism for ideological and political education is to research the organic links between its various elements and their certain operations in the process of incitement .

  14. 因此,从理论上概括大学生思想政治教育激励机制的内涵、特点、运行等问题,为大学生思想政治教育研究提供基本的分析框架。

    Therefore , study on the connotations , features and operations of incentive mechanism for undergraduate ideological and political education from the theory level will provide a certain analytical framework for the relevant research of this field .

  15. 本文从教育激励的含义、实施教育激励的意义入手,分析了影响教师实施教育激励的因素,教师如何正确地实施教育激励,以及教师在实施教育激励过程中应注意的问题。

    From the meaning of the educational encouragement and the significance of implementing it , this article analyzes the factors which affect its implementation , how to carry it out correctly and some issues that should be paid attention to .

  16. 本文从营造校园科技文化氛围、制定创新教育激励机制以及科技活动的开展等方面分析了高校应如何引导学生树立创新意识并努力培养学生的创新能力。

    From the aspects of cultivating the campus technology cultural atmosphere , formulating the stimulating mechanism of the original education and carrying on technoloty activities , this article analyzes how colleges and universities should guide students to establish their original consciousness and ability .

  17. 并分析了大学生思想政治教育激励的作用,从满足大学生的精神需求、调动大学生的积极性、培养大学生的竞争意识、形成良好的情感和坚定的意志以及提高大学生的素质等方面入手进行了分析。

    Moreover , the role in which it plays in college student 's ideological and political education is analyzed from these aspects : satisfying spiritual needs , bringing initiative into full play , cultivating sense of competition , developing good mood , strong will and enhancement of quality .

  18. 如何发挥劳模作用,教育激励更多的人以劳模为榜样,扎实工作,开拓进取,为实现全面小康社会、构建和谐社会做出更大的贡献,是摆在我们面前的重要课题。

    The great problems confronting us are how to give full play to model workers ' skills and set good examples to more people so that everyone can work hard with the pioneering and enterprising spirits for the accomplishment of the well-to-do society and the foundation of the harmonious society .

  19. 企业管理者教育与激励员工正确方法探讨

    Correct Method of the Business Director Educate and Inspire the Staff

  20. 行政道德对促进反腐倡廉建设具有导向、控制、调节、教育和激励等功能。

    Administration moral has the functions of lead , controlling and adjusting etc.

  21. 课程评价的唯一性是应试教育的激励机制。

    Single way of curriculum evaluation is the excitation mechanism of education for examination .

  22. 医生和专业治疗小组主要是提出建议、实施健康教育和激励。

    Physicians and professional teams are mainly giving advice and educating and giving empowerment .

  23. 真诚的赞美是世界上最有效的教育和激励方式。

    A sincere compliment is one of the most effective teaching and motivational methods in existence .

  24. 运用榜样教育来激励员工;

    Motivating employees by models ;

  25. 施坦威依靠在超过25个城市的销售人员教育和激励顾客。

    Steinway has depended on salesmen in more than 25 cities to educate and excite its customers .

  26. 教育游戏激励学习动机的因素分析与设计策略

    A Study on the Factors of Stimulating and Sustaining Students ' Learning-motivation in Educational Games and Motivational Design Strategies

  27. 把这具霸王龙骨架带去首都,可以教育并激励未来的几代人。

    Bringing the nation 's T-Rex to the nation 's capitals where it can educate and inspire future generations .

  28. 建立支持女孩教育的激励机制特别是女孩的中等教育催生了一系列的积极结果。

    Creating incentives to support girls ' education and , in particular , girls ' secondary education catalyzes a range of positive outcomes .

  29. 我们现在不是在提倡创意教育,激励老师们发挥创意以培养有创意的下一代吗?

    Now we are promoting pro-creativity teaching and encouraging our teachers to work ingeniously so as to bring up a young generation full of original ideas .

  30. 杂志的使命是教育,激励和告知零售商,设计师,工作室,安装者和制造者,成功地拓展业务。

    Window Fashion VISION magazine 's mission is to educate , inspire and inform retailers , designers , workrooms , installers and fabricators to successfully grow their businesses .